Acest modul nu a fost testat cu ultimele 3 versiuni importante ale WordPress. S-ar putea să nu mai fie întreținut sau susținut și ar putea avea probleme de compatibilitate când este folosit cu versiuni recente ale WordPress.

List Pages Shortcode


Introduces the [list-pages], [sibling-pages] and [child-pages] shortcodes for easily displaying a list of pages within a post or page. Both shortcodes accept all parameters that you can pass to the wp_list_pages() function with the addition of a class parameter.

Example Usage

List pages sorted by title

[list-pages sort_column="post_title"]

List pages but exclude certain IDs and set the class of the list to „my-page-list”

[list-pages exclude="17,38" class="my-page-list"]

Show excerpt (for pages excerpt support will need adding manually or via the Page Excerpt plugin)

[list-pages excerpt="1"]

List the current page’s children, but only show the top level

[child-pages depth="1"]

List the current page’s siblings and their subpages

[sibling-pages depth="2"]

Default Arguments

The default values are the same as for the wp_list_pages() function except for title_li which defaults to nothing. If a class is not specified, a default class of either „list-pages”, „sibling-pages” or „child-pages” is given to the UL tag. In addition, the echo parameter has no effect.

In addition to the wp_list_pages() arguments, you can also specify:

  • list_type (string) List tag. Defaults to <ul>.
  • exclude_current_page (int) Exclude the current page. Defaults to 0.
  • excerpt (int) Show the page excerpt. Defaults to 0.


  1. Download and unzip the most recent version of this plugin
  2. Upload the list-pages-shortcode folder to /path-to-wordpress/wp-content/plugins/
  3. Login to your WP Admin panel, click Plugins, and activate „List Pages Shortcode”

Întrebări frecvente

How do I include a page excerpt?

Firstly you will need to add support for excerpt for your pages. You can either you this by using the add_post_type_support() function or using a plugin like Page Excerpt.

You can also use the ‘list_pages_shortcode_excerpt’ filter to return or customize the excerpt for specific pages. The following example:

You can then include the excerpt via your shortcode.
[list-pages excerpt=”1″]


22 iulie 2022
Extension installée, très pratique, sur des petits sites pour améliorer la navigation
6 octombrie 2019
Your plugin is working well. Ande I see that you are still supporting this, as you answered someones support question just a few weeks ago. I am using your Version 1.7.4, with WordPress 5.2.3 But you might like to know that some users might be warned about it, like this: Wordfence found the following new issues on „my website” Alert generated at Saturday 5th of October 2019 at 07:54:45 PM Medium Severity Problems: * The Plugin „List Pages Shortcode” appears to be abandoned (updated 28 March 2017, tested to WP 4.4.19).
3 septembrie 2016
Using Webaware’s List Pages on several PHP.x web sites. Support for a broken update was excellent with a very rapid resolution. Very much appreciated because we use the code in many places.
3 septembrie 2016
simply works. if one is not really dependent on posts and more on pages.this plugin does the job
Citește toate cele 14 recenzii

Contributori și dezvoltatori

„List Pages Shortcode” este un software open-source. La acest modul au contribuit următoarele persoane.


Istoric modificări

= 1.7.7=

  • Fix sort order validation to allow for multiple sort columns.


  • Security Update: Validate all shortcode attributes and escape output.


  • Security Update: Sanitize HTML attributes before outputting.


  • Fix fatal error: validate_list_type() needs to be public!


  • Use PHP7 constructors.
  • Validate list type and convert <li> tags if not <ul> list type.
  • Checked WordPress 4.4.2 compatibility.


  • Add short code arguments to the shortcode_list_pages_before/after actions.
  • Checked WordPress 4.2 compatibility.


  • When no list type specified don’t wrap in list tags.
  • Update List_Pages_Shortcode_Walker_Page class with changes made to the WordPress Walker_Page class.
  • Checked WordPress 3.9 compatibility.


  • Add ‘list-pages-shortcode’ class to all lists.


  • Add default arg values to start_el() Walker method. Props eceleste.
  • Added shortcode_list_pages_before action.
  • Added shortcode_list_pages_after action.
  • Added list_pages_shortcode_item filter.
  • Allow specifying of post_type.


  • Added support for showing excerpt [list-pages excerpt="1"].
  • Allow filtering of excerpt output using ‘list_pages_shortcode_excerpt’ filter.
  • Added support for outputting as ordered list [list-pages list_type="ol"].
  • Allow HTML in ‘title_li’ attribute.


  • Added support for ‘post_status’.


  • Added ‘shortcode_list_pages_attributes’ filter. Useful if you need to tweak any attributes based on context or current post type.
  • Allow ‘child_of’ to be overridden by shortcode parameter.


  • Added shortcode support for ‘exclude_current_page’ parameter.
  • Added support for extra wp_list_pages() parameters: include, sort_order, meta_key, meta_value and offset.


  • Added ‘shortcode_list_pages’ filter.
  • Added [sibling-pages] shortcode.


  • First release.