Chronic cough in adults: recommendations from an Italian intersociety consensus
- PMID: 35666453
- DOI: 10.1007/s40520-022-02154-4
Chronic cough in adults: recommendations from an Italian intersociety consensus
Background: Chronic cough (CC) is a burdensome health problem in adult and older people, with a major impact on quality of life. Its management is often troublesome, and many guidelines have been released. Notwithstanding, a proportion of cases still do not reach a definite diagnosis and resolutive treatment. A coordinated approach between different specialists would be highly recommended, but its implementation in clinical practice suffers from the lack of shared protocols and poor awareness of the problem. The present consensus document has been implemented to address these issues.
Aims: To develop evidence-based recommendations for the management of adults with CC.
Methods: A 12-member expert task force of general practitioners, geriatricians, pneumologists, allergologists, otorhynolaringologists and gastroenterologists was established to develop evidence-based recommendations for the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to subjects with CC. A modified Delphi approach was used to achieve consensus, and the US Preventive Services Task Force system was used to rate the strength of recommendations and the quality of evidence.
Results: A total of 56 recommendations were proposed, covering 28 topics and concerning definitions and epidemiology, pathogenesis and etiology, diagnostic and therapeutic approach along with the consideration of specific care settings.
Conclusion: These recommendations should ease the management of subjects with CC by coordinating the expertise of different specialists. By providing a convenient list of topics of interest, they might assist in identifying unmet needs and research priorities.
Keywords: Adult cough hypersensitivity syndrome; Chronic cough; Multidisciplinary care team; Refractory chronic cough; Unexplained chronic cough.
© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
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