prussiawinplz's avatar


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  • Germany
  • Deviant for 13 years
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Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
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Pretty Damn awesome

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The awesome kind~
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I created this account and then never did anything with it XDYes it is just a plz account but it looks a little barren.I will probably be editing it a little bit after school!Creator of the ICON not the Picture; :iconriseagainstceda:If the owner of this picture would like this account to be removed just ask and i will gladly take it down! :)
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Profile Comments 109

anonymous's avatar
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amewican's avatar
Ze awesome PRUSSIA always wins!
daniscod's avatar
the owner of the art is the orginal manga creator so you won't have to worry lol
shylinq's avatar
Naminsan's avatar
lol, win
xTheAwesomePrussia's avatar

:iconprusplz::iconsaysplz: Hey hey hey! Bruder! Hey Ludwig! Bruder hey! West answere! Hey hey hey You! West bruder! Hey hey here! Mein Bruder! Hey hey!

:icongermanicdespairplz::iconsaysplz: WAS?!

:iconprussiaumadplz::iconsaysplz: Hi~

:icongermanysasehhplz::iconsaysplz: ...bruder what dou you want?

:iconpervyprussiaplz::iconsaysplz: Nothing special~ only wanna talk about Emanuela

:icongermanyrantplz::iconsaysplz: WAAAS? LASS DIE FINGER VON IHR!

:iconscaryprussiaplz::iconsaysplz: To late~

:icongermanypedofaceplz::iconsaysplz: WHAT HAVE YOU DO?!

:iconprussiarapefaceplz::iconsaysplz: Hm...some different Things~ kesese~

:iconomggermanyplz::iconsaysplz: What for different Things?!

:iconprussiapantsplz::iconsaysplz: Just look~

:iconmadgermanyplz::iconsaysplz: W-what the...?! Where do you get her Pants?! Give me them!!

:iconprussiarapeplz::iconsaysplz: NEIN! COME HERE AND FIGHT ME!!!

:icongermanyrapefaceplz::iconsaysplz: Ok! //takels


APH Prussia tackle hug

...After a wile...

:icongermanyeyebrowsplz::iconsaysplz: Ha! Your not so awesome as you think~

:iconprussiawtf2plz::iconsaysplz: H-how??

:iconludwigspantiesplz::iconsaysplz: I got the pants~

:iconprussiarapeplz::iconsaysplz: NEVA! //tackels


:iconamericachainsawplz::iconsaysplz: What the fuck are you doing there?... *all The time here*

:iconprussiarapedfaceplz::iconsaysplz: Ahhh not that what it looks like!

:icondontmolestgermanyplz::iconsaysplz: Nothing!...

:iconamericachainsawplz::iconsaysplz: I see...


:iconamericarapefaceplz::iconsaysplz: Well? I wanna Play with you~...

:iconprussiarapedfaceplz::iconsaysplz: OH MEIN GOTT!! IAM OUT OF HERE!!!! :iconsuckitlosersplz:*jumps out of the window*

:iconwindow-plz::iconsaysplz: Och that Hurts.... QwQ

:icongermanyomgwtfplz::iconsaysplz: Bruder........

:iconamericawtfplz::iconsaysplz: I only wanna Play Tag...

:iconhappyitalyplz::iconsaysplz: Germany Germany! You will Play tag? Vee~

:icongermanyfacepalmplz::iconsaysplz: Nein.

:iconamericaxdplz::iconsaysplz: Come one it will be amazing!

:iconukeitalyplz::iconsaysplz: Please... Vee..

:icongermanyblushplz::iconsaysplz: Ok... Lets Play.

:iconitalyistoohappyplz::iconsaysplz: Yay! Vee vee

:iconamericahappyspazzplz::iconsaysplz: Letse go!





