Die, die, die!Quirkilicious on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/quirkilicious/art/Die-die-die-610709829Quirkilicious

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Quirkilicious's avatar

Die, die, die!



I may or may not have whispered "die, die, die!" under my breath multiple times while working on this *_*

I enjoy Reaper, always been a close-range-shotgun type of player with FPS games. Although I do wish you could shift out of his wraith walk on whim to dodge skills and make counter plays *coughMccreestuncough*

Anyway this will be my last piece for awhile since I'll be doing a bit of traveling in a couple of days... (yea I'm missing launch :/ )  I'll be back for more though!

Wait for it... by Quirkilicious It's high noon by Quirkilicious  Nerf this! by Quirkilicious Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau! by Quirkilicious Heroes never die! by Quirkilicious Justice rains from above! by Quirkilicious

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YBMOfficial's avatar

Death Blossom is the most broken Ult in OW2. *CHANGE MY MIND!!!*