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Add actual() to access the object under test #3489



Feature summary

I propose the additional of a unwrap method to get the actual value of the current Assert


String objName = assertThat(obj).extracting(MyClass::getName).isNotNull().unwrap()


Ideally, in unit tests and with assertJ's fluent api, there should be little need to get the actual value back.
The use of some unwrap method might indicate bad test design, because a test should do only one thing and if you need a nested value for anything other than more assertions, your test does more than one one thing probably.

I assume this is part of the reason why it doesn't exist at the moment. No need/could promote bad practice.

Lately, I've used assertJ a lot for system integration tests on rest api level as well together with other great libraries like awaitility. I often find myself in the situation that I need to verify nested objects and then continue with them.

Compare this case

var order = orderApi.getOrder(orderId);
var troubleTicketRef = assertThat(order)
    /* ... order assertions */
        /* ... position assertions */
        .filteredOn("type", "troubleTicket")
            /* ... assertions on config reference **/

var troubleTicket = troubleTicketApi.get(troubleTicketRef.getId());
    /* ... */;

At that point I find myself to replicate a lot of the access or assertion logic, because I can't just simply get Y out of the assertion chain.

A workaround is to use satisfy to save the actual value in a reference and retrieve it by side effect, but that is ugly of course.

So for use cases on a higher level than unit tests, I think an unwrap method would be a great addition.

Sorry, if this was asked before. I searched through the repository to find something similar. I would have made a simple PR and let you decide there for this minor addition, but I wanted to understand and respect the project philosophy before I do that.



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