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RSB Document Library


RSB’s library is a repository of all documents relating to membership, certification, our sustainability framework, standards and procedures, and other general RSB publications.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us at [email protected].

(STD 01-001) RSB Principles & Criteria

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-01-001
  • Version: 4
  • Date: November 2023
The RSB Principles & Criteria is the core document of the RSB sustainability framework sets out the general requirements for operations producing, converting and processing biomass, advanced fuels, products and biomaterials. This standard applies to all operators taking part in the RSB certification system as individual or groups of economic operators (e.g. a group of farmers), with the exception of traders who are not involved in the production, processing or transformation of biomass or any of its derivatives.

(STD 01-010) RSB Standard for Advanced Fuels

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-01-010
  • Version: 2.6
  • Date: December 2023
The RSB Standard for Advanced Fuels describes the requirements for the production of advanced fuels, including: • Fuels from biogenic end-of-life products and production residues • Recycled carbon fuels from non-biogenic end-of-life products and production residues • Renewable liquid and gaseous fuels of non-biological origin • Power to X technologies This standard is applicable to fuel producers, traders, processors and transporters in any region of the world – excluding the EU (if you are within the EU or seeking to trade with it, please use our RSB EU RED Fuel Standard).

(STD 02-001) RSB Standard for Advanced Products

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-02-001
  • Version: 2
  • Date: December 2018
This RSB Standard for Advanced Products enables producers of non-energy use products and their intermediates to demonstrate sustainable practices throughout their supply chain. Advanced Products can come in different forms. The following product categories are covered by this standard: • Category I: Products that are bio-based. These products are derived from biomass and have a share of bio-based content not less than 25% present in the product; • Category II: Products produced from non-biogenic end-of-life products or production residues; • Category III: Products produced in a production system that processes bio-based feedstock or non-bio-based end-of-life products or production residues in combination with virgin fossil feedstock and that ensures that at least 25% of the virgin fossil feedstock needed to produce the certified product batch are replaced by alternative feedstock (bio-based feedstock or non-bio-based end-of-life products, by-products or residues).

(STD 03-002) RSB Standard for Certification of Smallholder Groups

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-03-002
  • Version: 1.1
  • Date: April 2015
RSB’s Standard for Certification of Smallholder Groups specifies the RSB requirements for the certification of smallholder groups. Group certification is a mean to enable small-scale farmers (smallholders) to access RSB certification. For individual smallholders, third-party certification is not always an economically viable option. The basic understanding of group certification is that a group of farmers joins together to generate the necessary economies of scale to comply with the standard and system requirements. An appointed management unit will take over the responsibility of managing the certification process and putting the necessary systems in place to ensure the compliance of the individual group members under certification to the respective standard requirements.

(STD 11-001-01-010) RSB EU RED Standard for Advanced Fuels

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-11-001-01-010
  • Version: 2.2
  • Date: December 2023
The RSB EU RED Standard for Advanced Fuels aims to ensure that the use of waste and residues for biofuel production is appropriately addressed within the RSB certification system, by ensuring that negative environmental, social and economic impacts related to their use are minimised and that the requirements upon participating operators are appropriate. An additional intent is that waste and residues are verified back to their origin, as per EC Communication Ares(2014)3359578 from 10/10/2014.

(STD 12-001) RSB Standard for ICAO CORSIA

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-12-001
  • Version: 1.3
  • Date: February 2023
This Standard specifies requirements for operators along the supply chain to produce SAF that is eligible under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), and complies with RSB’s sustainability requirements – thus allowing aviation leaders to make powerful claims on GHG reductions and other important sustainability aspects such as food security, environmental protection and human rights.

(STD 13-001) RSB Japan FIT Standard

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-13-001
  • Version: 2
  • Date: August 2024
This standard specifies requirements for operators producing, procuring and importing biomass into Japan under Japan’s Feed in Tariff (FIT) system. FIT sets out a system of incentives for the production of renewable electricity in Japan which includes subsidies for the procurement of biomass which includes vegetable oils as well as various agricultural and industrial residues and end-of-life products.

01-003-01 RSB GHG Calculation Methodology

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-01-003-01
  • Version: 2.3
  • Date: August 2017
RSB’s GHG Calculation Methodology is intended to define the GHG calculation methodology to be used by participating operators in the RSB certification scheme when calculating GHG emissions for the scope of their operations. This standard describes the methodology for calculating GHG emissions as embedded in the RSB Greenhouse Gas Calculator Tool. Furthermore, the intent of this standard is to ensure that all operators participating in the RSB certification systems use the same, standardised methodology to calculate GHG emissions

01-003-02 RSB Fossil Fuel Baseline Calculation Methodology

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-01-003-02
  • Version: 2.1
  • Date: May 2011
RSB’s Fossil Fuel Baseline Calculation Methodology is intended to encompass the calculation of the fossil fuel baseline for gasoline, diesel and jey kerosene. The fossil fuel baseline contained in this document is to be used by RSB Participating Operators when demonstrating compliance with Principle 3 on GHG Emissions.

04-001 RSB Low ILUC Risk Biomass Criteria and Compliance Indicators

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-04-001
  • Version: 0.3
  • Date: June 2015
RSB Low ILUC Risk Biomass Criteria and Compliance Indicators are voluntary addition for operators looking to demonstrate that their operations have a low iLUC risk, i.e. are unlikely to cause any displacement of an equivalent biomass production to another location. The RSB Criteria and Compliance Indicators for low iLUC risk biomass and biofuels are based on the Low Indirect Impact Biofuels (LIIB) Methodology and were developed in collaboration with Ecofys.

11-001-20-001 RSB EU RED Procedure for Traceability (Chain of Custody)

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-11-001-20-001
  • Version: 3.8
  • Date: December 2023
RSB’s EU RED Procedure for Traceability aims to ensure that Participating Operators put in place a robust and transparent chain of custody system that provides traceability for the RSB EU RED and/or EU RED Certified Material (e.g. biomass, chemical intermediaries, biofuel, etc.) acquired from and/or delivered to other operators in the supply chain. This standard also aims to ensure that sustainability claims based on compliance with RSB standards only accompany material that is acquired, handled, and forwarded by RSB certified operators according to the requirements included in this standard.

15-001 RSB Procedure for Development and Modification of RSB Standards, RSB Procedures and RSB Guidance

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-15-001
  • Version: 3.3
  • Date: November 2022
The RSB Procedure for Development and Modification of RSB Standards, RSB Procedures and RSB Guidance describes how RSB Standards, RSB Procedures and RSB Guidance are developed and modified. The process outlined in this document is intended to be open and transparent in compliance with the ISEAL (International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labeling) Code of Good Practice for Setting Social and Environmental Standards.

20-001 RSB Procedure for Traceability (Chain of Custody)

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-20-001
  • Version: 3.2
  • Date: May 2020
RSB’s Procedure for Traceability aims to ensure that Participating Operators put in place a robust and transparent chain of custody system that provides traceability for the RSB Certified Material acquired from and/or delivered to other operators in the supply chain.

20-001-001 RSB Book and Claim Manual

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-20-001-001
  • Version: 3.0
  • Date: March 2023
This procedure describes the principles and rules of the RSB Book & Claim System, which consists of the RSB Book & Claim Manual and the RSB Registry (and network of recognised registries).

20-001-002 Procedure for Registry Book & Claim Recognition

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-20-001-002
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: March 2024
The RSB Book & Claim Recognition Procedure describes the requirements and the process that an independent book and claim registry operator must fulfil to demonstrate compliance with principles outlined in the RSB Book & Claim Manual.

2020-01 Advanced Products Category III fossil feedstock substitution

  • Reference code: PG-2020-01
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: January 2020

30-001 RSB Procedure for Participating Operators

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-30-001
  • Version: 3.4
  • Date: December 2023
The RSB Standard for Participating Operators sets out the conditions operators shall meet when taking part in RSB certification systems. Operators taking part in RSB certification systems are referred to as ‘Participating Operators’ (POs). POs have control over, and take full responsibility for, all operations, processes, activities and sites in connection with putting RSB standards in place at all times. This standard also describes the role of the RSB Secretariat.

45-001 RSB Procedure for Risk Management

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-45-001
  • Version: 1.2
  • Date: December 2023
This procedure describes a risk management system based on the international standard ISO 31000 (Risk management – Principles and guidelines).

50-001 RSB Procedure for Communication and Claims

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-50-001
  • Version: 3.6
  • Date: July 2024
RSB’s Procedure on Communications and Claims sets out the requirements Participating Operators must meet when using the RSB trademarks (e.g. RSB name, RSB logo, RSB Strapline, RSB on-product label) and compliance claims in association with certified products (“product-related claims”), as well as in general communication.

60-001 RSB Procedure for Risk Management

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-60-001
  • Version: 3.3
  • Date: May 2021
RSB’s Procedure for Risk Management aims to make sure that Participating Operators identify, evaluate, mitigate and monitor the risk(s) related to their operations while putting in place RSB standards and procedures.

65 RSB Grievance Procedure

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-65
  • Version: 3.2
  • Date: December 2023
RSB’s Grievance Procedure ensures that grievances against the implementation of RSB policies and procedures, recognised certification bodies, their certification decisions, and RSB members are handled in a timely, comprehensive, consistent, transparent, and effective manner.

70-001 RSB Procedure for Certification Bodies and Auditors

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-70-001
  • Version: 4.1
  • Date: December 2023
The RSB Procedure for Certification Bodies (CBs) and Auditors ensures that RSB CBs carry out evaluations and certification of operators against the RSB Standard in a stringent, efficient, impartial, consistent, comprehensive and transparent way. This procedure is based on the requirements of the international standards ISO/IEC 17065, ISO 19011, ISAE 3000 as well as the ISEAL Assurance Code.

75-001 RSB Procedure for Accreditation Bodies

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-75-001
  • Version: 3.1
  • Date: February 2018
RSB’s Procedure for Accreditation Bodies ensures that accreditation bodies operating schemes for the accreditation of certification bodies take into account the specific features and requirements of the RSB standards and RSB certification systems and operate in a consistent, reliable and credible manner thereby facilitating their acceptance on a national and international basis.

GUI-01-002-01 RSB Impact Assessment Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-002-01
  • Version: 3
  • Date: August 2017
Principle 2 (and its criteria and minimum requirements) of the RSB Principles & Criteria requires participating operators (POs) to complete a process called the RSB Impact Assessment. This document describes the process that should be followed, to give direction and guidance to POs and auditors. In many instances the PO may already have completed a government-regulated process, and the RSB standard requires that this process is streamlined and integrated with the RSB Impact Assessment.

GUI-01-002-02 RSB Screening Tool

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-002-02
  • Version: 3.0
  • Date: August 2021
The RSB Screening Tool is an interactive exercise intended to help operators seeking certification to identify: a) the social and environmental aspects relevant to their operations which will need to be more closely monitored, and b) when a more detailed study or assessment of a particular aspect of the standard is required.

GUI-01-005-01 RSB Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-005-01
  • Version: 3
  • Date: January 2018
The RSB Social Impact Assessment Guidelines are designed to help the operator understand the RSB social impact assessment (SIA) process. The guidelines should be read together with the RSB Impact Assessment Guidelines (RSB-GUI-01-002-01) which provide a roadmap of the various processes required to complete the RSB impact assessment process and stakeholder engagement process, the latter being central to the completion of the SIA.

GUI-01-005-02 Rural and Social Development Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-005-02
  • Version: 3
  • Date: January 2018
RSB’s Rural and Social Development Guidelines provide guidance on how to improve the socio-economic conditions of a given area. However, it is important to note that each context is different, and each case has specific challenges and opportunities for which local stakeholder input is essential. For this reason, the RSB encourages operators to work with affected communities and vulnerable households to find the best ways to improve their lives.

GUI-01-006-01 Food Security Assessment Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-006-01
  • Version: 3
  • Date: January 2018
RSB’s Food Security Assessment Guidelines provide guidance on measuring food security and conducting a food security impact assessment (FSIA). The FSIA should provide information on the status of, and the impact of the operation on, food security in the locality. The assessment should also provide guidance to operators on the most relevant measures they can employ to mitigate any negative impacts and enhance the food security of directly affected stakeholders.

GUI-01-007-01 Conservation Impact Assessment Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-007-01
  • Version: 3
  • Date: January 2018
RSB’s Conservation Impact Assessment Guidelines help operators to conduct a conservation impact assessment by evaluating potential impacts of operations on conservation values. They describe key aspects to be investigated during the planning of new projects or ongoing activities in order to identify the potential impact of operations on conservation values (including the use of invasive species) and suggest good practices to minimise such impacts.

GUI-01-008-01 Soil Impact Assessment Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-008-01
  • Version: 3
  • Date: January 2018
RSB’s Soil Impact Assessment Guidelines help operators to conduct a soil impact assessment by evaluating potential impacts of operations on local soils. They describe key aspects to be investigated during the planning of new projects or ongoing activities, in order to identify potential impacts operations may cause to soil health and, if relevant, good practices to minimise such impacts to an acceptable level.

GUI-01-008-02 RSB Certification Protocol and Guidance for Harvesting Corn Stover as a Feedstock for Biofuels or Bio-products

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-008-02
  • Version: 1
  • Date: November 2017
RSB’s Certification Protocol and Guidance for Harvesting Corn Stover as a Feedstock for Biofuels or Bioproducts provides decision makers information regarding the practices and the metrics that should be followed by farmers and auditors to ensure that any removal of corn stover for cellulosic biofuel or bioproduct production is done in a way that complies with the RSB Principles & Criteria

GUI-01-009-01 RSB Water Impact Assessment Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-009-01
  • Version: 3
  • Date: January 2018
RSB’s Water Impact Assessment Guidelines help operators to conduct a water impact assessment by evaluating potential impacts of operations on water resources. They describe key aspects to be investigated during planning of new projects or ongoing activities in order to identify potential impacts operations may have on water (including the use of invasive species) and good practices to minimise such impacts.

GUI-01-012-01 Land Rights Guidelines

  • Reference code: RSB-GUI-01-012-01
  • Version: 3
  • Date: January 2018
RSB’s Land Rights Guidelines help operators identify existing rights to land (formal and informal) in the area of proposed operations, and to identify potential risks to the operation and impacts to rights-holders. They are also designed to help operators negotiate with rights-holders and users in line with their right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), both in land acquisition and for resolving disputes over land in both proposed and existing operations, in order to help operators avoid and resolve such disputes. The guidelines are intended to guide the operator to apply good practice, minimise risks, respect rights and avoid disputes in relation to land. These guidelines may also be used by the auditor to gain a better understanding of key aspects to be considered during certification process.

GUI-2014-01 Guidance on Screening Tool 4b Question 6

  • Reference code: RG-2014-01
  • Date: January 2014

GUI-2015-01-Updated Guidance on Palm Glycerin

GUI-2016-02 Guidance on Forestry Processing Residues

GUI-2018-01 RSB Guidance for RSB-STD-11-001-01-010 clause H.1.2.5 on “Mutual recognition in the context of waste / residues derived biofuels under the EU RED”

GUI-2019-01 Reactive Guidance on Implementation of Principle 4, Criterion 4e, Minimum requirements

GUI-2019-02 Guidance on Claims for Non-GMO Use in Cultivation

GUI-2019-06 Guidance for Advanced Product Claims

GUI-2019-07 Guidance on RSB Accreditation Scope

GUI-2020-01 Reactive Guidance on EU RED Claims: Outsourcing industrial processes to operators not included in the RSB EU RED certification scope

GUI-2020-02 Reactive Guidance on RSB-PRO-70-001: audit schedule changes due to conditions beyond the control of POs and CBs

  • Reference code: RG-2020-02
  • Version: 2.2
  • Date: June 2020

GUI-2020-03 Reactive Guidance on the certification of first collectors using end-of-life plastic

  • Reference code: RG-2020-03
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: March 2020

GUI-2020-04 Reactive Guidance on achieving the GHG emission reduction threshold under the RSB Standard for Advanced Products

  • Reference code: RG-2020-04
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: April 2020

GUI-2020-05 RSB Reactive Guidance on Implementation of the RSB Japan FIT Standard

  • Reference code: RG-2020-05
  • Version: 3.0
  • Date: March 2021

GUI-2020-06 Reactive Guidance on the Risk Assessment Tool

  • Reference code: RG-2020-06
  • Date: August 2020

GUI-2021-1 RSB Guidance on Requirements to certify CORSIA eligible fuel

  • Reference code: PG-2021-1
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: February 2021

GUI-2024-06 Reactive Guidance on RSB Standard for advanced fuels: Flexible Attribution for Fuel Operators

GUI-2024-07 RSB Proactive Guidance on the Roll Out of New RSB Logos and Labels

  • Reference code: PG-2022-07
  • Date: July 2024

PG-2019-01 Implementation of Principles 4 and 12

PG-2020-03 Mechanical Operator List

  • Reference code: PG-2020-03
  • Date: July 2020

PG-2020-05 Mechanical Operator GHG Exemption

  • Reference code: PG-2020-05

PG-2021-02 Certification of Group of Points of Origin under RSB Japan FIT certification scope

  • Reference code: PG-2021-02
  • Date: February 2021

PRO-01-001 RSB Phase-in Procedure

  • Reference code: RSB-PRO-01-001
  • Version: 1
  • Date: June 2014
“The RSB Phase-In Procedure describes how and when RSB participating operators, certification bodies and accreditation body shall put in place RSB new standards/procedures and/or new versions of existing RSB standards/procedures. For any new document, a phase-in period is allowed in order to minimise the disruption of certification and accreditation processes.”

RG-2017-02-Surveillance Audit

RG-2017-06 Forwarding Material

RG-2022-09 Transfer of RSB Certificates

  • Reference code: RG-2022-01
  • Version: 1.1
  • Date: September 2022

RSB List of Documents

  • Reference code: RSB-DOC-10-001
  • Date: May 2021
List of RSB Documents & References

RSB Methodology for Displacement Effects (Voluntary Add-On)

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-04-002
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: December 2018
Displacement emissions are indirect emissions from producing a replacement feedstock when an economically valuable feedstock is removed from the market. This Standard describes the methodology to estimate displacement emission risk level.

RSB Principles and Criteria: 2022 Revisions

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-01-001
  • Version: 3.1
  • Date: December 2022
This document lists all revisions to the RSB Principles & Criteria (RSB-STD-01-001), approved during the 2022 Assembly of Delegates. The revisions will be piloted during 2023, with feedback gathered during the pilot process to enable further clarifications.

RSB Standard Amendment – RSB requirements for woody biomass

  • Reference code: RSB-SA-01
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: December 2021
This RSB Standard Amendment has been developed with the aim to review and clarify the approach of the RSB towards woody biomass, related to adequate sustainability requirements (RSB Principles & Criteria) as well as the calculation of Greenhouse Gas emissions. The RSB certification system is a risk-based system which means that several tools and mechanisms are available to en-sure that the focus of the implementation and auditing is set at areas that matter most in a specific context (for example: RSB Screening Tool, RSB Approach for Waste and Residues reflected in the RSB Standards for Advanced Fuels and Advanced Products) while removing barriers to certification for low-risk feedstocks.

RSB Standards Workplan 2019-2020

  • Date: January 2019
RSB’s Standards Workplan covers all planned work to the RSB Standards during 2019-2020

RSB Standards Workplan 2021-2022

  • Date: January 2021
RSB’s Standards Workplan covers all planned work to the RSB Standards during 2021-2022

RSB Standards Workplan 2023

  • Date: February 2023
RSB’s Standards Workplan covers all planned work to the RSB Standards during 2023.

RSB Standards Workplan 2024

  • Date: October 2023
RSB’s Standards Workplan covers all planned work to the RSB Standards during 2024.

STD 01-002 RSB Glossary of Terms

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-01-002
  • Version: 1.5
  • Date: December 2023
The RSB Glossary of Terms provides definitions for all relevant terminology within the RSB system.

STD 03-001 RSB Principles & Criteria for Smallholder Groups

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-03-001
  • Version: 1
  • Date: October 2014
The RSB Principles and Criteria for Smallholder Groups presents the RSB Principles, Criteria and Requirements for the production of biomass feedstock by smallholders and for micro and small‐scale feedstock processing and biomass production. The RSB Principles, Criteria and Requirements are derived from the RSB P&C version 2.0.

STD 11-001 RSB Standard for EU Market Access

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-11-001
  • Version: 5.1
  • Date: March 2024
The objective of RSB’s Standard for EU Market Access [RSB-STD-11-001], is to guarantee compliance of the RSB EU RED certification system with the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids, in order to ensure recognition of the RSB EU RED certification system by the EU as proof of compliance of biofuels and bioliquids with the EU sustainability criteria as defined in Directive 2018/2001/EU on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (EU RED) and in the Fuel Quality Directive (2009/30/EC). This version 4.0 of the standard takes into account all changes in this regulatory context as laid down in European Union’s Directive 2015/1513 and 2018/2001.

STD 15-001 RSB Standard for Adaptation to Crop Specific Conditions

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-15-001
  • Version: 2.1
  • Date: March 2011
“The RSB Standard for Adapatation to Crop Specific Conditions ensures that the RSB Principles & Criteria (and corresponding indicators) can be adapted to the political, legal, customary and/or technical social, environmental, cultural, ethical and/or economic conditions specific to the cultivation of a determined crop. ”

STD 15-002 RSB Standard for Adaptation to Geographic Conditions

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-15-002
  • Version: 2.1
  • Date: March 2011
The RSB Standard for Adapatation to Geographic Conditions ensures that the RSB Principles & Criteria (and corresponding indicators) can be adapted to the political, legal, customary and/or technical social, environmental, cultural, ethical and/or economic conditions in a particular geographic regions.

STD 15-003 RSB Standard for Adaptation to Biomass Production Standards

  • Reference code: RSB-STD-15-003
  • Version: 2.1
  • Date: March 2011
The RSB Standard for Adapatation to Biomass Production Standards ensures that RSB Principles, RSB Criteria and RSB Indicators can be adapted to integrate existing biomass production standards in the scope of certification of conformance with RSB Principles & Criteria. To this end the standard defines the requirements for the analysis of gaps between RSB Principles & Criteria and existing biomass production standards, for the development of RSB Interface Standards where necessary and for the process from application to decision on approval by RSB.
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