RAINN is a trusted resource for safety information, statistics, and expert commentary. If you are a member of the media working on a story regarding sexual violence, please contact:
800.656.HOPE and online.rainn.org
En Español: rainn.org/es
From Capitol Hill, to college campuses, and everywhere in between—RAINN is working to change the way people think about and respond to sexual violence. Stay up to date with the latest from RAINN.
RAINN staff work together to provide best-in-class services for survivors, inform and educate the nation about sexual violence, and improve the public policy and criminal justice response to sexual violence.
Statistics can help the public better understand crimes of sexual violence and help researches spot trends and patterns.
As journalists continue to cover stories related to sexual assault or abuse, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of how to interview survivors of these type of crimes.
As a member of the media, you may have questions about which terms to use when discussing sexual violence.
Currently, we are not taking requests for survivors.
Connect your audience with the help they deserve through the National Sexual Assault Hotline. Actors, musicians, and survivors talk about how the hotline can help.
Connect even more people with the help they need and deserve. Use the embed codes below to share these graphics via social media or on your website.
Download print designs for use in your next event. Choose from handouts, banners, or posters.