@dmsr on
- Member Since: June 22nd, 2013
- Location: Poitiers, France
- Website:
- Job Title: Conception de site Web
- Employer: Hubert Souchaud
Contribution History
dmsr’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Ajoute un widget indispensable à WP! -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Insdispensable si vous publiez beaucoup de playlists Y… -
Created a topic, Simple et efficace, on the site Forums:
Merci, très utile pour éviter le spam! -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Indispensable si vous publiez beaucoup de video -
Created a topic, Excellent, on the site Forums:
Si vous préférez plus simple, ré-activez le gestionnai… -
Created a topic, Parfait, on the site Forums:
Pour quoi n'est-ce pas une fonction native de wordpres… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Si vous utilisez WP en mode multi-utilisateur, parfait… -
Created a topic, J’adore, on the site Forums:
Si le travail des couleurs est indispensable sur votre… -
Created a topic, Must Have, on the site Forums:
J'adore cette fonctionnalité de WP, pourquoi s'en pass… -
Created a topic, Must Have, on the site Forums:
Demeure dans ma boite à outils car le gestionnaire de … -
Created a topic, Must have, on the site Forums:
Dans ma boite à outils -
Created a topic, Parfait, on the site Forums:
à utiliser sur tous les sites où vous avez la main sur… -
Created a topic, Indispensable?, on the site Forums:
Je l'installe systématiquement depuis bien longtemps s… -
Created a topic, Super, on the site Forums:
Gagnez du temps ! Ce plugin est parfait pour enregistr… -
Created a topic, Excellent, on the site Forums:
Un excellent plugin! -
Created a topic, Super, on the site Forums:
Même en version gratuite, ce plugin est parfait et for… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Simple et efficace! -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Un must have du webmarketing pour les TPE -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Parfait pour publier vos images dans une newsletter al… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Pour améliorer encore votre image de marque, cette ext… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Gagnez du temps! Très utile et fort efficace! -
Created a topic, Élégante solution, on the site Forums:
Élégante solution pour naviguer dans les archives du s… -
Created a topic, Simple et efficace, on the site Forums:
Très pratique et fort utile! -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
J'installe Boost sur tous mes sites! A desormais rempl… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Simple mais très efficace ! -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
J'installe cette extension sur tous mes sites -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Installée sur tous mes sites! -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Extension installée sur tous les sites que j'utilise a… -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Extension installée sur tous les sites que j'utilise a… -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Extension installée sur tous les sites que j'utilise p… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Extension installée, très pratique, sur des petits sit… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Extension Jetpack installée sur tous les sites que j'u… -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Extension Imsanity installée sur tous les sites que j'… -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Extension installée sur tous les sites que j'utilise p… -
Created a topic, Insdipensable, on the site Forums:
Extension installée sur tous les sites que j'utilise o… -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Askinet installée sur tous les sites que j'utilise -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Extension installée sur tous les sites que j'utilise -
Created a topic, Indispensable, on the site Forums:
Systématiquement installé sur tout site que j'utilise -
Created a topic, Formidable, on the site Forums:
Avec le plugin Twentig ce thème est le plus polyvalent… -
Posted a reply to [WP Maintenance Mode & Coming Soon] Incompatibility with Jetpack Boost, on the site Forums:
Thank you -
Created a topic, Incompatibility with Jetpack Boost, on the site Forums:
Hello, I come here to tell you that I get a blank page… -
Posted a reply to How to remove saved design patterns, on the site Forums:
Yes! HOW TO? please! -
Created a topic, Parfait, on the site Forums:
Rapide, impressionnant. Parfait. -
Created a topic, Parfait, on the site Forums:
A must-have! -
Posted a reply to gutenberg updating failed, on the site Forums:
Solved updating my php.ini with this directive: always_populate_raw_post_data: -1 see -
Posted a reply to WordPress 5 and Show Pixabay button, on the site Forums:
We need gutenberg compatibility & capacity: a block please! -
Posted a reply to Classic Shortcode to 6.9 Tiled Gallery Blocks Convertion Error, on the site Forums:
Hi. After updating Jetpack to version 7, I notice that the issue is not solved… -
Posted a reply to Classic Shortcode to 6.9 Tiled Gallery Blocks Convertion Error, on the site Forums:
This issue is NOT resolved -
Posted a reply to I can not add a product block anywhere anymore, on the site Forums:
screenshot: translation issue: -
Posted a reply to Classic Shortcode to 6.9 Tiled Gallery Blocks Convertion Error, on the site Forums:
Abbreviation Button for the Block Editor
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®)
Advanced Responsive Video Embedder for Rumble, Odysee, YouTube, Vimeo, Kick ...
Advanced WordPress Backgrounds
Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection
Allow HTML in Category Descriptions
Auto Publish for Google My Business
Blackhole for Bad Bots
Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks
Blog2Social: Social Media Auto Post & Scheduler
Breadcrumb Trail
Broken Link Checker
Classic Editor
Clean My Archives
Create Block Theme
Custom Post Type Widgets
Customizer Export/Import
Debug Bar
Debug Bar Shortcodes
Debug This
Default Featured Image
Disable Embeds
Duplicator - Backups & Migration Plugin - Cloud Backups, Scheduled Backups, & More
Easy Google Fonts
Email Address Encoder
Embedder For Google Drive
Enable Media Replace
Enhanced Media Library
Event Organiser
Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!
Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV
Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator
Featured Audio
Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More
Gallery Blocks with Lightbox. Image Gallery, (HTML5 video , YouTube, Vimeo) Video Gallery and Lightbox for native gallery
Gutena Newsletter - Subscriber Block & Connect Mailchimp
Gutenberg Block Editor Toolkit – EditorsKit
Gutenberg Blocks Library & Toolkit - Editor Plus
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Image Color Palette
Image Watermark
Import any XML, CSV or Excel File to WordPress
Import Social Events
IP Based Login
Issues and Series for Newspapers, Magazines, Publishers, Writers
Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth
Jetpack Boost - Website Speed, Performance and Critical CSS
Jetpack Protect
Jetpack Social
JSON Feed (
Lang Attribute for the Block Editor
Lazy Load for Videos
LightStart - Maintenance Mode, Coming Soon and Landing Page Builder
Link Library
Link Manager
List Pages Shortcode
Login for Google Apps
mb.miniAudioPlayer - an HTML5 audio player for your mp3 files
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress
Media Library Assistant
Members - Membership & User Role Editor Plugin
Meta Field Block
MultiSite Clone Duplicator
Name Directory
Network Plugin Auditor
Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks
Pattern Manager
Performance Lab
PHP Code Widget
Plugin Organizer
Plugin Toggle
Post SMTP - WP SMTP Plugin with Email Logs and Mobile App for Failure Notifications - Gmail SMTP, Office 365, Brevo, Mailgun, Amazon SES and more
Post to Google My Business (Google Business Profile)
Post Type Switcher
Posts 2 Posts
PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry
Press This
Publicize With Hashtags
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
Quick and Easy FAQs
Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
Really Simple Security - Simple and Performant Security (formerly Really Simple SSL)
Regenerate Thumbnails
Relevanssi - A Better Search
Rename Media Files: Improve Your WordPress SEO
Reusable Blocks Extended
Safe SVG
Schedule Post Changes With PublishPress Future: Unpublish, Delete, Change Status, Trash, Change Categories
Schema Default Image
SF Archiver
Sharing buttons shortcode for Jetpack
Show IDs by DraftPress
Simple Calendar - Google Calendar Plugin
Simple History – Track, Log, and Audit WordPress Changes
Social Media Stats
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
SSH SFTP Updater Support
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
Table of Contents Plus
TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy
The Events Calendar
The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.
Theme Check
Theme My Login
Toolkit for Block Theme (Starter Templates, Portfolio, Gutenberg Blocks, Patterns) – Twentig
Transients Manager
Tune Library
Ultimate Blocks - WordPress Blocks Plugin
Ultimate Category Excluder
UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin
User Role Editor
User Switching
Visual Portfolio, Photo Gallery & Post Grid
W3 Total Cache
WebSub (FKA. PubSubHubbub)
Widget Importer & Exporter
WordPress Beta Tester
WordPress Importer
WordPress Online Booking and Scheduling Plugin – Bookly
WordPress Tag, Category, and Taxonomy Manager - AI Autotagger
WP Chosen
WP Crontrol
WP Dashboard Notes
WP LinkedIn Auto Publish
WP Mail SMTP by WPForms - The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin
WP Migrate Lite - WordPress Migration Made Easy
WP Plugin Info Card
WP Revisions Control
WP Rollback - Rollback Plugins and Themes
WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate
WP Sitemap Page
WP Super Cache
WP YouTube Lyte
WP-Optimize – Cache, Compress images, Minify & Clean database to boost page speed & performance
YourChannel: Everything you want in a YouTube plugin.