Unchecked Null Dereference which might cause Null pointer exception #3490
In file InvocationContainerImpl.java line 87 answer(invocation)
method is called on the return value of findAnswerFor(invocation)
. The method findAnswerFor(invocation)
might return null
but no null check is performed on the returned value inside the answerTo
method which might cause null pointer exception. Here's the affected code snippet:
Object answerTo(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
return findAnswerFor(invocation).answer(invocation);
public StubbedInvocationMatcher findAnswerFor(Invocation invocation) {
synchronized (stubbed) {
for (StubbedInvocationMatcher s : stubbed) {
if (s.matches(invocation)) {
// TODO we should mark stubbed at the point of stubbing, not at the point where
// the stub is being used
invocation.markStubbed(new StubInfoImpl(s));
return s;
return null;
The static analysis was ran on version: v4.11.0
Sponsorship and Support
This work is done by the security researchers from OpenRefactory and is supported by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF): Project Alpha-Omega. Alpha-Omega is a project partnering with open source software project maintainers to systematically find new, as-yet-undiscovered vulnerabilities in open source code - and get them fixed - to improve global software supply chain security.
The bug is found by running the Intelligent Code Repair (iCR) tool by OpenRefactory and then manually triaging the results.