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Minimum Minimal

Minimum Minimal

Este tema não é actualizado há mais de 2 anos. Pode já não ser mantido ou suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando utilizado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

A beautiful lightweight blogging WordPress theme with a minimalist nordic style. “Minimum Minimal” is your mobile friendly and fully responsive companion for your travel blog, food blog, self development articles or other daily musings. It is Jetpack, Gutenberg and WooCommerce ready and, of course, SEO (search engine) friendly. Use the icon menu to support your social media presence and publish photo galleries or post videos to share from your site. This theme is easy to set up and work with on a daily basis. Its elegant, clean and timeless design makes sure your site looks best for years to come. Live demo: https://richwp.r1e9.com/minimumminimal/

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