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Questions tagged with AWS PartyRock
AWS PartyRock is a safe and secure AI mini-app generator, providing the fastest way to learn how to use generative AI by going hands-on to build fun and quirky applications using Foundation Models (FMs). Get building in minutes, no coding skills or credit card required.
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4 results
Regarding PartyRock Community Guidelines, how the statement `You may not use PartyRock if you are under the age of 18`, is applied in case of application sharing ?
Because the shared applic...
Regarding PartyRock [Community Guidelines](, how should be understanded the statement: `You may not use PartyRock if you are under the age of 18` ?
Regarding PartyRock [website](, when an application is shared, the website provide a link that can be shared with anybody whish to visit the application. Using this link...
I am trying to get a prompt for AWS PartyRock to give me relevant references and links of relevant AWS Prescriptive Guidance documents, guides and patterns for my text input prompt , but the p...