Project ALIGHT
ALIGHT is an EU-funded Smart Airport project, launched to develop a model of a sustainable airport of the future. The 17 project partners are working hard towards a vision of zero-emission aviation to be showcased at Copenhagen Airport, with fellow airports in Rome, Vilnius and Warsaw looking to replicate best practice solutions.
RSB will provide important guidance on the use of SAF in the project – ensuring that SAF that is compliant with RSB’s P&C is used – as well as expert advice and support throughout the project. As part of this project, RSB will also promote the role of airports in the growing SAF economy through the Sustainable Airports Platform.
Project details
Project dates: 2020-2024
Project funders: The ALIGHT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957824.
Project location: European Union
RSB project team lead: Blanca de Ulibarri
Project website:
Project aims
- To facilitate Copenhagen Airport as a Lighthouse Airport, showing the sustainable way towards zero emission airport operation.
- To facilitate the deployment of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), e-mobility, energy storage and waste heat recovery at Copenhagen Airport (Lighthouse airport), Rome Airport, Vilnius Airport (fellow airport) and the new Warsaw Airport.
- To secure knowledge transfer and tools supporting a smooth and efficient replication on a European scale.