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What is Pocketmags Plus+? HelpHelp
Pocketmags Plus+ is an all-you-can-read, instant access monthly magazine subscription that allows you to read, download and save thousands of issues from hundreds of leading titles.
Which magazines are included? HelpHelp
Pocketmags Plus+ includes over 40,000 issues from 600+ popular digital magazines. You can view the full list of available titles here. Please note that not all titles available on Pocketmags Newsstand are included in Pocketmags Plus+.
How muchWhat does Pocketmags Plus+ cost? HelpHelp
Pocketmags Plus+ is only $13.99 per month. Subscriptions automatically renew until cancelled, ensuring continuous service, and access to Plus+ content.
Where can I read my magazines? HelpHelp
Pocketmags Plus+ subscribers can read, download and save their magazines on the Pocketmags iOS and Android app. Subscribers can also read their magazines right here on the Pocketmags website on desktop, mobile and tablet.
If I don’t love it, how do I cancel? HelpHelp
If you decide that Pocketmags Plus+ isn’t for you, cancelling is quick and easy. Simply log in to your account and click ‘Cancel subscription’ to ensure no further payments are taken. If you change your mind you can reactivate your subscription in just a few clicks.
Do you offer Gift or Annual subscriptions? HelpHelp
Yes. You can purchase an Annual Plus+ subscription here, offering great savings on the monthly price. Gift subscriptions can be purchased here, the perfect gift for magazine lovers.
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Important: Introductory offer is available once per customer. Subscriptions automatically renew until cancelled. Cancellation can be done in your account any time up to 24 hours before the next renewal date. If you cancel your subscription, you will have access to the Service until the end of the Subscription Period that you have paid for, after which you will no longer have access to Plus+. View full terms and conditions.