Not able to access genjets() in expert mode of MadAnalysis 5 v1.9.60. #266
First I have produced tag_1_pythia8_events.hepmc.gz in MG5_aMC_v3_3_2 with Pythia8. Then I used Delphes v3.5.0 ./DelphesHepMC2 to convert HEP file into root files. I have saved genjets module FastJetFinder GenJetFinder { set InputArray NeutrinoFilter/filteredParticles set OutputArray genjets set JetAlgorithm 6 set ParameterR 0.4 set JetPTMin 1.0 } "add Branch GenJetFinder/genjets GenJet Jet"in delphes card. This is my loop in expert mode if (!=0) { } if (event.rec()!=0 ) {std::cout << "Number of GenJets: " << event.rec()->genjets().size() << std::endl;} I am not getting error but genjets size is zero and there is no events for that. But I can see the events in delphes root files. Could you please help me in this case?