ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp

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I may or may not have whispered "die, die, die!" under my breath multiple times while working on this *_*
I enjoy Reaper, always been a close-range-shotgun type of player with FPS games. Although I do wish you could shift out of his wraith walk on whim to dodge skills and make counter plays *coughMccreestuncough*
Anyway this will be my last piece for awhile since I'll be doing a bit of traveling in a couple of days... (yea I'm missing launch :/ ) I'll be back for more though!
Pledge before May ends for this Term 10 reward on my Patreon
If you enjoy my fanart please give my original comic/manga SIN a try!
I enjoy Reaper, always been a close-range-shotgun type of player with FPS games. Although I do wish you could shift out of his wraith walk on whim to dodge skills and make counter plays *coughMccreestuncough*
Anyway this will be my last piece for awhile since I'll be doing a bit of traveling in a couple of days... (yea I'm missing launch :/ ) I'll be back for more though!
Pledge before May ends for this Term 10 reward on my Patreon
If you enjoy my fanart please give my original comic/manga SIN a try!
Image size
604x900px 556.16 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Quirkilicious
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Death Blossom is the most broken Ult in OW2. *CHANGE MY MIND!!!*