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perf: don't use grapheme-splitter on ASCII strings in key-spacing rule #17122

merged 3 commits into from
Apr 26, 2023


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Prerequisites checklist

What is the purpose of this pull request? (put an "X" next to an item)

[ ] Documentation update
[ ] Bug fix (template)
[ ] New rule (template)
[ ] Changes an existing rule (template)
[ ] Add autofix to a rule
[ ] Add a CLI option
[ ] Add something to the core
[x] Other, please explain:

Improves performance of the key-spacing rule when used with options that enforce alignment of keys/values.

What changes did you make? (Give an overview)

Similar to the logic we already have in the id-length rule, the key-spacing rule will now use grapheme-splitter only on non-ASCII strings. For ASCII strings, the length is simply String#length.

To test the change, I configured the rule to enforce alignments:

"key-spacing": ["error", { align: "colon" }]

and then ran npm run lint with TIMING=all on the eslint codebase.

Before the change
Rule Time (ms) Relative
indent 5803.389 17.7%
key-spacing 1624.221 4.9%
n/no-missing-require 1012.187 3.1%
jsdoc/valid-types 984.791 3.0%
n/no-extraneous-require 946.470 2.9%
jsdoc/check-access 939.912 2.9%
n/no-unpublished-require 765.049 2.3%
jsdoc/check-types 743.973 2.3%
jsdoc/check-tag-names 654.592 2.0%
eslint-plugin/no-identical-tests 581.670 1.8%
jsdoc/check-values 581.308 1.8%
jsdoc/check-property-names 549.333 1.7%
jsdoc/check-alignment 533.875 1.6%
jsdoc/check-line-alignment 525.408 1.6%
jsdoc/tag-lines 494.075 1.5%
jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description 489.275 1.5%
jsdoc/require-property-type 486.857 1.5%
jsdoc/empty-tags 483.745 1.5%
jsdoc/require-property-name 483.625 1.5%
jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix 482.618 1.5%
jsdoc/check-syntax 475.649 1.4%
jsdoc/require-property-description 472.485 1.4%
jsdoc/no-multi-asterisks 468.754 1.4%
jsdoc/newline-after-description 462.040 1.4%
jsdoc/require-property 459.579 1.4%
jsdoc/multiline-blocks 455.708 1.4%
max-len 413.761 1.3%
n/no-restricted-require 387.555 1.2%
comma-style 355.997 1.1%
n/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax 242.630 0.7%
no-loss-of-precision 232.619 0.7%
jsdoc/check-param-names 212.945 0.6%
jsdoc/require-param 184.566 0.6%
object-curly-newline 175.361 0.5%
comma-spacing 169.776 0.5%
no-trailing-spaces 169.392 0.5%
padding-line-between-statements 161.647 0.5%
n/no-deprecated-api 157.374 0.5%
no-dupe-keys 154.636 0.5%
keyword-spacing 154.257 0.5%
space-in-parens 153.011 0.5%
camelcase 147.187 0.4%
jsdoc/require-description 143.875 0.4%
object-shorthand 142.182 0.4%
comma-dangle 139.848 0.4%
quote-props 135.829 0.4%
jsdoc/require-returns 128.608 0.4%
jsdoc/require-throws 125.841 0.4%
n/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins 118.164 0.4%
object-curly-spacing 118.073 0.4%
function-paren-newline 115.019 0.4%
no-multi-spaces 114.802 0.3%
jsdoc/require-returns-check 114.239 0.3%
space-infix-ops 113.177 0.3%
internal-rules/multiline-comment-style 113.001 0.3%
no-unused-vars 110.005 0.3%
jsdoc/require-returns-type 104.511 0.3%
jsdoc/implements-on-classes 102.024 0.3%
no-regex-spaces 100.119 0.3%
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jsdoc/require-yields-check 98.910 0.3%
jsdoc/require-param-description 95.366 0.3%
func-call-spacing 95.156 0.3%
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jsdoc/require-returns-description 89.636 0.3%
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jsdoc/require-param-name 82.208 0.3%
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max-statements-per-line 74.123 0.2%
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no-unexpected-multiline 69.064 0.2%
grouped-accessor-pairs 69.051 0.2%
no-control-regex 68.506 0.2%
no-alert 66.034 0.2%
array-bracket-spacing 65.207 0.2%
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs 62.385 0.2%
no-misleading-character-class 61.431 0.2%
no-octal-escape 60.364 0.2%
spaced-comment 56.460 0.2%
n/no-unpublished-import 55.642 0.2%
n/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins 54.729 0.2%
object-property-newline 50.414 0.2%
no-tabs 50.116 0.2%
quotes 47.739 0.1%
new-cap 47.433 0.1%
consistent-return 46.872 0.1%
constructor-super 46.408 0.1%
function-call-argument-newline 44.560 0.1%
semi-style 43.715 0.1%
block-spacing 43.533 0.1%
no-unsafe-optional-chaining 42.200 0.1%
dot-location 41.877 0.1%
computed-property-spacing 41.696 0.1%
no-this-before-super 40.650 0.1%
no-nonoctal-decimal-escape 40.543 0.1%
no-multi-str 39.859 0.1%
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no-use-before-define 38.465 0.1%
jsdoc/require-jsdoc 37.888 0.1%
n/no-extraneous-import 37.265 0.1%
semi 36.943 0.1%
no-undef-init 36.581 0.1%
no-unreachable 36.558 0.1%
no-restricted-properties 36.009 0.1%
getter-return 35.564 0.1%
space-before-blocks 34.614 0.1%
n/no-path-concat 34.267 0.1%
no-extend-native 33.440 0.1%
no-invalid-this 32.815 0.1%
jsdoc/no-bad-blocks 32.685 0.1%
no-constant-binary-expression 32.357 0.1%
n/handle-callback-err 31.583 0.1%
eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair 29.676 0.1%
n/no-mixed-requires 29.603 0.1%
no-useless-backreference 29.560 0.1%
arrow-spacing 29.004 0.1%
no-useless-computed-key 27.592 0.1%
no-shadow 27.160 0.1%
no-constant-condition 27.069 0.1%
no-unreachable-loop 26.969 0.1%
array-callback-return 26.617 0.1%
eslint-plugin/fixer-return 26.471 0.1%
no-lone-blocks 26.400 0.1%
no-floating-decimal 25.997 0.1%
no-eval 25.933 0.1%
no-octal 25.752 0.1%
no-self-compare 25.597 0.1%
space-unary-ops 25.266 0.1%
no-setter-return 24.184 0.1%
space-before-function-paren 23.417 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-only-tests 23.257 0.1%
n/callback-return 22.994 0.1%
no-irregular-whitespace 22.712 0.1%
n/shebang 22.561 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-missing-message-ids 22.424 0.1%
n/no-unpublished-bin 21.857 0.1%
no-implied-eval 21.579 0.1%
no-unused-expressions 21.290 0.1%
no-const-assign 21.177 0.1%
no-dupe-else-if 20.836 0.1%
strict 20.458 0.1%
eslint-plugin/consistent-output 20.280 0.1%
no-prototype-builtins 20.129 0.1%
no-param-reassign 19.573 0.1%
prefer-promise-reject-errors 18.296 0.1%
prefer-const 18.164 0.1%
no-useless-call 18.132 0.1%
prefer-spread 18.130 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-missing-placeholders 17.843 0.1%
curly 17.461 0.1%
no-iterator 16.987 0.1%
no-shadow-restricted-names 16.728 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-unused-message-ids 16.562 0.1%
wrap-iife 15.990 0.0%
prefer-numeric-literals 15.577 0.0%
func-style 15.389 0.0%
dot-notation 14.964 0.0%
no-caller 14.413 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-includes 14.304 0.0%
prefer-arrow-callback 14.194 0.0%
no-extra-bind 14.140 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-set-has 13.951 0.0%
class-methods-use-this 13.725 0.0%
no-loop-func 13.601 0.0%
no-extra-boolean-cast 13.427 0.0%
no-unsafe-finally 13.364 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-message-ids 13.347 0.0%
eslint-plugin/test-case-property-ordering 12.801 0.0%
no-invalid-regexp 12.701 0.0%
arrow-body-style 12.471 0.0%
no-constructor-return 12.441 0.0%
use-isnan 12.263 0.0%
no-proto 11.984 0.0%
no-dupe-args 11.962 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable 11.473 0.0%
no-self-assign 11.401 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-schema 11.226 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-deprecated-context-methods 11.007 0.0%
template-curly-spacing 10.939 0.0%
no-return-assign 10.216 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-fixable 10.043 0.0%
no-inner-declarations 9.828 0.0%
no-array-constructor 9.656 0.0%
prefer-regex-literals 9.493 0.0%
no-global-assign 9.415 0.0%
no-sparse-arrays 9.383 0.0%
no-compare-neg-zero 9.307 0.0%
no-obj-calls 9.307 0.0%
no-func-assign 9.233 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-output-null 9.151 0.0%
no-undefined 8.991 0.0%
eslint-plugin/report-message-format 8.973 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-find 8.905 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-has-suggestions 8.784 0.0%
no-fallthrough 8.771 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-replace-text 8.722 0.0%
prefer-exponentiation-operator 8.715 0.0%
yoda 8.704 0.0%
n/no-exports-assign 8.503 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-useless-token-range 8.105 0.0%
require-unicode-regexp 7.865 0.0%
no-empty 7.820 0.0%
one-var-declaration-per-line 7.688 0.0%
eqeqeq 7.609 0.0%
eslint-comments/require-description 7.466 0.0%
default-param-last 7.313 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-docs-url 6.932 0.0%
generator-star-spacing 6.897 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-deprecated-report-api 6.811 0.0%
eslint-plugin/test-case-shorthand-strings 6.437 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-unused-placeholders 6.371 0.0%
prefer-rest-params 6.361 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-placeholders 6.245 0.0%
n/no-missing-import 5.843 0.0%
no-console 5.829 0.0%
no-unsafe-negation 5.826 0.0%
no-useless-concat 5.778 0.0%
no-else-return 5.277 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-object-rule 5.270 0.0%
no-new-object 5.200 0.0%
valid-typeof 5.071 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-docs-description 5.038 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-type 4.973 0.0%
require-yield 4.886 0.0%
no-cond-assign 4.828 0.0%
no-dupe-class-members 4.651 0.0%
no-var 4.586 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-some 4.554 0.0%
no-confusing-arrow 4.466 0.0%
arrow-parens 4.368 0.0%
eol-last 4.111 0.0%
new-parens 3.394 0.0%
radix 3.386 0.0%
internal-rules/no-invalid-meta 3.329 0.0%
no-duplicate-case 3.205 0.0%
switch-colon-spacing 3.050 0.0%
operator-assignment 3.040 0.0%
no-useless-rename 3.011 0.0%
sort-keys 2.986 0.0%
template-tag-spacing 2.985 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-string-starts-ends-with 2.915 0.0%
no-new-symbol 2.756 0.0%
yield-star-spacing 2.595 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-index-of 2.587 0.0%
no-extra-semi 2.585 0.0%
no-new-wrappers 2.568 0.0%
no-sequences 2.240 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-aggregating-enable 2.218 0.0%
symbol-description 2.108 0.0%
default-case 1.950 0.0%
no-restricted-syntax 1.926 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-string-slice 1.871 0.0%
no-unneeded-ternary 1.869 0.0%
no-empty-character-class 1.852 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-flat-map 1.835 0.0%
unicode-bom 1.829 0.0%
rest-spread-spacing 1.762 0.0%
no-new-func 1.754 0.0%
no-delete-var 1.724 0.0%
n/no-new-require 1.668 0.0%
for-direction 1.647 0.0%
no-undef 1.585 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-unused-enable 1.572 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-duplicate-disable 1.560 0.0%
no-empty-pattern 1.548 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-string-trim-start-end 1.474 0.0%
no-labels 1.438 0.0%
no-useless-constructor 1.253 0.0%
no-throw-literal 1.210 0.0%
no-ex-assign 1.184 0.0%
no-class-assign 1.139 0.0%
no-nested-ternary 1.095 0.0%
no-unused-labels 1.017 0.0%
no-case-declarations 1.009 0.0%
no-label-var 0.730 0.0%
no-new 0.682 0.0%
no-useless-catch 0.674 0.0%
default-case-last 0.615 0.0%
guard-for-in 0.615 0.0%
n/no-process-exit 0.578 0.0%
no-debugger 0.567 0.0%
no-import-assign 0.543 0.0%
no-async-promise-executor 0.506 0.0%
no-with 0.453 0.0%
n/process-exit-as-throw 0.345 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-unused-disable 0.265 0.0%
After the change
Rule Time (ms) Relative
indent 5576.342 17.5%
n/no-missing-require 1002.046 3.1%
jsdoc/valid-types 973.920 3.1%
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jsdoc/require-param 203.541 0.6%
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object-curly-newline 170.588 0.5%
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keyword-spacing 154.745 0.5%
comma-spacing 154.171 0.5%
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camelcase 143.107 0.4%
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jsdoc/require-throws 110.748 0.3%
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no-control-regex 72.832 0.2%
no-unexpected-multiline 70.125 0.2%
array-bracket-spacing 69.211 0.2%
no-alert 65.921 0.2%
no-unmodified-loop-condition 65.918 0.2%
no-octal-escape 63.990 0.2%
grouped-accessor-pairs 61.649 0.2%
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no-misleading-character-class 55.641 0.2%
n/no-unpublished-import 54.616 0.2%
n/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins 52.449 0.2%
spaced-comment 51.087 0.2%
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object-property-newline 49.166 0.2%
quotes 47.993 0.2%
no-tabs 47.082 0.1%
new-cap 46.066 0.1%
computed-property-spacing 44.650 0.1%
function-call-argument-newline 44.620 0.1%
no-unsafe-optional-chaining 43.356 0.1%
consistent-return 43.131 0.1%
constructor-super 41.722 0.1%
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dot-location 37.857 0.1%
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jsdoc/require-jsdoc 37.240 0.1%
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getter-return 35.424 0.1%
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semi 34.054 0.1%
no-invalid-this 32.846 0.1%
space-before-blocks 32.382 0.1%
no-extend-native 30.011 0.1%
no-constant-binary-expression 28.979 0.1%
n/no-mixed-requires 27.831 0.1%
array-callback-return 27.654 0.1%
no-shadow 27.089 0.1%
no-constant-condition 26.916 0.1%
no-octal 26.566 0.1%
arrow-spacing 26.546 0.1%
no-eval 26.485 0.1%
no-lone-blocks 26.253 0.1%
no-floating-decimal 26.103 0.1%
no-useless-backreference 25.933 0.1%
no-self-compare 25.818 0.1%
n/shebang 25.631 0.1%
no-useless-computed-key 25.621 0.1%
eslint-plugin/fixer-return 25.436 0.1%
no-unreachable-loop 24.870 0.1%
n/callback-return 24.394 0.1%
n/handle-callback-err 23.597 0.1%
no-setter-return 22.978 0.1%
no-irregular-whitespace 22.747 0.1%
space-before-function-paren 22.527 0.1%
space-unary-ops 22.322 0.1%
n/no-unpublished-bin 22.291 0.1%
no-implied-eval 22.049 0.1%
no-const-assign 22.030 0.1%
strict 21.989 0.1%
no-dupe-else-if 21.886 0.1%
no-prototype-builtins 21.787 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-missing-message-ids 21.720 0.1%
no-unused-expressions 20.743 0.1%
no-param-reassign 20.623 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-only-tests 20.222 0.1%
prefer-promise-reject-errors 18.227 0.1%
prefer-const 18.142 0.1%
curly 17.470 0.1%
eslint-plugin/consistent-output 17.310 0.1%
no-useless-call 17.203 0.1%
dot-notation 17.040 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-missing-placeholders 17.014 0.1%
no-shadow-restricted-names 16.654 0.1%
eslint-plugin/no-unused-message-ids 15.468 0.0%
prefer-spread 15.450 0.0%
prefer-numeric-literals 15.046 0.0%
no-iterator 15.008 0.0%
func-style 15.005 0.0%
no-unsafe-finally 14.064 0.0%
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eslint-plugin/prefer-message-ids 13.727 0.0%
prefer-arrow-callback 13.722 0.0%
no-caller 13.509 0.0%
no-loop-func 13.480 0.0%
no-extra-boolean-cast 13.439 0.0%
no-extra-bind 13.250 0.0%
no-invalid-regexp 13.157 0.0%
no-constructor-return 13.088 0.0%
wrap-iife 12.897 0.0%
class-methods-use-this 12.672 0.0%
no-dupe-args 12.474 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable 12.202 0.0%
arrow-body-style 12.126 0.0%
prefer-regex-literals 11.955 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-includes 11.829 0.0%
eslint-plugin/test-case-shorthand-strings 11.661 0.0%
no-obj-calls 11.444 0.0%
no-proto 11.358 0.0%
use-isnan 10.851 0.0%
no-self-assign 10.840 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-schema 10.645 0.0%
template-curly-spacing 10.547 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-set-has 10.356 0.0%
no-sparse-arrays 10.325 0.0%
no-return-assign 10.098 0.0%
no-fallthrough 9.485 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-output-null 9.466 0.0%
no-global-assign 9.274 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-find 9.247 0.0%
no-inner-declarations 9.184 0.0%
require-unicode-regexp 9.173 0.0%
no-undefined 9.131 0.0%
yoda 8.888 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-fixable 8.843 0.0%
no-func-assign 8.823 0.0%
no-array-constructor 8.790 0.0%
prefer-exponentiation-operator 8.655 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-deprecated-context-methods 8.621 0.0%
no-compare-neg-zero 8.544 0.0%
eslint-plugin/report-message-format 8.437 0.0%
n/no-exports-assign 8.089 0.0%
eqeqeq 8.077 0.0%
one-var-declaration-per-line 7.877 0.0%
no-empty 7.695 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-useless-token-range 7.647 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-has-suggestions 7.233 0.0%
default-param-last 7.137 0.0%
eslint-comments/require-description 6.937 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-docs-url 6.848 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-placeholders 6.826 0.0%
generator-star-spacing 6.824 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-replace-text 6.649 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-unused-placeholders 6.074 0.0%
prefer-rest-params 5.991 0.0%
no-console 5.985 0.0%
eslint-plugin/no-deprecated-report-api 5.940 0.0%
n/no-missing-import 5.612 0.0%
no-unsafe-negation 5.398 0.0%
no-useless-concat 5.385 0.0%
no-new-object 5.210 0.0%
no-var 5.041 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-type 4.981 0.0%
no-else-return 4.977 0.0%
require-yield 4.966 0.0%
eslint-plugin/require-meta-docs-description 4.900 0.0%
valid-typeof 4.863 0.0%
eslint-plugin/prefer-object-rule 4.743 0.0%
no-dupe-class-members 4.731 0.0%
no-confusing-arrow 4.574 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-some 4.551 0.0%
no-cond-assign 4.545 0.0%
eol-last 4.204 0.0%
arrow-parens 4.101 0.0%
no-unneeded-ternary 3.741 0.0%
no-duplicate-case 3.326 0.0%
no-useless-rename 3.161 0.0%
internal-rules/no-invalid-meta 3.147 0.0%
radix 3.138 0.0%
operator-assignment 3.073 0.0%
new-parens 3.048 0.0%
no-debugger 3.018 0.0%
sort-keys 2.996 0.0%
no-new-symbol 2.962 0.0%
switch-colon-spacing 2.898 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-string-starts-ends-with 2.856 0.0%
template-tag-spacing 2.694 0.0%
yield-star-spacing 2.548 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-index-of 2.381 0.0%
no-sequences 2.348 0.0%
no-extra-semi 2.307 0.0%
no-new-wrappers 2.282 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-aggregating-enable 2.141 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-string-slice 2.088 0.0%
n/no-new-require 1.952 0.0%
no-new-func 1.934 0.0%
unicode-bom 1.908 0.0%
no-restricted-syntax 1.902 0.0%
default-case 1.867 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-array-flat-map 1.790 0.0%
no-empty-character-class 1.788 0.0%
no-delete-var 1.716 0.0%
symbol-description 1.694 0.0%
rest-spread-spacing 1.647 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-unused-enable 1.644 0.0%
no-undef 1.641 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-duplicate-disable 1.513 0.0%
for-direction 1.502 0.0%
unicorn/prefer-string-trim-start-end 1.411 0.0%
no-empty-pattern 1.359 0.0%
no-class-assign 1.320 0.0%
no-labels 1.306 0.0%
no-case-declarations 1.224 0.0%
no-unused-labels 1.195 0.0%
no-throw-literal 1.190 0.0%
no-ex-assign 1.095 0.0%
no-useless-constructor 1.041 0.0%
no-nested-ternary 0.989 0.0%
no-new 0.948 0.0%
default-case-last 0.934 0.0%
n/no-process-exit 0.785 0.0%
no-label-var 0.776 0.0%
no-useless-catch 0.735 0.0%
guard-for-in 0.638 0.0%
no-async-promise-executor 0.594 0.0%
no-import-assign 0.568 0.0%
no-with 0.539 0.0%
n/process-exit-as-throw 0.299 0.0%
eslint-comments/no-unused-disable 0.277 0.0%

Linting time for this rule is reduced by ~50%.

Is there anything you'd like reviewers to focus on?

@mdjermanovic mdjermanovic added rule Relates to ESLint's core rules accepted There is consensus among the team that this change meets the criteria for inclusion labels Apr 25, 2023
@mdjermanovic mdjermanovic requested a review from a team as a code owner April 25, 2023 17:19
@eslint-github-bot eslint-github-bot bot added the chore This change is not user-facing label Apr 25, 2023
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netlify bot commented Apr 25, 2023

Deploy Preview for docs-eslint canceled.

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@aladdin-add aladdin-add left a comment

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Thanks for this! Since this code is so similar to what we have in id-length.js would it be possible to move getStringLength() to ast-utils or to another shared file in order to avoid duplications? The different regex range should not be a problem: we could just use \u0000-\u007f and be safe in all cases, even if id-length would never use the lower part of the range, because it's not relevant to identifiers.

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Done, thanks for the suggestion!

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@fasttime fasttime left a comment

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Thanks, LGTM!

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@snitin315 snitin315 left a comment

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@snitin315 snitin315 merged commit d85efad into main Apr 26, 2023
@snitin315 snitin315 deleted the perf-keyspacing-ascii branch April 26, 2023 13:42
@eslint-github-bot eslint-github-bot bot locked and limited conversation to collaborators Oct 24, 2023
@eslint-github-bot eslint-github-bot bot added the archived due to age This issue has been archived; please open a new issue for any further discussion label Oct 24, 2023
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accepted There is consensus among the team that this change meets the criteria for inclusion archived due to age This issue has been archived; please open a new issue for any further discussion chore This change is not user-facing rule Relates to ESLint's core rules
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4 participants