NOAA Institutional Repository FAQs

NOAA Institutional Repository FAQs

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What is the NOAA Institutional Repository?

NOAA's Institutional Repository (IR) is a digital space curated by the NOAA Libraries to collect and disseminate materials published by NOAA authors. It was created in response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Memorandum Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research and the subsequent NOAA-authored plan to increase access to scholarly research carried out with NOAA funding entitled NOAA Plan for Increasing Public Access to Research Results (PARR Plan). The NOAA Institutional Repository ensures that NOAA published research is preserved and made available for all present and future researchers, and allows for better assessment of the current and future impact of NOAA research.

Who should submit their publication to the repository?

All NOAA authors and grantees are required to submit their publications no later than one year after publication to the IR according to the NOAA Public Access Policy for Scholarly Publications (Public Access Policy). Grantees include those who receive funding via NOAA Cooperative Institutes or Science Centers or those who have received direct funding (grant or contract) from any NOAA Office.
As some NOAA offices are submitting on behalf of authors, please check with your program manager or supervisor to see if this situation applies to you. However, it is the responsibility of the author to ensure their publication is submitted to the NOAA IR.

What publications are required to be submitted into the repository?

NOAA authored publications with one or more NOAA authors (federal, contractor or cooperative) or NOAA funded publications. The following types of NOAA research publications are required to be submitted to the IR:
NOAA Series Publications:

  • NOAA publications include:
    • NOAA Technical Memorandum
    • NOAA Technical Reports
    • NOAA Atlases
    • NOAA Professional Papers
    • Other NOAA non-series publications. For more information on accepted types of non-series NOAA publications please see the Central Library's NOAA IR Document Policy.
  • Documents must be in their final form. Draft publications will not be accepted. All publications should be submitted in PDF format.
  • All NOAA Publications must be Section 508 Compliant (please see section about 508 Compliance) upon submission to the NOAA IR.

NOAA authored/funded journal articles:

  • Any peer-reviewed journal article with one or more authors employed by or who have received funding from NOAA must be submitted to the NOAA IR. All submissions should be published AFTER October 1, 2015.
  • Journal articles that are submitted must be the author's accepted manuscript; with the final edits, but before the publishers’ formatting (e.g., pagination, logos, etc.) has been added. These files will be made available 12 months after their publication date. Open Access articles will be accepted in their final published form and made available immediately.

Please note: NOAA authors or NOAA-funded authors whose manuscripts are deposited into the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed Central (PMC) do NOT need to submit the author manuscript separately to the NOAA Institutional Repository to be compliant with the NOAA Publications Policy. The NOAA IR will harvest all NOAA authored or funded materials from PMC annually.

Must submitted documents be Section 508 Compliant?

Section 508 requirements vary depending on the type of document you are trying to submit.

  • All NOAA publications must be Section 508 Compliant upon submission to the NOAA IR. Non-compliant documents will not be accepted.
  • Open Access journal articles will be accepted in their final published form.
  • Articles from journals that allow archiving of the publisher’s version will be accepted in their final form.
  • Journal article manuscripts will be made Section 508 Compliant by the NOAA Central Library staff.

Section 508 of the U.S. Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandates that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public.
NOTE: If a document in the NOAA IR is not accessible please contact us and we will provide an accessible version.

What is a post-refereed, pre-publication manuscript?

Sometimes referred to as a post-print or post-refereed, it is a draft of a manuscript after it has been peer reviewed but does not have publisher added content like pagination and logos. This is the version of the manuscript that we are looking for. Please see the following IR entries for some examples:

How do I submit my material?

There are multiple ways to submit publications to the NOAA IR: via the IR Submission Form (requires a email address); via an email to; or if your office utilizes RPTS, there is an option to submit directly to the NOAA IR from the system. You are able to submit batches of documents via the Submission Form or through email. If submitting a batch of documents please utilize our batch submission templates for Journal Article Batches and NOAA Publications Batches.

How do I include supporting materials or datasets with my publication?

When submitting a single file via the form, there is a field to provide the URL/DOI of a data set. For supplementary files that support the main document, you can either upload them in the form (up to 4 supplementary files plus the main document) or email them to noaa.repository@noaa.govwith a citation of the main document. For batch submissions, add the link in the column labeled "Supporting Documents URLs or Filenames (if applicable)".

If you have additional supporting materials for publications (i.e., appendices, slides, etc.) or if you would like to report funding information such as a grant number, we ask that you use the email method for submitting to the IR and include all materials as attachments. If your publication is already held in the NOAA IR, but you would like to add a supporting file, please include the file in an email to the noaa.repository@noaa.govaccount and include the main document’s URL in the repository for the corresponding document.

How do I submit my Biological Opinion?

The National Marine Fisheries Science Centers (NMFS), Office of Protected Resources Division (PRD) for the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 Biological Opinions post 2018 are to be submitted through the Environmental Consultation Organizer (ECO) system. ECO is authenticated by your Common Access Card (CAC) Card. Biological Opinion submissions require a DOI Request within ECO from the Review tab under Send DOI Task. Once your Consultation is completed the 508 Compliant PDF version of your document titled by the Consultation number is to be uploaded to the ESA Documents for NOAA Repository Google Drive. Metadata within ECO will be exported from the Summary tab under Export DOI Metadata. After inputting your metadata it is to be downloaded from the Download Metadata button in ECO. Upon completion your metadata will be available in an Excel file and you will copy and paste the row of metadata into the ECO Metadata sheet. Please note *do not make any changes to your metadata once it is inserted into the Google sheet*. From here the NOAA IR Team will process your submission.

How do I get a DOI for my publication?

The NOAA Central Library will automatically assign a DOI to all NOAA series publications issued after January 1, 2015. For more information about DOIs please contact the IR's service account

If you are submitting a document using NMFS' Environmental Consultation Organizer (ECO), you must also request a DOI through ECO and not through the DOI Request form, the exception being pre-2018 Biological Opinions noting ‘pre-2018 Biological Opinion’ in the series name and number field of the form. Journal article DOIs are assigned by the publisher not by the library. If an article has a DOI, it will be included in the record for that article in the IR.

How long before my submission is available in the repository?

Submissions will usually be available in the repository within 2 weeks of receipt. Journal articles under embargo will be available 6-12 months after publication. If you submit a list of publications for the IR staff to review, this can take anywhere between 1-4 weeks. Processing of OA articles can take up to 6 months, but will be counted towards PARR compliance for the Fiscal Year they were submitted in.

I would like to request a report of what my office has submitted to the IR. How do I do that?

To receive an IR Stakeholder Report, please submit a request via the IR Report Request Form. Reports are generated by combining the NOAA IR’s API data (available via JSON) with pre-existing CDC usage report data. Data is applied to return specific items from the NOAA IR. These data include: title, series statement (if applicable), publication date, DOI (if applicable), and the NOAA IR link. In addition to combining these data, the following information is included about each item: 1) how long an item has been archived in the IR (based on the date added); 2) the average number of downloads per month; and 3) the average number of page views per month.

Have more questions?

Contact the NOAA IR Team via with any other questions or concerns.

Version 3.27.1