Articles tagged with Amazon Connect

easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide superior customer service at a lower cost

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5 results
This article addresses the issue of missing email notifications from Contact Lens rules in Amazon Connect instances with SAML authentication. It explains the underlying cause and provides steps to ens...
The intention of this documentation is to provide the building blocks to create critical CloudWatch alarms which are fit for onboarding to Incident Detection and Response. It contains specific alarm b...
profile pictureAWS
published 8 months ago2 votes1.6K views
Challenge: The Polly service expands abbreviated measurement values. There are many cases when 25g or 7l isn't intended to be grams or liters. Lets explore ways to work around the full form expansion!
profile pictureAWS
published a year ago0 votes1.8K views
This article provides guidance for customers using API-driven Amazon Connect implementations to integrate Customer Profiles with Amazon Connect Data.
How can I use the AWSSupport-CollectAmazonConnectContactFlowLog AWS Systems Manager automation runbook to collect Amazon Connect contact flow logs?
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