Animal breeding

The aim of breeding farm animals is to increase the economic profitability and competitiveness of animal husbandry, the quality of livestock production, and the environmental friendliness of livestock production.

To achieve this aim, it is important to increase the performance ability and genetic value of farm animals and preserve the gene pool. This ensures Estonia’s reliability in the field of farm animal breeding in both the European common market as well as in interaction with third countries.

The field of farm animal breeding is regulated by the Farm Animals Breeding Act, EU regulations, and directly applicable EU legal acts.

The animal health and welfare office of the Agriculture and Food Board exercises supervision over farm animal breeding.

Requesting extension breeding programme

The competent authority to receive notifications referred to in Article 12 and information, requests or notifications referred to in Articles 48 and 49:

Agriculture and Food Board

Väike-Paala 3, Tallinn 11415

e-mail: [email protected]

Last updated: 28.05.2024