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Hey all! I created my new AWS account yesterday and tried to set up AWS Control Tower, but this error message keeps popping up.
Things I already tried:
1. Checked my billing and payment details. eve...
I have submitted multiple SES Production Access and SES Sending Limit Increase requests over the past few weeks, yet every single one of them is automatically marked as “Resolved” without ANY response...
I'm having an issue with QuickSight, when trying to grant access to other services, and click on manage:
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IM1W7VxXt1SQKwdV8a8hEp8w)
I g...
The documentation here says I can use these functions to extra a value...
I am developing a Vue App using Vuetify 3. I have a Unity Web App which i want to run inside my app using Iframe.
I save the Unity files inside S3 Folder.
This may be an architectural design flaw, based in misunderstanding of how basepath mapping works.
Goal: To have multiple API endpoints with 3 levels of exposure: Public, Private, Vendor. Each of the...
package main
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I have around 10 EC instances dropping external connections for a few seconds at a time causing mini outages for the services I am running.
it has happened at least 6 times today 07/02/2025 and I hav...
After deleting a gateway from the IOT core, I am trying to redefine it with a 3rd party tool but it keeps failing to add it to the actual server with the message "Conflict Exception, *the name* alread...
As we're looking to scale we need to understand how sophisticated DNS firewall is currently to know if it's the right fit. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Today my security team manages a multi-account AWS environment. Recently we noticed unusual DNS queries being made from an EC2 instance in a VPC. After investigation, we discovered command-and-control...
Is it possible to retrieve table statistics when a serverless task has stopped and been deprovisioned? Specifically the start and stop times of the migration and the rows migrated per table. The stati...