Hermes is a tiny message broker written in Go.
The goals of the project are as below
- Easy to compile, and run
- Tiny footprint
- Extensible
- Adhering to standards
This is in no way ready to be consumed. This is a project which arose out of my boredom during COVID-19, and general issues whilst working with other production ready brokers such as ActiveMQ, Solace, NATS etc.
This was inspired by NATS, which is by far my favorite message broker.
$ telnet localhost 4000
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
PUB topic-1 Hello
SUB client-1 group-1 my-topic
On retrospection, it now feels sensible to make this MQTT-compatible. It is also dawning on me that the MQTT v5.0 spec is 137 pages long, and I'm too lazy to read through it. Parking it for the new year.
Multiple clients can subscribe, acting as a single unit, and the broker can randomly push the payload to just one of them.
The following are some features from the top of my head which I will work on
- Support for more transports such as WebSocket, gRPC, Rsocket(?)
- Support for clustering
- Authentication & extensible middleware
- Message Persistence
Fork it, give it a spin, and let me know!