Ruff RiderzProiteus on DeviantArt

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Proiteus's avatar

Ruff Riderz



‘We grotz may av gunz but we ain’t good in kombat and get stomped real bad, so it’s up to da Ruff Riderz to do a hit en run on any Ork Boyz, Marinez, Nidz or any ding else dat would try and stomp me men!’

At last with the Rough Riders now finished the 1500pt Grot Rebellion army is officially complete, but so far playing 1000pts and 1500pts with the ninja filling in for the Ruff Riderz the Grots have played 8 Games…
5 Victories
3 Defeats
The main reason for the defeats is due to rampaging Deamon Princes, Marine Assault Squads, Mega Armoured Nobs, Hive Tyrants the list goes on, so as you can guess the Ruff Riderz have a crucial part to play in future games.

Now to get 2000pts done so that the Grots can ruin Xmas :evillaugh:

-- Grot Rebellion Miniatures --
Grotsnik & Grot Command: [link]
Weapons Specialists: [link]
Kommandos: [link]
Ninja: [link]
Grot Infantry: [link]
Grenadiers: [link]
Ruff Riderz: [link]
Minibug Tank: [link]
Doom-Vee: [link]
GAZA: [link]
Battle Bruiser: [link]
The Little Grot: [link]

Themed Loot Counters: [link]
Image size
620x780px 176.79 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Proiteus
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LevIsacovich's avatar
Every grot rebel picture I find, i love this army more and more!