Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants
- PMID: 21325651
- PMCID: PMC3059138
- DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e31821103e6
Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants
This article provides a classification of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and its 3 main variants to improve the uniformity of case reporting and the reliability of research results. Criteria for the 3 variants of PPA--nonfluent/agrammatic, semantic, and logopenic--were developed by an international group of PPA investigators who convened on 3 occasions to operationalize earlier published clinical descriptions for PPA subtypes. Patients are first diagnosed with PPA and are then divided into clinical variants based on specific speech and language features characteristic of each subtype. Classification can then be further specified as "imaging-supported" if the expected pattern of atrophy is found and "with definite pathology" if pathologic or genetic data are available. The working recommendations are presented in lists of features, and suggested assessment tasks are also provided. These recommendations have been widely agreed upon by a large group of experts and should be used to ensure consistency of PPA classification in future studies. Future collaborations will collect prospective data to identify relationships between each of these syndromes and specific biomarkers for a more detailed understanding of clinicopathologic correlations.
Comment in
The taxonomy of primary progressive aphasia: it walks and quacks like a duck ... but which duck?Neurology. 2011 Mar 15;76(11):942-3. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182104130. Epub 2011 Feb 16. Neurology. 2011. PMID: 21325654 No abstract available.
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