In accordance with the Statutes of the International Committee of Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the final stage in the process of making changes to the Universal Scheme of Virus Classification is the ratification of taxonomic proposals by ICTV members. This can occur either at a plenary meeting of ICTV, held during an International Congress of Virology conference, or by circulation of proposals by mail followed by a ballot. As in recent years, a list of proposals that had been subjected to the full, multi-stage review process was prepared and presented on the ICTVonline web pages by January 2012. This review process involved input from the ICTV study groups and subcommittees, other interested virologists, and the ICTV Executive Committee. These proposals were submitted to and discussed by the ICTV Executive Committee over the past two years and represent changes to virus taxonomy from that recently published in the Ninth Report [1]. The ratification process was performed entirely by email. The proposals were sent electronically via email on January 24 2012 to ICTV Executive Committee Members (18), Life Members (11), ICTV Subcommittee Members (105), and ICTV National Representatives (55). Members were then requested to vote on whether or not to ratify the taxonomic proposals, within a four-week deadline (voting closed on February 21, 2012).
The following are the taxonomic proposals that were ratified by ICTV members in February 2012. The proposals are organized by subcommittee, and then the filename posted on-line, which contained the specific information about the proposals. Note that by ICTV convention, all approved taxon names are italicized. The details of all these proposals can be obtained at The latest version of virus taxonomy, incorporating all the changes reported here, is now available on-line at the ICTV web site:
Fungal Virus Subcommittee
- 2009.001a,bF
create species named Heterocapsa circularisquama DNA virus 01 in the new unassigned genus Dinodnavirus
- 2009.001c,eF
create a new unassigned genus
- 2009.001dF
name the new genus Dinodnavirus
- 2009.001fF
designate Heterocapsa circularisquama DNA virus 01 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.002a,b,F
create species named Chaetoceros salsugineum DNA virus 01 in the new unassigned genus Bacilladnavirus
- 2009.002c,eF
create a new unassigned genus
- 2009.002dF
name the new genus Bacilladnavirus
- 2009.002fF
designate Chaetoceros salsugineum DNA virus 01 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001aF
create species named Trichomonas vaginalis virus 1, Trichomonas vaginalis virus 2, and Trichomonas vaginalis virus 3 in the new genus Trichomonasvirus, family Totiviridae
- 2010.001bF
create a genus in the family Totiviridae
- 2010.001cF
name the new genus Trichomonasvirus
- 2010.001dF
designate Trichomonas vaginalis virus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.002aF
create species named Rosellinia necatrix megabirnavirus 1 in the new genus Megabirnavirus in the new family Megabirnaviridae
- 2010.002bF
create a genus in the family Megabirnaviridae
- 2010.002cF
name the new genus Megabirnavirus
- 2010.002dF
designate Rosellinia necatrix megabirnavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.002eF
create an unassigned family
- 2010.002fF
name the new family Megabirnaviridae
- 2010.002gF
assign the new genus Megabirnavirus to the new family
- 2010.003aF
create species named Ostreococcus tauri virus OtV5 in the genus Prasinovirus, family Phycodnaviridae
- 2010.004aF
create species named Acanthocystis turfacea chlorella virus 1 in the genus Chlorovirus, family Phycodnaviridae
Invertebrate Virus Subcommittee
- 2008.001I
create new genus in the family Dicistroviridae
- 2008.002I
name the new genus Aparavirus
- 2008.003I
assign 4 existing species (Acute bee paralysis virus, Kashmir bee virus, Solenopsis invicta virus-1, Taura syndrome virus) to new genus and create 1 additional species (Israeli acute paralysis virus)
- 2008.004I
designate Acute bee paralysis virus as type species of new genus
- 2008.006I
create species Israeli acute paralysis virus in genus Aparavirus
- 2009.001aI
create species named Glossina hytrovirus in the proposed genus Glossinavirus in the proposed family Hytrosaviridae
- 2009.001bI
create species named Musca hytrovirus in the proposed genus Muscavirus in the proposed family Hytrosaviridae
- 2009.001cI
create a new genus
- 2009.001dI
name the genus Glossinavirus
- 2009.001eI
designate Glossina hytrovirus to be type species in the proposed genus Glossinavirus
- 2009.001fI
create a new genus
- 2009.001gI
name the genus Muscavirus
- 2009.001hI
designate Musca hytrovirus to be type species in the proposed genus Muscavirus
- 2009.001iI
create a new unassigned family
- 2009.001jI
name the family Hytrosaviridae
- 2009.001kI
assign the genera Glossinavirus and Muscavirus to the new family
- 2010.001aI
create a new genus in the family Permutotetraviridae (new)
- 2010.001bI
name the genus Alphapermutotetravirus
- 2010.001cI
designate species Thosea asigna virus as type species of the new genus
- 2010.001dI
create new unassigned family
- 2010.001eI
name the new family Permutotetraviridae
- 2010.001fI
assign genus Alphapermutotetravirus to the new family
- 2010.001gI
create a new genus in the family Carmotetraviridae (new)
- 2010.001hI
name the genus Alphacarmotetravirus
- 2010.001iI
designate species Providence virus as type species of the new genus
- 2010.001jI
create new unassigned family
- 2010.001kI
name the new family Carmotetraviridae
- 2010.001lI
assign genus Alphacarmotetravirus to the new family
- 2010.001mI
remove 2 species, Euprosterna elaeasa virus and Thosea asigna virus, from their current assigned position in the genus Betatetravirus, family Tetraviridae
- 2010.001nI
reassign the species Euprosterna elaeasa virus and Thosea asigna virus to genus Alphapermutotetravirus (new), family Permutotetraviridae (new)
- 2010.001oI
remove the species Providence virus from its current assigned position in the genus Betatetravirus, family Tetraviridae
- 2010.001pI
reassign the species Providence virus to the genus Alphacarmotetravirus (new), family Carmotetraviridae (new)
- 2010.001qI
change the name of family Tetraviridae to the Alphatetraviridae
- 2011.004aI
create species named Mud crab virus in the genus Aparavirus, family Dicistroviridae, order Picornavirales
- 2011.005aI
create species named Slow bee paralysis virus in the genus Iflavirus, family Iflaviridae, order Picornavirales
Plant Virus Subcommittee
- 2009.004a,bP
create species named Triticum mosaic virus in the new genus Poacevirus, family Potyviridae
- 2009.004c,eP
create a new genus in the family Potyviridae
- 2009.004dP
name the new genus Poacevirus
- 2009.004fP
designate Triticum mosaic virus as type species in the new genus
- 2009.004gP
assign the previously unassigned species Sugarcane streak mosaic virus as additional species in the new genus
- 2009.004h,iP
remove the species Sugarcane streak mosaic virus from “unassigned” in the family Potyviridae and reassign to the new genus
- 2009.008a,cP
create a genus in the new family Betaflexiviridae, order Tymovirales
- 2009.008bP
name the new genus Tepovirus
- 2009.008dP
designate Potato virus T as type species in the new genus
- 2009.008e,fP
remove the species Potato virus T from “unassigned” in the family Betaflexiviridae and reassign to the new genus
- 2009.012a,bP
create species named Aurantiochytrium single-stranded RNA virus 01 in the proposed genus Labyrnavirus, to be unassigned in the order Picornavirales
- 2009.012c,e,P
create an unassigned genus in the order Picornavirales
- 2009.012dP
name the new genus Labyrnavirus
- 2009.012fP
designate Aurantiochytrium single-stranded RNA virus 01 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.015a-f,kP
create species named Rhizosolenia setigera RNA virus 01, Chaetoceros tenuissimus RNA virus 01 and Chaetoceros socialis f. radians RNA virus 01 in the proposed genus Bacillarnavirus, unassigned in the order Picornavirales
- 2009.015g,I,oP
create a new genus to be unassigned in order Picornavirales
- 2009.015hP
name the new genus Bacillarnavirus
- 2009.015jP
designate Rhizosolenia setigera RNA virus 01 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.016a,bP
create species named Heterocapsa circularisquama RNA virus 01 in the genus Dinornavirus (new), family Alvernaviridae (new, unassigned)
- 2009.016c,e,iP
create a genus in the family Alvernaviridae (new)
- 2009.016eP
name the new genus Dinornavirus
- 2009.016fP
designate Heterocapsa circularisquama RNA virus 01 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001aP
create species named Ugandan cassava brown streak virus in the genus Ipomovirus in the family Potyviridae
- 2010.002aP
create species named Sweet potato virus C in the genus Potyvirus in the family Potyviridae
- 2010.003aP
create 2 species named Strawberry chlorotic fleck-associated virus and Raspberry leaf mottle virus in the genus Closterovirus in the family Closteroviridae
- 2010.004aP
create species named Gayfeather mild mottle virus in the genus Cucumovirus in the family Bromoviridae
- 2010.005aP
create 2 species named Blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus and Strawberry necrotic shock virus in the genus Ilarvirus in the family Bromoviridae
- 2010.006aP
create species Bombyx mori latent virus to be unassigned in the family Tymoviridae, order Tymovirales
- 2010.007aP
create species named Blackberry virus S in the genus Marafivirus in the family Tymoviridae, order Tymovirales
- 2010.008aP
create species named Grapevine Syrah virus 1 in the genus Marafivirus in the family Tymoviridae, order Tymovirales
- 2010.009aP
create species named Faba bean necrotic stunt virus and Pea necrotic yellow dwarf virus in the genus Nanovirus in the family Nanoviridae
- 2010.010aP
create species named Pepper chat fruit viroid in the genus Pospiviroid in the family Pospiviroidae
- 2010.011aP
remove (abolish) two unassigned species: Hawaiian rubus leaf curl virus and Pigeon pea sterility mosaic virus
- 2010.012aP
create species named Poinsettia mosaic virus to be unassigned in the family Tymoviridae, order Tymovirales
- 2010.013aP
create 5 species named Banana streak VN virus, Pineapple bacilliform CO virus, Pineapple bacilliform ER virus, Bougainvillea chlorotic vein banding virus, and Dioscorea bacilliform SN virus in the genus Badnavirus in the family Caulimoviridae
- 2010.013bP
Change the names of the following 4 species: (i) Citrus mosaic virus to Citrus yellow mosaic virus, (ii) Dioscorea bacilliform virus to Dioscorea bacilliform AL virus, (iii) Banana streak Mysore virus to Banana streak MY virus and (iv) Sugarcane bacilliform Mor virus to Sugarcane bacilliform MO virus
- 2010.014aP
create species named Lamium leaf distortion virus in the genus Caulimovirus in the family Caulimoviridae
- 2010.015aP
create species named Fig mosaic virus in the unassigned genus Emaravirus
- 2010.016aP
create species named Lilac leaf chlorosis virus in the genus Ilarvirus in the family Bromoviridae
- 2010.017aP
create new genus in the family Caulimoviridae
- 2010.017bP
name the new genus Solendovirus
- 2010.017cP
designate Tobacco vein clearing virus as type species in the new genus
- 2010.017dP
remove Tobacco vein clearing virus from the genus Cavemovirus, family Caulimoviridae
- 2010.017eP
reassign Tobacco vein clearing virus to the new genus Solendovirus
- 2010.018aP
create species named Cestrum yellow leaf curling virus in the genus Soymovirus in the family Caulimoviridae
- 2010.019aP
create species named Chiltepin yellow mosaic virus in the genus Tymovirus in the family Tymoviridae, order Tymovirales
- 2010.020aP
create species named Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus in the genus Potyvirus in the family Potyviridae
- 2011.001aP
create new species named Sweet potato collusive virus in the genus Cavemovirus, family Caulimoviridae
- 2011.002aP
create new species named Sweet potato vein clearing virus in the genus Solendovirus (proposed in <2010.017a-eP.U.v2.Solendovirus>), family Caulimoviridae
- 2011.003aP
create species Melon mild mottle virus in the genus Nepovirus, family Secoviridae, order Picornavirales
- 2011.004aP
create species Yambean mosaic virus in the genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae
- 2011.006aP
Remove (abolish) 4 species (Tomato leaf curl Indonesia virus, Tomato leaf curl Pakistan virus, Squash yellow mild mottle virus and Pepper leaf curl Pakistan virus) from genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae
- 2011.006bP
rename three species in the genus Begomovirus: Corchorus yellow vein Vietnam virus to Corchorus yellow vein virus, Cucurbit leaf curl virus to Cucurbit leaf crumple virus and Tomato mosaic leaf curl virus to Merremia mosaic virus
- 2011.007aP
create 4 species (Calibrachoa mottle virus, Honeysuckle ringspot virus, Nootka lupine vein clearing virus and Soybean yellow mottle mosaic virus) in the genus Carmovirus, family Tombusviridae
- 2011.008aP
create species Cocksfoot mild mosaic virus in the genus Panicovirus, family Tombusviridae
- 2011.011aP
create species named Imperata yellow mottle virus in the genus Sobemovirus
- 2011.012aP
create species named Japanese soil-borne wheat mosaic virus in the genus Furovirus in the family Virgaviridae
- 2011.013aP
create 2 species, Sweet potato pakakuy virus and Grapevine vein clearing virus, in the genus Badnavirus in the family Caulimoviridae
- 2011.014aP
create species named Olive latent virus 3 in the genus Marafivirus in the family Tymoviridae, order Tymovirales
Prokaryote virus subcommittee
- 2009.001a,b,gB
create species named Pseudomonas phage PB1, Pseudomonas phage SN, Pseudomonas phage 14-1, Pseudomonas phage LMA2, Pseudomonas phage LBL3, Pseudomonas phage F8, and Burkholderia phage BcepF1 in the new genus PB1likevirus, family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.001c,eB
create a new genus in the family Myoviridae
- 2009.001dB
name the new genus PB1likevirus
- 2009.001fB
designate Pseudomonas phage PB1 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.002a,b,gB
create species named Burkholderia phage Bcep781, Burkholderia phage Bcep43, Burkholderia phage Bcep1, Burkholderia phage BcepNY3, and Xanthomonas phage OP2 in the new genus Bcep781likevirus, family Myoviridae
- 2009.002c,eB
create a new genus in the family Myoviridae
- 2009.002dB
name the new genus Bcep781likevirus
- 2009.002fB
designate Burkholderia phage Bcep781 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.003a,b,gB
create species named Burkholderia phage BcepMu and Burkholderia phage phiE255 in the new genus Bcepmulikevirus, family Myoviridae
- 2009.003c,eB
create a new genus in the family Myoviridae
- 2009.003dB
name the new genus Bcepmulikevirus
- 2009.003fB
designate Burkholderia phage BcepMu as type species in the new genus
- 2009.004a,b,gB
create species named Halomonas phage phiHAP-1 and Vibrio phage VP882 in the new genus Hap1likevirus, family Myoviridae
- 2009.004c,eB
create a new genus in the family Myoviridae
- 2009.004dB
name the new genus Hap1likevirus
- 2009.004fB
designate Halomonas phage phiHAP-1 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.005a,b,gB
create species named Clostridium phage phiCD119, Clostridium phage phiC2 and Clostridium phage phiCD27 in the new genus PhiCD119likevirus, family Myoviridae
- 2009.005c,eB
create a new genus in the family Myoviridae
- 2009.005dB
name the new genus PhiCD119likevirus
- 2009.005fB
designate Clostridium phage phiCD119 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.006a,b,gB
create species named Salmonella phage FelixO1, Erwinia phage phiEa21-4 and Escherichia phage wV8 in the new genus FelixO1likevirus, family Myoviridae
- 2009.006c,eB
create a new genus in the family Myoviridae
- 2009.006dB
name the new genus FelixO1likevirus
- 2009.006fB
designate Salmonella phage FelixO1 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.007a,b,mB
create 10 new species (names: Escherichia phage JS98, Escherichia phage RB14, Escherichia phage RB16, Escherichia phage RB32, Escherichia phage RB43, Escherichia phage RB49, Escherichia phage RB69, Escherichia phage phi1, Aeromonas phage 31, Aeromonas phage 25) in the genus “T4-like viruses” (proposed name T4likevirus), subfamily Tevenvirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.007c,dB
create a new species named Vibrio phage KVP40 in the genus Schizot4likevirus (new), subfamily Tevenvirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.007e,g,mB
create a new genus in the subfamily Tevenvirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.007fB
name the new genus Schizot4likevirus
- 2009.007hB
designate Vibrio phage KVP40 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.007iB
assign Vibrio phage nt-1 as an additional species in the new genus
- 2009.007j,lB
create a new subfamily in family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.007kB
name the new subfamily Tevenvirinae
- 2009.007nB
assign Acinetobacter phage 133, Aeromonas phage Aeh1 and Aeromonas phage 65 as unassigned species in the new subfamily Tevenvirinae
- 2009.007o,pB
move the species Vibrio phage nt-1 from the genus “T4-like viruses” to the genus Schizot4likevirus (new)
- 2009.007q,rB
remove the species Acinetobacter phage 133, Aeromonas phage Aeh1 and Aeromonas phage 65 from the genus “T4-like viruses” and designate as unassigned in the new subfamily Tevenvirinae
- 2009.009a,b,mB
create 5 new species (names: Staphylococcus phage Twort, Staphylococcus phage K, Staphylococcus phage G1, Listeria phage P100, Listeria phage A511) in the genus Twortlikevirus, subfamily Spounavirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.009c,dB
create 2 new species named Enterococcus phage phiEC24C and Lactobacillus phage LP65 to be unassigned in the subfamily Spounavirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.009e,g,mB
create a new genus in the subfamily Spounavirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.009fB
name the new genus Twortlikevirus
- 2009.009hB
designate Staphylococcus phage Twort as type species in the new genus
- 2009.009iB
assign Staphylococcus phage K, Staphylococcus phage G1, Listeria phage P100 and Listeria phage A511 as additional species in the new genus
- 2009.009j,lB
create a new subfamily in family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.009kB
name the new subfamily Spounavirinae
- 2009.009nB
assign Enterococcus phage phiEC24C and Lactobacillus phage LP65 as unassigned species in the new subfamily Spounavirinae
- 2009.009o,pB
move genus “SPO1-like viruses” (proposed name SPO1likevirus), currently unassigned in the family Myoviridae, into the new subfamily Spounavirinae
- 2009.012a,b,mB
create 12 new species (names: Enterobacteria phage Wphi, Yersinia phage L-413C, Enterobacteria phage 186, Enterobacteria phage PsP3, Salmonella Fels-2, Salmonella SopEphi, Burkholderia phage phiE202, Mannheimia phage phiMhaA1-PHL101, Pseudomonas phage phiCTX, Burkholderia phage phi52237, Ralstonia phage RSA1, Burkholderia phage phiE12-2) in the genus “P2-like viruses” (proposed name P2likevirus), subfamily Peduovirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.012c,d,iB
create 6 new species (names: Haemophilus phage HP1, Haemophilus phage HP2, Pasteurella phage F108, Vibrio phage K139, Vibrio phage Kappa, Aeromonas phage phiO18P) in the genus Hp1likevirus (new), subfamily Peduovirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.012e,g,mB
create a new genus in the subfamily Peduovirinae (new), family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.012fB
name the new genus Hp1likevirus
- 2009.012hB
designate Haemophilus phage HP1 as type species in the new genus
- 2009.012j,lB
create a new subfamily in the family Myoviridae, order Caudovirales
- 2009.012kB
name the new subfamily Peduovirinae
- 2009.012n,oB
move species Haemophilus phage HP1, currently assigned to the genus “P2-like viruses” (proposed name P2likevirus), family Myoviridae, into the new genus HP1likevirus
- 2009.012p,qB
move genus “P2-like viruses” (proposed name P2likevirus), currently unassigned in the family Myoviridae, into the new subfamily Peduovirinae
- 2010.002aB
create species named Aeropyrum pernix bacilliform virus 1 in the new genus Clavavirus, family Clavaviridae
- 2010.002bB
create a genus in the family Clavaviridae
- 2010.002cB
name the new genus Clavavirus
- 2010.002dB
designate Aeropyrum pernix bacilliform virus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.002eB
create an unassigned family
- 2010.002fB
name the new family Clavaviridae
- 2010.002gB
assign the new genus Clavavirus to the new family
- 2011.002aB
Remove (abolish) the species Enterobacteria phage Era103 from the genus “SP6-like viruses” (proposed new genus name Sp6likevirus)
- 2011.003aB
in the genus “PhiKMV-like viruses” (proposed name Phikmvlikevirus) change the name of species Enterobacteria phage phiKMV to Pseudomonas phage phiKMV and Enterobacteria phage LKA1 to Pseudomonas phage LKA1
- 2011.004aB
Remove (abolish) species 44AHJD from genus “AHJD-like viruses” (proposed name Ahjdlikevirus), subfamily Picovirinae, family Podoviridae
- 2011.004bB
change the name of species Staphylococcus phage AHJD to Staphylococcus phage 44AHJD
- 2011.005aB
remove (abolish) species Salmonella phage BPP-1 from genus “Bpp-1-like viruses” (proposed name Bpp1likevirus), family Podoviridae
- 2011.005aB
designate Bordetella phage BPP-1 as the type species of the genus “BPP-1-like viruses”
- 2011.006aB
in the genus “L5-like viruses” (proposed name L5likevirus) change the name of species Mycobacteria phage D29 to Mycobacterium phage D29
- 2011.007aB
in the genus “N4-like viruses”, family Podoviridae, change the name of species Enterobacteria phage N4 to Escherichia phage N4
Vertebrate virus subcommittee
- 2009.005a,bV
create species, named Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus, in the new genus Aquaparamyxovirus, subfamily Paramyxovirinae, family Paramyxoviridae, order Mononegaviales
- 2009.005c,eV
create a new genus in the subfamily Paramyxovirinae
- 2009.005dV
name the new genus Aquaparamyxovirus
- 2009.005fV
designate Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus as the type species of the new genus
- 2009.007a,bV
create species, named Fer-de-Lance paramyxovirus, in the new genus Ferlavirus, subfamily Paramyxovirinae, family Paramyxoviridae, order Mononegavirales
- 2009.007c,eV
create a new genus in the subfamily Paramyxovirinae
- 2009.007dV
name the new genus Ferlavirus
- 2009.007fV
designate Fer-de-Lance paramyxovirus as the type species of the new genus
- 2010.001aV
create species named Betapapillomavirus 6 in the genus Betapapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001bV
create 5 species (Gammapapillomavirus 6, Gammapapillomavirus 7, Gammapapillomavirus 8, Gammapapillomavirus 9 and Gammapapillomavirus 10) in the genus Gammapapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001cV
create species named Deltapapillomavirus 5 in the genus Deltapapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001dV
create 2 species named Lambdapapillomavirus 3 and Lambdapapillomavirus 4 in the genus Lambdapapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001eV
create species named Pipapillomavirus 2 in the genus Pipapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001fV
create species named Rhopapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Rhopapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001gV
create species named Sigmapapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Sigmapapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001hV
create species named Taupapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Taupapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001iV
create 2 species named Upsilonpapillomavirus 1 and Upsilonpapillomavirus 2 in the proposed genus Upsilonpapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001jV
create species named Phipapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Phipapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001kV
create 2 species named Chipapillomavirus 1 and Chipapillomavirus 2 in the proposed genus Chipapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001lV
create species named Psipapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Psipapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001mV
create species named Omegapapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Omegapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001nV
create species named Dyodeltapapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Dyodeltapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001oV
create species named Dyoepsilonpapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Dyoepsilonpillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001pV
create species named Dyozetapapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Dyozetapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001qV
create species named Dyoetapapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Dyoetapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001rV
create species named Dyothetapapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Dyothetapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001sV
create species named Dyoiotapapillomavirus 1 in the proposed genus Dyoiotapillomavirus, family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001tV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001uV
name the new genus Rhopapillomavirus
- 2010.001vV
designate Rhopapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001wV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001xV
name the new genus Sigmapapillomavirus
- 2010.001yV
designate Sigmapapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001zV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001aaV
name the new genus Taupapillomavirus
- 2010.001bbV
designate Taupapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001ccV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001ddV
name the new genus Upsilonpapillomavirus
- 2010.001eeV
designate Upsilonpapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001ffV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001ggV
name the new genus Phipapillomavirus
- 2010.00hhV
designate Phipapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001iiV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001jjV
name the new genus Chipapillomavirus
- 2010.001kkV
designate Chipapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001llV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001mmV
name the new genus Psipapillomavirus
- 2010.001nnV
designate Psipapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001ooV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001ppV
name the new genus Omegapapillomavirus
- 2010.001qqV
designate Omegapapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001rrV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001ssV
name the new genus Dyodeltapapillomavirus
- 2010.001ttV
designate Dyodeltapapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001uuV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001vvV
name the new genus Dyoepsilonpapillomavirus
- 2010.001wwV
designate Dyoepsilonpapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001xxV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001yyV
name the new genus Dyozetapapillomavirus
- 2010.001zzV
designate Dyozetapapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001aaaV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001bbbV
name the new genus Dyoetapapillomavirus
- 2010.001cccV
designate Dyoetapapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001dddV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001eeeV
name the new genus Dyothetapapillomavirus
- 2010.001fffV
designate Dyothetapapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001gggV
create new genus within the family Papillomaviridae
- 2010.001hhhV
name the new genus Dyoiotapapillomavirus
- 2010.001iiiV
designate Dyoiotapapillomavirus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.001jjjV
Remove (abolish) species Human papillomavirus 71
- 2010.001kkkV
rename 43 species in the family Papillomaviridae (Human papillomavirus 32 to Alphapapillomavirus 1; Human papillomavirus 10 to Alphapapillomavirus 2; Human papillomavirus 61 to Alphapapillomavirus 3; Human papillomavirus 2 to Alphapapillomavirus 4; Human papillomavirus 26 to Alphapapillomavirus 5; Human papillomavirus 53 to Alphapapillomavirus 6; Human papillomavirus 18 to Alphapapillomavirus 7; Human papillomavirus 7 to Alphapapillomavirus 8; Human papillomavirus 16 to Alphapapillomavirus 9; Human papillomavirus 6 to Alphapapillomavirus 10; Human papillomavirus 34 to Alphapapillomavirus 11; Rhesus monkey papillomavirus 1 to Alphapapillomavirus 12; Human papillomavirus 54 to Alphapapillomavirus 13; Human papillomavirus cand90 to Alphapapillomavirus 14; Human papillomavirus 5 to Betapapillomavirus 1; Human papillomavirus 9 to Betapapillomavirus 2; Human papillomavirus 49 to Betapapillomavirus 3; Human papillomavirus cand92 to Betapapillomavirus 4; Human papillomavirus cand96 to Betapapillomavirus 5; Human papillomavirus 4 to Gammapapillomavirus 1; Human papillomavirus 48 to Gammapapillomavirus 2; Human papillomavirus 50 to Gammapapillomavirus 3; Human papillomavirus 60 to Gammapapillomavirus 4; Human papillomavirus 88 to Gammapapillomavirus 5; European elk papillomavirus to Deltapapillomavirus 1; Deer papillomavirus to Deltapapillomavirus 2; Ovine papillomavirus 1 to Deltapapillomavirus 3; Bovine papillomavirus 1 to Deltapapillomavirus 4; Bovine papillomavirus 5 to Epsilonpapillomavirus 1; Equine papillomavirus 1 to Zetapapillomavirus 1; Fringilla coelebs papillomavirus to Etapapillomavirus 1; Psittacus erithacus timneh papillomavirus to thetapapillomavirus 1; Mastomys natalensis papillomavirus to Iotapapillomavirus 1; Rabbit oral papillomavirus to Kappapapillomavirus 1; Cottontail rabbit papillomavirus to Kappapapillomavirus 2; Feline papillomavirus to Lambdapapillomavirus 1; Canine oral papillomavirus to Lambdapapillomavirus 2; Human papillomavirus 1 to Mupapillomavirus 1; Human papillomavirus 63 to Mupapillomavirus 2; Human papillomavirus 41 to Nupapillomavirus 1; Bovine papillomavirus 3 to Xipapillomavirus 1; Phocoena spinipinnis papillomavirus to Omikronpapillomavirus 1; Hamster oral papillomavirus to Pipapillomavirus 1)
- 2010.003aV
create species named Maize Iranian mosaic virus in the genus Nucleorhabdovirus, family Rhabdoviridae
- 2010.004aV
create species named Torque teno zalophus virus 1 in the proposed genus Lambdatorquevirus, family Anelloviridae
- 2010.004bV
create new genus within the family Anelloviridae
- 2010.004cV
name the new genus Lambdatorquevirus
- 2010.004dV
designate Torque teno zalophus virus 1 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.005aV
create species named Torque teno sus virus k2 in the proposed genus Kappatorquevirus, family Anelloviridae
- 2010.005bV
create new genus within the family Anelloviridae
- 2010.005cV
name the new genus Kappatorquevirus
- 2010.005dV
designate Torque teno sus virus k2 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.006aV
create species named Torque teno felis virus 2 in the genus Etatorquevirus, family Anelloviridae
- 2010.007aV
create 3 species named Torque teno mini virus 10, Torque teno mini virus 11 and Torque teno mini virus 12 in the genus Betatorquevirus, family Anelloviridae
- 2010.008aV
create 13 species (Torque teno midi virus 3, Torque teno midi virus 4, Torque teno midi virus 5, Torque teno midi virus 6, Torque teno midi virus 7, Torque teno midi virus 8, Torque teno midi virus 9, Torque teno midi virus 10, Torque teno midi virus 11, Torque teno midi virus 12, Torque teno midi virus 13, Torque teno midi virus 14, Torque teno midi virus 15) in the genus Gammatorquevirus, family Anelloviridae
- 2010.009aV
create species named Moussa virus unassigned in the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales
- 2010.010aV
create species named Bundibugyo ebolavirus in the genus Ebolavirus, family Filoviridae, order Mononegavirales
- 2010.010bV
replace the species name Lake Victoria marburgvirus by Marburg marburgvirus in the genus Marburgvirus
- 2010.011aV
create species named Bat adenovirus A in the genus Mastadenovirus, family Adenoviridae
- 2010.012aV
rename 5 species in the genus Mastadenovirus, family Adenoviridae, by adding a letter designation
- 2010.014aV
create species named Anatid herpesvirus 1 in the genus Mardivirus, subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae, order Herpesvirales
- 2010.015aV
create species Anguillid herpesvirus 1 in the genus Cyprinivirus, family Alloherpesviridae, order Herpesvirales
- 2010.016aV
create new genus within the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae, order Herpesvirales
- 2010.016bV
name the new genus Scutavirus
- 2010.016cV
designate Chelonid herpesvirus 5 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.016dV
remove species Chelonid herpesvirus 5 from its unassigned position in the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae
- 2010.016eV
reassign the above species to the new genus
- 2010.017aV
create 3 species named Avastrovirus 1, Avastrovirus 2 and Avastrovirus 3 in the genus Avastrovirus, family Astroviridae
- 2010.017bV
remove (abolish) the species Chicken astrovirus, Duck astrovirus and Turkey astrovirus from the genus Avastrovirus, family Astroviridae
- 2011.017cV
designate Avastrovirus 1 as the type species of the genus
- 2010.018aV
create 14 species (Mamastrovirus 4, Mamastrovirus 5, Mamastrovirus 6, Mamastrovirus 7, Mamastrovirus 8, Mamastrovirus 9, Mamastrovirus 11, Mamastrovirus 12, Mamastrovirus 14, Mamastrovirus 15, Mamastrovirus 16, Mamastrovirus 17, Mamastrovirus 18, Mamastrovirus 19) in the genus Mamastrovirus, family Astroviridae
- 2010.018bV
remove (abolish) the species Bovine astrovirus from the genus Mamastrovirus, family Astroviridae
- 2010.018cV
change the names of 5 species in the genus Mamastrovirus as follows: Feline astrovirus to Mamastrovirus 2, Human astrovirus to Mamastrovirus 1, Mink astrovirus to Mamastrovirus 10, Ovine astrovirus to Mamastrovirus 13, Porcine astrovirus to Mamastrovirus 3
- 2010.019aV
create new species named Skunkpox virus within the genus Orthopoxvirus, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, family Poxviridae
- 2010.019bV
create new species named Nile crocodilepox virus within the proposed genus Crocodylidpoxvirus, subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, family Poxviridae
- 2010.019cV
create new genus within the subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, family Poxviridae
- 2010.019dV
name the new genus Crocodylidpoxvirus
- 2010.019eV
designate Nile crocodilepox virus as type species in the new genus
- 2010.020aV
replace the species name Squirrel poxvirus by Squirrelpox virus in the subfamily Chordopoxvirinae, family Poxviridae
- 2010.020bV
replace the species name Deerpox virus W-848-83 by Mule deerpox virus in the genus Cervidpoxvirus, family Poxviridae
- 2010.021aV
create species named Bombyx mori bidensovirus in the proposed genus Bidensovirus, in the proposed family Bidnavridae
- 2010.021bV
create new genus within the family Bidnavridae
- 2010.021cV
name the new genus Bidensovirus
- 2010.021dV
designate Bombyx mori bidensovirus as type species in the new genus
- 2010.021eV
create new unassigned family
- 2010.021fV
name the family Bidnaviridae
- 2010.021gV
assign the genus Bidensovirus to the new family
- 2010.023aV
create 3 new species named Bulbul coronavirus HKU11, Thrush coronavirus HKU12 and Munia coronavirus HKU13 in the proposed genus Deltacoronavirus, in the subfamily Coronavirinae, family Coronaviridae
- 2010.023bV
create a new genus in the subfamily Coronavirinae, family Coronaviridae
- 2010.023cV
name the new genus Deltacoronavirus
- 2010.023dV
designate Bulbul coronavirus HKU11 as type species in the new genus
- 2010.024aV
change the name Chandiru virus, a species in the genus Phlebovirus, to Candiru virus
- 2010.024bV
change the name Salehebad virus, a species in the genus Phlebovirus, to Salehabad virus
- 2011.002aV
change the names of the following two species: Torque teno sus virus 1 to Torque teno sus virus 1a (genus Iotatorquevirus) and Torque teno sus virus 2 to Torque teno sus virus 1b (genus Iotatorquevirus)
- 2011.003aV
create species named Lujo virus in genus Arenavirus, family Arenaviridae
- 2011.004aV
create species Murid herpesvirus 7 in the genus Rhadinovirus, subfamily Gammaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae, order Herpesvirales
- 2011.005aV
create species Human herpesvirus 6A and Human herpesvirus 6B in the genus Roseolovirus, subfamily Betaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae, order Herpesvirales
- 2011.005bV
Remove (abolish) species Human herpesvirus 6 from genus Roseolovirus
- 2011.005cV
designate Human herpesvirus 6A as the type species of the genus
- 2011.006aV
create species named Shimoni bat virus in the genus Lyssavirus
- 2011.013aV
create species Cricetid herpesvirus 2 in the genus Rhadinovirus, subfamily Gammaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae, order Herpesvirales
- 2011.014aV
Create species Murid herpesvirus 8 in the genus Muromegalovirus, subfamily Betaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae, order Herpesvirales
- 2011.016aV
create species Bovine rhinitis A virus within the genus Aphthovirus, family Picornaviridae
- 2011.023aV
Create species Turkey adenovirus B in the genus Aviadenovirus, family Adenoviridae
- 2011.024aV
Create two species, Bat adenovirus B and Murine adenovirus B, in the genus Mastadenovirus, family Adenoviridae
- 2011.025aV
Create species Great tit adenovirus A in the genus Siadenovirus, family Adenoviridae
All of the above taxonomic proposals were unanimously (or nearly unanimously) approved by the membership who voted. A number of suggestions were received during the voting process. These included requests to rationalize species demarcation criteria across virus families, to pay continued attention to clarity in naming new genera and to seek multiple species demarcation criteria so that new species are not created solely on the basis of a measure of nucleotide sequence identity. The ICTV continues to discuss these issues and welcomes comments on all taxonomic proposals as they are posted on the ICTV web site. The return rate of votes was approximately 48%. These taxonomic changes are now part of the official ICTV taxonomy and supplement the taxonomy presented in the Ninth ICTV Report published in 2011 [1]. An up-to-date list of all approved taxa can be found on the ICTV online web site.
Contributor Information
M. J. Adams, Email:
E. B. Carstens, Email:
- 1.King AMQ, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ. Virus taxonomy. Ninth report of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses. London, San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press; 2011. [Google Scholar]