Optimal fluoroscopic viewing angles for stenting of the coronary aorto-ostial lesions
- PMID: 34355782
- PMCID: PMC8747821
- DOI: 10.5603/CJ.a2021.0080
Optimal fluoroscopic viewing angles for stenting of the coronary aorto-ostial lesions
Background: Long-term results after stenting aorto-coronary ostial lesions (AOL) are worse than those achieved in non-ostial locations. AOL interventions still pose a substantial challenge for interventional cardiologists. The aim of the study was to determine the optimal fluoroscopic viewing angles of the left and right coronary ostia, based on multislice computed tomography (MSCT) data.
Methods: Cardiac MSCT exams of 30 patients with clinical suspicion of coronary artery disease were analyzed. En face angles of both coronary ostia, as well as their optimal projection curves, were determined by 2 independent observers in a standard Dicom viewer, without any additional, specialized software add-ons, using a systematic, step-by-step approach. Spatial relations between the ostial plane and the aorta were also assessed.
Results: The average en face angle of the left coronary ostium was RAO 23°, CAU 45°; for the right coronary ostium RAO 18°, CRA 5°. The mean inter-observer differences for the en face angles of the left and right coronary arteries were 5° and 7°, respectively.
Conclusions: Multislice computed tomography data provide precise spatial information on the orientation of the coronary ostia and their relation to the aortic root. Their utilization for determining the patient-specific viewing angle may substantially facilitate percutaneous coronary interventions in AOL.
Keywords: aorto-ostial lesions; cardiovascular imaging; coronary intervention; multislice computed tomography; optimal projection curves.
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