Growth patterns in young adult monozygotic twin pairs discordant and concordant for obesity
- PMID: 15527657
- DOI: 10.1375/1369052042335368
Growth patterns in young adult monozygotic twin pairs discordant and concordant for obesity
Weight discordance is very rare in monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs; when found, however, such pairs are advantageous in the search for either environmental or epigenetic causes and consequences of obesity. We analyzed the growth patterns of young adult MZ pairs discordant and concordant for obesity. Screening 5 consecutive birth cohorts (1975-1979) of 22- to 27-year-old Finnish twins (the FinnTwin16 study), we found 14 obesity discordant (Body Mass Index [BMI] difference > or = 4 kg/m2) MZ pairs out of 658. Ten pairs participated in clinical studies. Nine concordant pairs (BMI difference < or = 2 kg/m2) were examined as controls. Lifetime measured heights and weights recorded in hospitals and health centers were traced manually. Height development was similar in all the co-twins of both groups. The weight differences between the co-twins of the discordant pairs began to emerge at 18 years leading to an average discordance of 16.4 kg, 5.6 kg/m2 (p for both = .005) at 25.7 years. The heavier co-twin weighed 221 g (p = .066), 1.0 kg/m2 (p = .01) more already at birth than the leaner, but the differences waned by 6 months of age and reappeared only after adolescence. Both the leaner and the heavier co-twins of the discordant pairs weighed more than expected by the singleton reference values (Cole et al., 1998) after 8 years. The concordant co-twins, on the other hand, grew similarly and after 6 months, their mean growth was not distinguishable from the singleton patterns. Young adulthood represents a critical period of gaining weight irrespective of genetic background in this twin sample.
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