Vuetify Version: 2.5.7
Vue Version: 2.6.12
Browsers: Edge 92.0.902.55
OS: Windows 10
Steps to reproduce
When navigating through the "v-slide-item" with tabs, the navigation arrows on the sides do not update and it makes it impossible to go back to previous items. The only way back is Shift + Tab, but we both know the average user won't understand. Just select the first item, tab until it moves to the next section.
Expected Behavior
The arrows should activate when I tab through the "v-slide-item"s.
Actual Behavior
The arrows don't activate when I tab through the "v-slide-item"s.
Reproduction Link
Other comments
I just input the last version because this doesn't work on the documentation website itself. As for Codepen I just saved the "#active-class" from your website.