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RSB SAF Policy Platform

The RSB SAF Policy Platform is a place for RSB’s members – from industry to civil society – to work together, discuss and provide recommendations on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) policy. We focus on how to implement and ensure sustainable practices within the growing coverage of legislation to regulate SAF production and use.

The RSB SAF Policy Platform is a place for cooperation, engagement and knowledge-exchange that will drive the emergence of a truly sustainable bio-based and circular economy based on the use of SAF.

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About the RSB SAF Policy Platform

RSB’s SAF Policy Platform is open to RSB members, who are invited to join the platform as part of the many benefits of RSB membership.

Why a policy platform?

To start the sustainable transition and achieve aviation industry decarbonisation goals, SAF production must be rapidly scaled-up to achieve the volumes and pricing needed to be competitive. As with other renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, this rapid scaling is possible, but a nurturing policy environment is key.

Many countries are already adopting or proposing mandates to increase SAF use – and it is vital that these policies have principles of social and environmental sustainability at their core.


The RSB SAF Policy Platform is a network for structured dialogue on SAF policies and sustainability questions, which unlocks the substantial knowledge and expertise of its members.

The Platform equips RSB members with high-quality materials and knowledge, grounded in the framework of the RSB Standard, to support work with global policymakers to embed stronger sustainability criteria into SAF policies at national, regional and global level.
Current activities include:

  • Assessment of global SAF policy and legislation.
  • Assessment of sustainability criteria for SAF legislation at national level.
  • Development of a communication strategy for policymakers.

RSB Approach

RSB’s multi-stakeholder membership community is here to support organisations — including industry, civil society, academia and government — to create a just and sustainable transition towards a net-zero carbon, circular and bio-based economy by:

  • Developing new knowledge and solutions
  • Sharing wisdom in a pre-competitive space
  • Shaping revisions to the standard and certification system

All RSB platforms and working groups are conducted in-line with our anti-trust policy and follow an established anti-trust procedure to ensure that our work is in line with best practice in competition law.

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Key people

Carolina Grassi

Business Development & Innovations Manager

Carolina is RSB’s Business Development & Innovations Manager. A biologist with a PhD in genetics and an MBA in Business Management, Carolina has dedicated her professional career to helping to achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic growth by establishing a sustainable and low-carbon circular economy. She has spent much of her career working […]

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Hannah Walker

Deputy Executive Director

Hannah Walker is RSB’s Deputy Executive Director, supporting RSB’s Executive Director and its growing team. She is also responsible for all outreach and engagement activities at the RSB, where she oversees the development of RSB’s membership community, the creation of events throughout the year and the roll out of RSB’s communication and marketing activities. Prior […]

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