Ep 174: Introducing 'The Quick Dip' | Short Takes on Big Ideas

《rich & REGULAR with Kiersten and Julien Saunders》Podcast

This week we're ditching the usual deep dives and trying a new format. The Quick Dip is where we embrace shallow takes, and in this episode we’re talking about everything from the Olympics and bankruptcy to the creepy world of personalized pricing. 

First we tackle the Olympic exploitation issue, questioning the disparity in pay and prize money for athletes across the globe. Then we discuss the rising bankruptcy trend, wondering if we're becoming numb to the stigma or if it’s truly just changing. And finally, we explore the spooky world of surveillance pricing, wondering if we've lost our privacy in the pursuit of convenience. Get ready to be surprised, provoked, and possibly slightly horrified 


  • Why are Olympians so Broke?
  • Download our free Financial Technology Toolkit
  • Bankruptcies up 16% YoY
  • Impact to credit score and likelihood for bankruptcy in states with legalized betting
  • FTC files special report regarding surveillance pricing

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