Artem Platonov
@ladrower on
- Member Since: December 4th, 2009
- Website:
- Job Title: Engineer
Contribution History
Artem Platonov’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [684500] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.3 released -
Committed [480278] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 3.0 -
Committed [480275] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [480273] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [480266] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [480258] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.0 released -
Committed [480254] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 2.0 -
Committed [464386] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [461246] to Plugins SVN:
GeoIP.dat (IP database file) updated on November 1st, 2011 -
Committed [431963] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt corrected -
Committed [431960] to Plugins SVN:
New stable release -
Committed [431712] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [431710] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [431708] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [431700] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [431683] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt corrected -
Committed [431665] to Plugins SVN:
First version of geo-redirect plugin
Geo Redirect
Active Installs: 500+