Frozen storage effects on anthocyanins and volatile compounds of raspberry fruit
- PMID: 10725166
- DOI: 10.1021/jf990747c
Frozen storage effects on anthocyanins and volatile compounds of raspberry fruit
The quantitative and qualitative evolution of the anthocyanins and volatile compounds of four raspberry cultivars (cvs. Heritage, Autumn Bliss, Zeva, and Rubi) growing in Spain were analyzed raw, just frozen, and during long-term frozen storage at -20 degrees C for a 1 year period. HS-SPME coupled with GC-MS and HPLC techniques were employed to study the evolution of the volatile compounds and the individual anthocyanins, respectively. The volatile aroma composition changes produced by the freezing process and long-term frozen storage were minimal. Only a significant increase in extraction capacity was obtained for alpha-ionone (27%) and for caryophyllene (67%) in Heritage at 12 months of storage. The stability of anthocyanins to freezing and frozen storage depends on the seasonal period of harvest. Heritage and Autumn Bliss (early cultivars) were less affected by processing and long-term frozen storage (1 year), and the total pigment extracted showed the tendency to increase 17 and 5%, respectively. Rubi and Zeva (late cultivars) suffered a decreased trend on the total anthocyanin content of 4% for Rubi and 17.5% for Zeva. Cyanidin 3-glucoside most easily suffered the degradative reactions that take place during processing and the storage period.
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