Prevalence of black-pigmented bacteroides species in root canal infections
- PMID: 2607261
- DOI: 10.1016/S0099-2399(89)80092-5
Prevalence of black-pigmented bacteroides species in root canal infections
The prevalence of black-pigmented Bacteroides species in the root canals of 72 teeth with apical periodontitis was evaluated. Twenty-two of the canals contained one or more species of black-pigmented Bacteroides. Bacteroides intermedius (14 strains) and Bacteroides endodontalis (5 strains) were most common. Of the species Bacteroides gingivalis, Bacteroides loeschei, and Bacteroides denticola, 2, 3, and 1 strains, respectively, were isolated. The median number of bacterial cells recovered from the root canals containing black-pigmented Bacteroides was 2.8 x 10(5) and from the other canals 3.0 x 10(3). The mean number of strains was 7.9 and 3.3, respectively. Sixteen of the 22 root canals containing black-pigmented Bacteroides species were associated with acute apical abscesses and purulent drainage through the root canal. The other six teeth with black-pigmented Bacteroides were asymptomatic. One additional abscess was present among the 72 cases. This root canal contained Actinomyces israelii and Actinomyces naeslundii.
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