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Detect Credit Misuse and Mitigate Risk

Gain insight into high-risk consumers from across the credit spectrum.
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LexisNexis® RiskView™ Credit Misuse


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Preventing credit misuse has been extremely challenging — until now.

Stop high risk applicants who may fall between the cracks of fraud and credit controls

As organizations look to grow their lending portfolios, they need new approaches to help defend against evolving risks.

Credit Misuse, sometimes referred to as first-party fraud, is a growing category of financial losses stemming from applicants who may intend to misuse credit at your organization, yet utilize their real identities and prime or near-prime credit histories to breeze past identity proofing controls and meet credit criteria. 

LexisNexis® RiskView™ Credit Misuse combines traditional and alternative credit data to fill a gap at the point of application that allows these high-risk applicants to elude risk controls.

RiskView Credit Misuse equips you with the targeted insights you need to support more confident lending decisions:

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Improve credit abuse prediction capabilities

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Leverage near-real time visibility into an applicant's credit-seeking behaviors

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Take adverse action and avoid costly step-up remediation

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Increase portfolio performance by reducing open-to-boy for Credit Misuse account holders

Accelerate risk assessment with a unique view of consumer behavior

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Add critical layers of protection
Detect credit misuse applicants that can pass through traditional authentication controls

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Identify an extensive range of credit misuse threats
Prevent consumers who may intend to utilize their personal credit history to open accounts at your organization with no intention to repay

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Enhance risk management
Identify existing customers who show signs of credit misuse elsewhere in the market, prior to bust-out

An easy-to-integrate solution that helps prevent future credit abuse

RiskView Credit Misuse provides a three-digit credit risk score with reason codes that empower you to explain why suspicious applications are declined, or if approved, why they failed to qualify for the best interest rates.

Group working

Analyze for intent

Identify high-loss incidents before they can harm your organization, including first-payment defaults and bust-outs.
Person on iPad

FCRA-actionable assessments

Decline high-risk applicants and justify your lending decisions based on a risk score and provided reason codes.
Co-workers on iPad

Works with existing LexisNexis Risk Solutions products

Use with LexisNexis® RiskView™ Attributes or LexisNexis® RiskView™ Scores for added protection during risk assessment.

Featured Content

Reduce the credit misuse of credit

Learn more about how RiskView Credit Misuse can help identity applicants who may be seeking to abuse requested credit or services.
Man on phone

Be Prepared To Address Misuse of Credit

Learn how consumers are engaging in this type of first-party fraud, and what you can do about it. 

Make more confident lending decisions

Learn how RiskView Credit Misuse can help fill a critical gap in risk assessment.

Looking to enhance your credit risk management strategies?

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