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Multicenter Study
. 2021 Dec;26(12):7363-7371.
doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01247-2. Epub 2021 Aug 12.

Disrupted intrinsic functional brain topology in patients with major depressive disorder

Hong Yang #  1 Xiao Chen #  2   3   4 Zuo-Bing Chen #  5 Le Li  6 Xue-Ying Li  2   7   8 Francisco Xavier Castellanos  9   10 Tong-Jian Bai  11 Qi-Jing Bo  12 Jun Cao  13 Zhi-Kai Chang  2   3 Guan-Mao Chen  14 Ning-Xuan Chen  2   3 Wei Chen  15 Chang Cheng  16 Yu-Qi Cheng  17 Xi-Long Cui  16 Jia Duan  18 Yiru Fang  19 Qi-Yong Gong  20   21 Wen-Bin Guo  16 Zheng-Hua Hou  22 Lan Hu  13 Li Kuang  13 Feng Li  12 Hui-Xian Li  2   3 Kai-Ming Li  20 Tao Li  23   24 Yan-Song Liu  25 Zhe-Ning Liu  26 Yi-Cheng Long  26 Bin Lu  2   3 Qing-Hua Luo  13 Hua-Qing Meng  13 Daihui Peng  19 Hai-Tang Qiu  13 Jiang Qiu  27 Yue-Di Shen  28 Yu-Shu Shi  1 Tian-Mei Si  29 Yan-Qing Tang  18 Chuan-Yue Wang  12 Fei Wang  18 Kai Wang  11 Li Wang  29 Xiang Wang  16 Ying Wang  14 Yu-Wei Wang  2   3 Xiao-Ping Wu  30 Xin-Ran Wu  27 Chun-Ming Xie  31 Guang-Rong Xie  16 Hai-Yan Xie  32 Peng Xie  33   34   35 Xiu-Feng Xu  17 Jian Yang  34 Jia-Shu Yao  15 Shu-Qiao Yao  16 Ying-Ying Yin  22 Yong-Gui Yuan  22 Yu-Feng Zang  36   37 Ai-Xia Zhang  38 Hong Zhang  30 Ke-Rang Zhang  38 Lei Zhang  39 Zhi-Jun Zhang  31 Jing-Ping Zhao  26 Rubai Zhou  19 Yi-Ting Zhou  24 Jun-Juan Zhu  40 Zhi-Chen Zhu  2   3 Chao-Jie Zou  17 Xi-Nian Zuo  41 Chao-Gan Yan  42   43   44   45
Multicenter Study

Disrupted intrinsic functional brain topology in patients with major depressive disorder

Hong Yang et al. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Dec.


Aberrant topological organization of whole-brain networks has been inconsistently reported in studies of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), reflecting limited sample sizes. To address this issue, we utilized a big data sample of MDD patients from the REST-meta-MDD Project, including 821 MDD patients and 765 normal controls (NCs) from 16 sites. Using the Dosenbach 160 node atlas, we examined whole-brain functional networks and extracted topological features (e.g., global and local efficiency, nodal efficiency, and degree) using graph theory-based methods. Linear mixed-effect models were used for group comparisons to control for site variability; robustness of results was confirmed (e.g., multiple topological parameters, different node definitions, and several head motion control strategies were applied). We found decreased global and local efficiency in patients with MDD compared to NCs. At the nodal level, patients with MDD were characterized by decreased nodal degrees in the somatomotor network (SMN), dorsal attention network (DAN) and visual network (VN) and decreased nodal efficiency in the default mode network (DMN), SMN, DAN, and VN. These topological differences were mostly driven by recurrent MDD patients, rather than first-episode drug naive (FEDN) patients with MDD. In this highly powered multisite study, we observed disrupted topological architecture of functional brain networks in MDD, suggesting both locally and globally decreased efficiency in brain networks.

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The authors declare no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1. Group differences in network topological properties between major depressive disorder (MDD) patients and normal controls (NCs).
a Violin plots illustrating the area under the curve (AUC) parameters of the global efficiency (Eglob) and local efficiency (Eloc) for MDD patients and NCs. Means and standard deviations are depicted. b Eglob and Eloc across a density range between 10% and 34%. Each point and error bar denote the mean and standard deviation at each density level, respectively. Asterisks indicate a significant difference at this density threshold. c Group differences in efficiency, degree and betweenness at the nodal level. Insignificant nodes are shown as green spheres, whereas blue (MDD < NC) and red (MDD > NC) spheres denote significant differences after FDR correction. The size of the significant nodes reflects the effect sizes of group differences. **: p < 0.01.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2. Subgroup differences in network topological properties (efficiency, Eglob, and local efficiency, Eloc).
Distributions of areas under the curve (AUCs) are depicted. a First episode drug naïve (FEDN) patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) vs. normal controls (NCs). b Patients with recurrent MDD vs. NCs. c recurrent patients with MDD vs. FEDN patients. **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3. Subgroup differences in efficiency, degree and betweenness at the nodal level.
Nonsignificant nodes are shown as green spheres. Blue (a: FEDN < NC; b: recurrent MDD < NC; c: recurrent MDD < FEDN) and red (a: FEDN > NC; b: recurrent MDD > NC; c: recurrent MDD > FEDN) spheres denote significant differences after FDR correction. The sizes of the significant nodes reflect the effect sizes of group differences. NC normal control, FEDN first-episode drug naïve.
Fig. 4
Fig. 4. Lp and Cp differences between major depressive disorder (MDD) patients and normal controls (NCs) as well as subgroup contrasts.
Distributions of areas under the curve (AUCs) are depicted. a MDD vs. NCs. b First-episode drug naïve (FEDN) patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) vs. normal controls (NCs). c Patients with recurrent MDD vs. NCs. d patients with recurrent MDD vs. FEDN patients. *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001.

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