I was provided this script by someone else to allow a Milestone Camera System to use Let's Encrypt. It's worked great for a few years.
function WriteLog {
Param ([string]$message)
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Date) - $message"
try {
$thumbprint = (Get-PACertificate).Thumbprint
$cert = Submit-Renewal -WarningAction Stop -ErrorAction Stop
$cert | Set-MobileServerCertificate #Activate the certificate
WriteLog "New certificate installed with thumbprint $($cert.Thumbprint)"
WriteLog "Removing old certificate with thumbprint $thumbprint"
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My |
Where-Object Thumbprint -eq $thumbprint |
} catch {
WriteLog $_.Exception.Message
Usually it just puts this error in the log daily:
10/14/2024 03:04:11 - The running command stopped because the preference variable "WarningPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Order '' is not recommended for renewal yet. Use -Force to override.
However, starting on the 19th it started throwing this error:
10/19/2024 03:37:25 - The running command stopped because the preference variable "WarningPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: The ACME Server has indicated this order's certificate should be renewed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
I got an email today from Let'sEncrypt that the certificate expires on the 17th of Nov (it's what triggered me to check the error log)
That is the problem I'm trying to fix.
Looks like the helpful error message saying renew now is triggering the exception logic.
Here is my first attempt to fix it. (Essentially just adding the IF statement from
Think this will get the job done? I'm open to suggestions
function WriteLog {
Param ([string]$message)
Add-Content -Path $LogPath -Value "$(Get-Date) - $message"
try {
$thumbprint = (Get-PACertificate).Thumbprint
if ($cert = Submit-Renewal) {
$cert | Set-MobileServerCertificate #Activate the certificate
WriteLog "New certificate installed with thumbprint $($cert.Thumbprint)"
WriteLog "Removing old certificate with thumbprint $thumbprint"
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My |
Where-Object Thumbprint -eq $thumbprint |
else {
WriteLog "Certificate was not renewed")
} catch {
WriteLog $_.Exception.Message