Light-microscopic study of the beta 1 integrin subunit in human skeletal muscle
- PMID: 9401799
Light-microscopic study of the beta 1 integrin subunit in human skeletal muscle
The beta 1 integrin subunit is identical with the CD29 antigen, which is found at the surface of leukocytes. Integrins are involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, mediate neuronal attachment and neurite outgrowth in response to extracellular matrix proteins in cell culture systems. A few analyses of beta 1 integrin subunit have been done on developing and regenerating skeletal muscle in animals; but cell culture systems and animal models differ in some respects from human skeletal muscle in situ. The expression of a beta 1 integrin subunit variant in human skeletal muscle was reported merely by Western blot analysis. Our present study, performed with immunohistochemical procedures, attempts to demonstrate the expression of the beta 1 integrin subunit in developing, normal adult, and diseased human skeletal muscles. The results demonstrated that the beta 1 integrin subunit is expressed in developing, normal adult, regenerating, and denervated human skeletal muscle. In developing muscle, the beta 1 integrin subunit was observed in muscle cells at least from 12 to 16 weeks of gestation. In muscular dystrophy and inflammatory myopathy the beta 1 integrin subunit staining occurs in basophilic muscle fibers. Furthermore, the beta 1 integrin subunit is expressed in mature fast twitch type 2 fibers, and in denervated myocytes in neurogenic muscular atrophy. On serial sections, the beta 1 integrin subunit, N-CAM (neural cell adhesion molecule) and vimentin are expressed in identical muscle fibers. However, in mature fast twitch type 2 fibers the beta 1 integrin subunit is expressed exclusively and in neurogenic muscular atrophy vimentin expression is weak. In conclusion, the beta 1 integrin subunit, in human skeletal muscles, probably plays a role in the growth morphology and innervation of developing, regenerating, and denervated myocytes. Furthermore, the observation that the beta 1 integrin subunit is enriched in mature fast twitch type 2 fibers indicates that the beta 1 integrin subunits may play a role in transducing mechanical forces to extracellular matrix proteins.
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