Sua equipe está dividida em métricas de sustentabilidade. Como você prioriza e alinha seus objetivos?
Quando sua equipe está dividida em métricas de sustentabilidade, é crucial encontrar um caminho intermediário que alinhe as aspirações de todos. Veja como agilizar o processo:
- Estabeleça uma visão compartilhada realizando workshops para unificar metas.
- Priorize com base no impacto, concentrando-se nas métricas com os benefícios ambientais e sociais mais significativos.
- Revise e adapte regularmente as metas para refletir novos insights ou mudanças na dinâmica da equipe.
Como você encontra harmonia nos objetivos de sustentabilidade? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
Sua equipe está dividida em métricas de sustentabilidade. Como você prioriza e alinha seus objetivos?
Quando sua equipe está dividida em métricas de sustentabilidade, é crucial encontrar um caminho intermediário que alinhe as aspirações de todos. Veja como agilizar o processo:
- Estabeleça uma visão compartilhada realizando workshops para unificar metas.
- Priorize com base no impacto, concentrando-se nas métricas com os benefícios ambientais e sociais mais significativos.
- Revise e adapte regularmente as metas para refletir novos insights ou mudanças na dinâmica da equipe.
Como você encontra harmonia nos objetivos de sustentabilidade? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
Cecilia Lozada Andrade
Partnerships for Purpose | Climate Communications | Sustainability Advocacy
(editado)Go back to basics! In your next team meeting, take the time to ask these questions: 1. What are the common vision we share in terms of SDGs? 2. What does each team member understand as “sustainability” and what are the sources we have used to create this narrative? 3. What are the gaps and differences in our understanding of our needs? I think these could 3 key basic questions to begin bridging gaps in sustainability perspectives and priorities.
> ensure broad stakeholder engagement > identify qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, data analysis) > Determine business priorities based on stakeholder's needs > update the assessment regularly (e.g., annually or biannually) > use widely recognized frameworks such as GRI, SASB, or TCFD > take part in initiatives such as UN Global Compact or Science Based Targets Initiative > take into account sector-specific guidelines > include sustainability metrics into each perspective (Financial, Customer, Internal Process, Learning & Growth) > link sustainability initiatives to overall business strategies in a clear manner > communicate sustainability performance across the organization through the scorecard
Great approach! Establishing a shared vision through workshops, prioritizing impactful metrics, and regularly reviewing goals ensures alignment and adapts to evolving insights and team dynamics. #Sustainability #TeamAlignment
Start with Company's material topics and then sync the metrics with company's goals, not necessary the publicly stated ones, but internal goals also. One should be clear on why and what is being called out as "metric". Too many metrics can spoil the broth and plunge the interests of stakeholders. Only significant metrics may be finalised. To give an example, an HR spoc might be interested in only number of female employees who availed maternity leaves, but for someone from sustainability, it would make more sense to monitor the number of female who returned to work after ML and were retained for atleast an year. This speaks about the culture of an organisation.
To prioritize and align your team's sustainability metrics, begin by facilitating an open dialogue to understand each member's perspectives and priorities. Identify common goals that align with the organization's overarching sustainability strategy. Use data-driven analysis to assess which metrics most effectively measure progress toward these goals. Establish criteria for prioritization based on impact, feasibility, and relevance. Encourage collaborative decision-making to ensure buy-in from all team members. By fostering a shared understanding and consensus, you can unify the team around aligned objectives and streamline your approach to measuring sustainability performance.
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