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. 2023 Feb;614(7947):303-308.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05640-x. Epub 2023 Jan 25.

Stigma receptors control intraspecies and interspecies barriers in Brassicaceae


Stigma receptors control intraspecies and interspecies barriers in Brassicaceae

Jiabao Huang et al. Nature. 2023 Feb.

Erratum in

  • Author Correction: Stigma receptors control intraspecies and interspecies barriers in Brassicaceae.
    Huang J, Yang L, Yang L, Wu X, Cui X, Zhang L, Hui J, Zhao Y, Yang H, Liu S, Xu Q, Pang M, Guo X, Cao Y, Chen Y, Ren X, Lv J, Yu J, Ding J, Xu G, Wang N, Wei X, Lin Q, Yuan Y, Zhang X, Ma C, Dai C, Wang P, Wang Y, Cheng F, Zeng W, Palanivelu R, Wu HM, Zhang X, Cheung AY, Duan Q. Huang J, et al. Nature. 2023 Mar;615(7952):E20. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05816-z. Nature. 2023. PMID: 36864127 Free PMC article. No abstract available.


Flowering plants have evolved numerous intraspecific and interspecific prezygotic reproductive barriers to prevent production of unfavourable offspring1. Within a species, self-incompatibility (SI) is a widely utilized mechanism that rejects self-pollen2,3 to avoid inbreeding depression. Interspecific barriers restrain breeding between species and often follow the SI × self-compatible (SC) rule, that is, interspecific pollen is unilaterally incompatible (UI) on SI pistils but unilaterally compatible (UC) on SC pistils1,4-6. The molecular mechanisms underlying SI, UI, SC and UC and their interconnections in the Brassicaceae remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that the SI pollen determinant S-locus cysteine-rich protein/S-locus protein 11 (SCR/SP11)2,3 or a signal from UI pollen binds to the SI female determinant S-locus receptor kinase (SRK)2,3, recruits FERONIA (FER)7-9 and activates FER-mediated reactive oxygen species production in SI stigmas10,11 to reject incompatible pollen. For compatible responses, diverged pollen coat protein B-class12-14 from SC and UC pollen differentially trigger nitric oxide, nitrosate FER to suppress reactive oxygen species in SC stigmas to facilitate pollen growth in an intraspecies-preferential manner, maintaining species integrity. Our results show that SRK and FER integrate mechanisms underlying intraspecific and interspecific barriers and offer paths to achieve distant breeding in Brassicaceae crops.

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The authors declare no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1. SRK controls stigmatic ROS in SI to reject intraspecific and interspecific pollen.
a, Open flowers and phylogenetic tree for Brassicaceae species from maximum likelihood analysis using internal transcribed spacer sequences. Distantly related Cochlearia danica served as an outgroup. Scale bar, mean number of nucleotide substitutions per site. b, Aniline blue staining showing intraspecific and interspecific pollen growth in mature and bud-stage B. rapa stigmas. c, H2DCFDA staining of ROS in unpollinated (UP) or pollinated B. rapa stigmas. d,e, Relaxed SI and UI in AS-BrSRK46-treated B. rapa S46 stigmas (d) and stigmas from SRK-defective B. rapa, BrSRK∆TM (e). f,g, Intraspecific and interspecific pollen (f) and ROS responses (g) in stigmas from SC A. thaliana, that is, wild type (WT), and stigmas from SI A. thaliana expressing A. halleri S13 genes (A. tha-S13). The values in the bg images, shown as average ± s.d., indicate average number of pollen tubes in the stigma (b,d,e,f) and average ROS intensity (c,g). The same data are also presented in box plots with all data points (Extended Data Figs. 1, 2). Scale bars, 0.5 cm (a), 500 μm (be) and 200 μm (f,g). Each experiment was repeated at least three times with consistent results.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2. UI and SI converge on stigmatic ROS activation for pollen rejection via the SRKFER interaction.
a,b, Treating B. rapa stigmas with AS-BrFER1 or crossing fer-4 into SI A. thaliana stigmas, S13/fer-4, relaxed SI and UI. The values in the a,b images, shown as average ± s.d., indicate average number of pollen tubes in the stigma. The same data are also presented in box plots with all data points (Extended Data Fig. 3). ce, Pull-down (pd) (c,d) and co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) (e) assays showing protein extracts from SI and UI pollen. BrSCR46 augmented the BrSRK46–BrFER1 interaction. The protein samples were derived from the same experiment and the blots were processed in parallel (ce). For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1. Scale bars, 500 μm (a) and 200 μm (b). Each experiment was repeated at least three times with consistent results.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3. Species-preferential interaction between PCP-Bs and FER maintains interspecies barrier.
a, In A. thaliana stigmas, A. thaliana pollen tubes were longer than those of B. rapa, B. oleracea and B. vulgaris at 1 HAP. b, Faster hydration and growth of B. rapa pollen on A. thaliana fer-4 stigmas. The orange plots indicate relative pollen width and the blue plots indicate pollen tube length. The equatorial diameter of a pollen grain, indicated by white dashed lines, was measured in ImageJ for pollen width. c, Relaxed interspecies barrier in fer-4 stigmas. Ratios of pollen tube length in intraspecies and interspecific crosses are used as a measure for barrier strength. In ac, the arrows indicate pollen tube front. d,e, Species-preferential ROS reduction in A. thaliana stigmas by pollen (d) and PCP-Bs (e) from intraspecies and interspecies. f, Pull-down assay showing AtPCP-Bγ competed dose-dependently with GST–BrPCP-B3 for interaction with AtFER (ED)–FLAG. The protein samples were derived from the same experiment and the blots were processed in parallel (f). For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1. Scale bars, 200 μm (ae) and 20 μm (pollen in b). For box plots (ae), the centre line indicates the median, the box limits denote the lower and upper quartiles, the dots indicate individual data points, and the whiskers denote the highest and lowest data points. P values were determined by two-tailed Student t-tests. n (in blue) indicates the number of stigmas or pollen grains. In f, for the data bar, average ± s.d. is shown; average intensities from three biological replicates of the blot are represented on the left (two-tailed t-test, n = 3). Each experiment was repeated at least three times with consistent results. Source data
Fig. 4
Fig. 4. Compatible pollination induces NO to suppress FER-mediated ROS production.
a, DAF-FM DA staining of pollination-induced NO responses and pollen hydration in A. thaliana stigmas. The equatorial diameter of a pollen grain, indicated by white dashed lines, was measured in ImageJ for pollen width. b,c, Species-preferential elevation of NO in A. thaliana stigmas. d,e, FER-dependent NO elevation in A. thaliana stigmas induced by pollen (d) and AtPCP-Bγ (e). The values in the ae images, shown as average ± s.d., indicate average NO intensity (ae) and equatorial diameter of pollen grains (a). The same data are also presented in box plots with all data points (Extended Data Fig. 8). f,g, Nitrosation of FER. BrFER1 was nitrosated in vitro by the NO donor GSNO (f), and AtFER–GFP from transformed A. thaliana stigmas was nitrosated in vivo by SC pollination (g). h,i, Pull-down assays showing that nitrosation of FER in vitro (h) and by pollination (i) reduced its interaction with the downstream ROP2 signalling module. The protein samples were derived from the same experiment and the blots were processed in parallel (fi). For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1. Scale bars, 200 μm (ae) and 50 μm (pollen in a). For box plots (b,c), the centre line indicates the median, the box limits denote the lower and upper quartiles, the dots indicate individual data points, and the whiskers denote the highest and lowest data points. n (in blue) indicates the number of stigmas or pollen grains. P values were determined by two-tailed Student t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least three times with consistent results. Source data
Fig. 5
Fig. 5. Breaking the stigmatic barrier for distant breeding of Brassicaceae crops.
a,b, Reducing stigmatic ROS by a ROS scavenger, increasing NO by a NO generator (a), and disrupting the BrSRK–BrFER interaction and BrFER1-to-BrRBOH signalling by AS-ODNs (b) alleviated the interspecific and intergeneric reproductive barrier. The arrowheads indicate enlarged ovules. The dashed lines denote the outline of hybrid embryos. The values in the a,b images, shown as average ± s.d., indicate average number of enlarged ovules in the pod. The same data are also presented in box plots with all data points (Extended Data Fig. 10). Scale bars, 0.5 cm (siliques) and 100 μm (emb ryos). Each experiment was repeated at least three times with consistent results. c, Model of FER-regulated ROS as a shared signalling node in SI, UI, SC and UC responses. In stigmas from SI species, SI pollen and UI pollen activate ROS via the SRK–FER–ROP2–RBOHs pathway, functioning along with the ARC1-mediated processes. Stigmas from SC species are compatible to interspecific pollen, but species-preferential interaction between PCP-Bs and FER initiates a faster compatible response via NO-mediated nitrosation of FER and RBOHs to suppress ROS production, promoting intraspecies precedence and protecting species integrity. The dashed lines and ‘?’ indicate ‘to be determined’. P, phosphate; P-some, proteosome; Ub, ubiquitin.
Extended Data Fig. 1
Extended Data Fig. 1. ROS underlies the rejection of interspecific pollen during UI.
a, The developmentally regulated SI and the progressive increase in the amount of SRK from bud stage to maturity. b, The number of intra and various interspecific pollen tubes in mature or bud-stage B. rapa stigmas. Mature B. rapa stigmas rejected SI and all the interspecific pollen examined, but bud-stage B. rapa stigmas allowed the growth of SI pollen and interspecific B. oleracea pollen, and still rejected intergeneric B. vulgaris and A. thaliana pollen. See Fig. 1b. c, Imaging of H2DCFDA-stained ROS under confocal microscope and under wide-field fluorescence microscope showed comparable changes of ROS in B. rapa stigmas Dotted line outlined the area for ROS quantification. Wide-field observation, with its considerably high expedition to sample entire stigma specimens, was used for the massive amount of data gathering required for this study. d, ROS intensity in unpollinated (UP) or pollinated B. rapa stigma. See Fig. 1c. eg, Scavenging ROS by Na-SA suppressed stigmatic ROS induction, and promoted the growth of SI pollen and B. oleracea pollen in mature and B. vulgaris pollen in bud-stage B. rapa stigmas. Scale bars, 500 μm. Data bar (a): average ± SD. Average relative expression levels from three biological replicates of stigmas (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Box plots (bg): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 2
Extended Data Fig. 2. SRK underlies the rejection of interspecific pollen during UI.
a, Quantitative RT-PCR showing AS-BrSRK46 treatment reduced BrSRK46 expression in mature B. rapa stigmas (S46) and further reduced its already low level in bud-stage stigmas (S46). b, AS-BrSRK46 treatment of mature B. rapa stigmas (S46) broke the inhibition to B. oleracea pollen not B. vulgaris pollen. AS-BrSRK46 treatment of bud-stage stigmas (S46) broke inhibition to B. vulgaris pollen. See Fig. 1d. c, d, AS-BrSRK46 treatment reduced ROS in mature B. rapa stigmas (S46) and further reduced its already low ROS in bud-stage stigmas (S46). eg, Sequence alignment (e), phylogenetic analysis (f) and expression of SRK in FPsc (Brara.G02663) (g). SRK from FPsc lacks the coding sequence for the transmembrane domain and we name it BrSRK∆TM hereafter. hj, Mature and bud-stage stigmas of FPsc were defective in SI and UI pollen-triggered ROS increase (h, i) and the rejection of SI and UI pollen (j). See Fig. 1e. k, SRK13 expression from SI A. thaliana stigmas transformed with Arabidopsis halleri AhSP11/SCR13-AhSRK13-AhARC1. These three transgenes were in a single construct. l, m, The number of intra or interspecific pollen tubes (l) and ROS changes (m) in SC A. thaliana stigmas and in SI A. thaliana stigmas. See Fig. 1f, g. n, B. oleracea pollen of S36-haplotype was rejected in B. rapa stigmas of S46, S12, S9, S40, or S38, showing the dependence on SRK but the independence of SCR-SRK interaction in the rejection of interspecific pollen. Scale bars, 500 μm (c, d, h, i, n). Data bars (a, g, k): average ± SD. Average relative expression levels from three biological replicates of stigmas (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Box plots (bd, hj, ln): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 3
Extended Data Fig. 3. FER/ANJ signalling regulates stigmatic ROS during UI.
a, b, Quantitative RT-PCR showing AS-BrFER1 treatment suppressed the expression of BrFER1(a) and promoted the growth of SI pollen and B. oleracea pollen in mature B. rapa stigmas and B. vulgaris pollen in bud stage (b) B. rapa stigmas. See Fig. 2a. c, d, AS-BrFER1 treatment suppressed SI and UI-induced ROS increase in mature and bud stage B. rapa stigmas at 10 MAP. e, f, The expression of FER and SRK in stigmas of A. tha (SI)/fer-4 (e) and loss of FER in SI A. thaliana promoted the growth of SI pollen, B. oleracea pollen and B. vulgaris pollen in SI A. thaliana stigmas (f). See Fig. 2b. g, Loss of FER in SI A. thaliana suppressed SI and UI-induced ROS increase in A. tha (SI)/fer-4 stigmas at 10 MAP. h, Domain structures of BrANJs proteins showing only BrANJ1 have intact extracellular and intracellular domain. i, j, AS-BrANJ1 treatment suppressed the expression of BrANJ1(i) and promoted the growth of SI pollen and B. oleracea pollen in mature B. rapa stigmas and B. vulgaris pollen in bud stage B. rapa stigmas (j). k, l, AS-BrANJ1 treatment suppressed SI and UI-induced ROS increase in mature (k) and bud stage (l) B. rapa stigmas at 10 MAP. Scale bars, Scale bars, 500 μm (c, d, j, k, l), 200 μm (g). Data bars (a, e, i): average ± SD. Average relative expression levels from three biological replicates of stigmas (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Box plots (bd, f, g, jl): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 4
Extended Data Fig. 4. ROS are produced by RBOHs during UI.
a, Quantitative RT-PCR showing AS-BrRBOHF treatment suppressed the expression of BrRBOHF. b, c, AS-BrRBOHF treatment suppressed SI and UI-induced ROS increase in mature (b) and bud-stage (c) B. rapa stigmas at 10 MAP. d, The RBOH enzymatic activity in mature B. rapa stigmas were increased after pollination with SI and UI pollen but decreased after pollination with CP pollen. e, AS-BrRBOHF treatment promoted the growth of SI pollen and B. oleracea pollen in mature and B. vulgaris pollen in bud-stage B. rapa stigmas. Scale bars, 500 μm. Data bar (a): average ± SD. Average relative expression levels from three biological replicates of stigmas (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Data bars (d): Average activity of ROS producing enzymes from three technical replicates of one stigma sample containing 100 stigmas (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Box plots (b, c, e): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results unless otherwise specified. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 5
Extended Data Fig. 5. SRK is correlated with stigmatic ROS during UI.
a, b, BrSRK46 kinase domain (KD) interacts with BrFER1 (KD) in yeast two-hybrid assay (a) and BiFC (b). c, d, Protein extract from SI pollen and B. oleracea pollen (S36), but not that from CP pollen (S12), increased ROS in B. rapa stigmas (S46) (c), and enhanced interaction between BrSRK46 and BrFER1 (d) in the pull-down assay. See Fig. 2c. eg. ROS in B. rapa stigmas (S46) were increased (e), and the BrSRK46-BrFER1 interaction enhanced in the pull-down (f) and Co-IP assays (g), by GST-BrSCR46, not GST-BrSCR12, which is active for S12 stigma. The protein samples were derived from the same experiment and the blots were processed in parallel (d, f, g). For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1. See Fig. 2d, e. h, i, Nitro blue tetrazolium staining or tobacco leaves and H2DCFDA staining of protoplasts from tobacco leaves co-expressing BrFER1, BrRBOHD2, and BrSRK46 showing the enhancement of ROS by BrSCR46, not by BrSCR12. Scale bars, 500 μm (c, e); 50 μm (i). Data bars (d, f, g): average ± SD. Average relative intensities from three biological replicates of the blots shown in Fig. 2c–e (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Box plots (c, e, h, i): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas, tobacco leaves, protoplast samples. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 6
Extended Data Fig. 6. The relationship of FER-ROS signaling with MLPK and ARC1 during SI and UI.
a, b, Quantitative RT-PCR showing AS-BrMLPK and AS-BrARC1 treatment suppressed the expression of BrMLPK and BrARC1, respectively, in mature B. rapa stigmas. c, d, AS-BrMLPK (c) and AS-BrARC1 (d) treatment promoted the growth of SI and UI pollen tubes in mature B. rapa stigmas (S46). e, AS-BrMLPK treatment of mature B. rapa stigmas (S46) inhibited SI and UI pollen-induced ROS increase. f, AS-BrARC1 treatment of mature B. rapa stigmas (S46) did not affect SI and UI pollen-induced ROS increase. Scale bars, 500 μm. Data bars (a, b): average ± SD. Average relative expression levels from three biological replicates of stigmas (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Data bar: average ± s.d. Box plots (cf): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 7
Extended Data Fig. 7. Species-specific match of PCP-Bs and FER.
ac, When observed at 1.5 HAP, the reduced reproductive barrier to B. rapa and B. oleracea pollen in A. thaliana fer mutant (a, srn) and rbohd mutant (b, c) stigmas was obvious. See also Fig. 3c. d, Phylogenetic analysis of PCP-B genes from A. thaliana, B. oleracea, and B. rapa. We name BrapaB3, an ortholog of AtPCP-Bγ, BrPCP-B3 hereafter. e, Amino acid sequence alignment of PCP-Bs from A. thaliana, B. oleracea, and B. rapa shows the comparison of PCP-B sequences. They all shared a common pattern of seven or eight cysteines in the mature polypeptide. Red rectangle shows the conserved cysteines (C30, C32, C33 of AtPCP-B), mutation of which render a loss in the ability for stigmatic ROS reduction and pollen hydration. f, Synthetic AtPCP-Bγ and recombinant MBP-AtPCP-Bγ show similar function in reducing ROS of UP A. thaliana stigmas, but GST-BrPCP-B3 shows no effect in reducing ROS at 5 or 10 MAT. g, B. rapa stigmas and A. thaliana stigmas, which express divergent FER, responded species-preferentially to BrPCP-B3 in reducing ROS. h, AtPCP-Bγ was much faster than GST-BrPCP-B3 in reducing ROS of A. thaliana roots, which also express FER. i, GST-BrPCP-B3 was more effective in reducing ROS of B. rapa roots than that of A. thaliana roots. j, Quantified data of pull-down assay showing the inefficiency of GST-BrPCP-B3 to compete with AtPCP-Bγ in interaction with AtFER (ED)-FLAG. The protein samples were derived from the same experiment and the blots were processed in parallel. For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig.1. See also Fig. 3f. Scale bars, 200 μm (ac, f, g) and roots (h, i). Data bar (j): average ± SD. Average relative intensities from three biological replicates of the blot represented on the left (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Box plots (ac, f, gi): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas or roots. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 8
Extended Data Fig. 8. Stigmatic NO is required for ROS reduction in A. thaliana stigmas during SC and UC.
a, b, Confocal and wide-field imaging showing the increase of stigmatic NO at 5 MAP with SC pollen (a) and quantified data of SC-induced NO and pollen hydration in A. thaliana stigmas, both showed NO peaking at ~5 MAP (b). See Fig. 4a. c, d, FER-dependent elevation of NO in A. thaliana stigmas induced by pollen and At-PCP-Bγ .See Fig. 4d, e. e, AtPCP-Bγ was much faster than GST-BrPCP-B3 in increasing NO of A. thaliana roots. f, GST-BrPCP-B3 was more effective in increasing NO of B. rapa roots than that of A. thaliana roots. g, Roots of fer-4 was not responsive to AtPCP-Bγ in inducing NO. h, i, (Left to right) cPTIO scavenged SC-induced NO, suppressed SC-induced ROS reduction, and inhibited SC pollen hydration and tube growth in A. thaliana stigmas. jn, Relative to WT, noa1 stigmas showed lower NO and higher ROS levels, and slower hydration of SC (WT A. thaliana) pollen and pollen tube growth (j, k, l). Relative to WT, hot5-4 stigmas showed faster NO and lower ROS levels, and faster hydration of SC (WT A. thaliana) pollen and pollen tube growth (j, m, n). o, p, Mutations in NOA1, noa1 (o) and GSNOR, hot5-4 (p), enhanced and reduced, respectively, the reproductive barrier to B. rapa or B. oleracea pollen in A. thaliana stigmas at 1.5 HAP. Scale bars, 200 μm (a, h, j, o, p) and roots (eg); 50 μm for pollen (h, j). Box plots (ap): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas, pollen grains or roots. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 9
Extended Data Fig. 9. The inverse relationship of NO and ROS and nitrosation of BrFER1 and RBOHs in B. rapa stigmas.
a, b, Intraspecific CP pollen (2nd row), but not SI and B. oleracea (UI) pollen, induced NO in B. rapa stigmas. ce, Scavenging NO increased ROS (c) and RBOH enzymatic activity of UP B.rapa stigmas (d), and inhibited the growth of CP pollen tubes in B. rapa stigmas (e). fh, GSNO treatment increased NO (f), reduced ROS (f) and RBOH enzymatic activity of UP B. rapa stigmas (g), and promoted the growth of SI or B. oleracea pollen in mature or B. vulgaris polen in bud-stage B. rapa stigmas (h). i, BrFER1(KD), not BrFER1 (ED), was nitrosated by GSNO. See also Fig. 4f. j, k, LC-MS spectrum showing the nitrosated cysteine residues in BrFER1 protein. l, FER amino acid sequence alignment showing the nitrosated cysteines, Cys730 and Cys752 (*) are evolutionarily conserved. m, Pull-down assay shows GSNO treatment induced quantitative inhibition of MBP-BrFER1(KD) with GST-BrROP2 complex. See also Fig. 4h. n, The nitrosomimetic mutation, Cys730W, reduced the amount of BrFER1 that was pulled down by GFP-BrROP2. o, Phylogenetic analysis of BrRBOHs and AtRBOHD. BrRBOHD1 and BrRBOHD2 are closer to AtRBOHD than other BrRBOHs. pr, RBOHD was nitrosated by NO. In vitro nitrosation of BrRBOHD1 by GSNO (p); CP-induced nitrosation of GFP-AtRBOHD protein from A. thaliana stigmas (q), and LC–MS spectra showing nitrosation of Cys891 of GST-BrRBOHD1 (CT, C-terminal) (r). Nitrosated amino acid residues were labelled with TMT. Proteins were representative of more than three independent preparations. s, t, GST-BrRBOHD2 (CT) (s) and GST-BrRBOHF (CT) (t) proteins were nitrosated in vitro. The protein samples were derived from the same experiment and the blots were processed in parallel (i, m, n, p, q, s, t). For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1. Scale bars, 500 μm. Line chart (b): average ± SD. Average relative NO intensities from three biological replicates of stigmas shown in a (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Data bars (d, g): Average activity of ROS producing enzymes from three technical replicates of one stigma sample containing 100 stigmas (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Data bar (m, n): average ± SD. Average relative intensities from three biological replicates of stigmas in (a) and blots in Fig 4h and in (n) (two tailed t-test, n = 3). Box plots (c, e, f, h): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of stigmas. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results unless otherwise specified. Source data
Extended Data Fig. 10
Extended Data Fig. 10. Breaking interspecific barriers in Brassica crops.
a, b, Reducing ROS by Na-SA or increasing NO by GSNO increased the number of enlarged ovules in the pod of ♀B. rapa × ♂B. oleracea or ♀B. rapa × ♂B. vulgaris. See Fig. 5a. c, Suppressing the expression of BrSRK46, BrBrFER1, or BrRBOHF by AS-ODNs increased the number of enlarged ovules in the pod of ♀B. rapa × ♂B. oleracea or ♀B. rapa × ♂B. vulgaris. See also Fig. 5b. d, B. oleracea pollen tubes or B. vulgaris pollen tubes in B. rapa pistils. The reduced number of enlarged ♀B. rapa × ♂B. vulgaris ovules is possibly due to fewer B. vulgaris pollen tubes had exited the transmitting tissue and targeted the B. rapa ovules due to additional barriers based on their evolutionary distance (Fig. 1a). Arrowheads point to bundles of pollen tubes in the transmitting tissue, stars point to ovules penetrated by a pollen tube. Scale bars, 100 μm (d). Box plots (ac): centre line, median; box limits, lower and upper quartiles; dots, individual data points; whiskers, highest and lowest data points. n (in blue), number of pistils. P values, two-tailed t-tests. Each experiment was repeated at least thrice with consistent results. Source data

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