yarn install
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
Middleman 4: https://middlemanapp.com
Bootstrap v4: https://getbootstrap.com
Contentful: https://www.contentful.com/
Linter config: https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint#config
Visible @ http://localhost:4567
rake serve - Starts the middleman server with correct environment
rake build - Build the content using the latest data files from Contentful
rake deploy:staging:recent - Deploy recently changed files to staging
rake deploy:staging:all - Deploy all files to staging
rake deploy:production:recent - Deploy recently changed files to production
rake deploy:production:all - Deploy all files to production
rake load_env - Load .env file
rake build_middleman_content - Builds the middleman content
rake change_image_paths_in_data_files - Change image paths in data files
rake create_invalidation[distribution_id] - Create invalidation
rake download_contentful_images - Download images found in Contentful data files
rake run_middleman_contentful - Runs the middleman contentful gem
rake run_middleman_server - Starts the middleman server
rake update_data_files - Update contentful and shopify data files
rake update_images_in_data_files - Changes urls of images in data directory
rake upload_all_files[bucket] - Upload all files
rake upload_recently_changed_files[bucket,distribution_id] - Upload files that have changed