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Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences logoLink to Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
. 2020 Apr 21;50(3):563–570. doi: 10.3906/sag-2004-172

Epidemiology of COVID-19

Cemal BULUT 1,*, Yasuyuki KATO 2
PMCID: PMC7195982  PMID: 32299206


It seems that coronaviruses take an important place in the 21th century history. Five of seven human coronavirus was isolated in this century. Unfortunately, last three of them entered our life with a fear of outbreak, pandemic or death. Last human coronavirus which emerged world from Wuhan China, SARS CoV-2 and its clinical expression, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) recently taken a significant place in our daily practice. Initial reports showed that, its origin was bats. It transmitted human to human by droplet and contact routes, but some doubt about airborne, fecal or intrauterine transmission also should be removed. Its R0 value is 2.3 but it could be as high as 5.7. Its case fatality rate was 6.3, but it was different in different ages and counties, and it could be over 15%. According to early models total 10–12 weeks is required to control an outbreak in the community. While different countries show different daily case numbers, total number of case, case mortality rates or R0, it seems they show a similar epidemic curve. Every day we learn new data about the current outbreak. Since the outbreak is not over yet, every detail should be evaluated carefully and the updates should be followed closely to monitor the epidemiological properties of COVID-19.

Keywords: SARS CoV-2, COVID-19, epidemiology, case fatality rate, transmission

1. Introduction

Coronoviruses have been reported as causes of mild and moderate respiratory infections forover 50 years [1]. Even though this group of viruses have been isolated from many different animals, bats are accepted major natural reservoir of coronaviruses [2,3].

Four human coronavirus, 229E, HKU1, NL63 and OC43, are known as causes of common cold in humans [1]. However, recently-detected coronaviruses, SARS CoV (2002), MERS-CoV (2012) completely altered all known approaches about this virus group because these viruses caused severe acute respiratory infections and nosocomial outbreaks. In the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2 (2019), suddenly emerged in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization declared that the epidemic is a public health emergency of international concern on January 31, 2020. As of April 16, 2020, the emerging coronavirus infection, COVID-19, has been spreading worldwide, causing over 2 million cases and over 137 thousand of death.

In as much as this disease recently taken a significant place in our daily practice, as a new group of respiratory diseases, due to their higher rates of transmissibility, hospitalization, intensive care unit admission, severity of disease, mortality and so on, we should pay more attention than past to prevention and treatment of coronavirus infection.

2. Origin of the SARS CoV-2 virus

The first cases of coronavirus disease COVID-19 were directly related to an animal market in Wuhan, China. Early investigations suggested that the origin of SARSCoV-2 may be bats. Zhou et al. demonstrate that SARS CoV-2 possesses 96% nucleotide identity with a bat coronavirus, for instance BetaCoV/RaTG13/2013 [4].

3. Epidemic curve of infection

An epidemic curve of infection is a statistical chart used in epidemiology to visualize the onset of the coronavirus outbreak. In an epidemic curve, there are three zones: increasing, plateau, and declining phases.

Increasing phase: This period is affected by many different parameters such as country demographics, age distribution, preparedness of health system to an outbreak, implementation of some preventive measures, country reaction time to a pandemic, reaction of society to new implementing rules. Different countries can exhibit quite different curve patterns and these facts could complicate to make any assumption about pandemic pattern for a country (Figure 1). However, it seems that this period takes generally 3 or 4 weeks for COVID-19 (Table 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people for some contries (Source: OurWorld in Data, accessed 13 April 2020).

Table 1.

Dates of epidemic curve (dates for case per million was used)*.

 Countries Onset of outbreak(date) Onset of plateau(date) End of plateau phase(date) End of declining phase(date) Duration of increasing period (day) Duration of plateau period (day) Duration of declining period (day)
China 19.01.2020 05.02.2020 19.02.2020 3.03.2020 17 14 13
Italy 22.02.2020 22.03.2020 08.04.2020 N/A 29 17 N/A
Germany 28.02.2020 20.03.2020 10.04.2020 N/A 21 21 N/A
France 28.02.2020 24.03.2020 11.04.2020 N/A 25 18 N/A
Spain 27.02.2020 26.03.2020 9.04.2020 N/A 28 14 N/A
Turkey 16.03.2020 11.04.2020 N/A N/A 26 N/A
South Korea 19.02.2020 29.02.2020 10.03.2020 N/A 10 10 N/A
Belgiun 03.03.2020 27.03.2020 12.04.2020 N/A 24 16 N/A
Austria 22.02.2020 20.03.2020 04.04.2020 N/A 27 15 N/A
Australia 05.03.2020 22.03.2020 04.04.2020 N/A 17 13 N/A
Malasia 02.03.2020 16.03.2020 11.04.2020 N/A 14 26 N/A

*According to data’s of 13.04.2020.

Plateau phase: At this phase disease incidence is stable. According to daily country reports it takes 2 or 3 weeks for COVID-19 (Table1).

Decreasing phase: Today we have only China’s data about this phase (Figure 2), showing that 2 or 3 weeks later disease activity could be detected very low levels.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases per million people for China (Source: OurWorld in Data, accessed 13 April 2020).

4. Incubation period

The incubation period of COVID-19 was defined 5.2 days (95% CI, 4.1–12.5 days), 5.1 days (95% CI, 4.5 to 5.8 days) and 4 days in three separate study [5,6]. However, in a familial cluster of 5 patients, this period was reported between 1 and 19 days [7]. These data show that the incubation period of COVID-19 was similar to MERS and SARS and it’s a bit longer than influenza [8].

5. Severity of infection

COVID-19 has been reported form all aged patients. Severity of infection could be varied from asymptomatic infection to critical disease. Clinical severity of COVID-19 was defined in 5 groups as asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe, and critical. Diagnostic criteria of these groups were as follows [9, 10];

1. Asymptomatic infection: Without any clinical sign of symptoms with positive SARSCoV-2 PCR test.

2. Mild: Symptoms of acute upper respiratory tract infection, including fever, fatigue, myalgia, cough, sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing without pneumonia.

3. Moderate: With pneumonia, frequent fever and cough; some may have wheezing, but no obvious hypoxemia such as shortness of breath.

4. Severe: Rapid progression around 1 week, dyspnea, with central cyanosis, oxygen saturation less than 92%, with other manifestations of hypoxemia.

5. Critical: Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or respiratory failure, shock, multiple organ dysfunction.

This clinical classification is also important because it gives some clues about prognosis and mortality of COVID-19. Most COVID-19 cases (81%) were classified as mild or moderate disease in adults, and in children most cases were mild. [9,11,12]. In critical cases mortality could be as higher as 50% in adults [9,11].

5.1. Asymptomatic infection

Asymptomatic infection has a special importance as a source of disease in the community. Especially, asymptomatic infants and children may take an important role in human-to-human transmission [13]. Dong and colleagues report that over 90% of pediatric patients could be asymptomatic, or could have mild or moderate disease [11]. It seems that asymptomatic infection could be detected at every age, although it was frequent at younger ages [14]. These asymptomatic patients could cause familial clusters [15]. According to Tian et al., asymptomatic infection rate was 5%, whereas in Diamond Princess Cruise Ship berthed at Tokyo Bay, Japan, it was nearly 18% [16,17]. Among a total of 72,314 China’s cases, 889 were classified as asymptomatic (1%) [9]. However, we need more accurate numbers before making some assumption about its public health importance.

6. Route of transmission

In spite of the fact that some animals are thought as origins of the virus, a major transmission mode for SARS CoV-2 is human-to-human transmission like SARS CoV and MERS CoV. Accepted transmission routes of COVID-19 are droplet and contact transmission [18]. Nevertheless, explaining or excluding of other possible transmission routes is necessary for controlling disease in the community.

6.1. Airborne transmission

Current evidence shows that SARS CoV-2 was detected in air samples for up to 3 h in experimental models [19]. Gou et al. found that air samples were positive in many different sites of wards [20]. However, when Cheng et al. collected 8 air samples at a distance of 10 cm from the patient’s chin with or without wearing a surgical mask, they were not able to detect SARS CoV-2 [21]. Another study, although some environmental samples were positive for SARS CoV-2, all air samples were negative [22]. In a study from Iran, authors reported that all air samples collected 5 m around the patients were negative [23].

There are some limitations in these studies where different patients and methods were included; in which stage of disease these samples were collected, or what kind of procedures were performed. Today, we have not known yet whether detected SARS CoV-2 in air samples are viable or not, or whether detected viral loads are high enough to cause COVID-19. It is important to realize here that prior to answering such questions and obtain some strong evidence, taking airborne precautions for aerosol producing process seems to be logical.

6.2. Fecal transmission

Fecal transmission is another unanswered question about COVID-19. Presence of patients with diarrhea [6], finding of fecal samples positive for SARS CoV by RT-PCR [24,25] and detection of live virus in stool at least one study [25], suggest that stool is infectious even though it has not been verified by other studies [24]. Detection of SARS CoV-2 RNA in patients’ fecal samples with negative respiratory tract samples for a mean of 11 days might be important [26]. Even if gastrointestinal involvement or digested sputum was the origin of virus existence in the stool, this fact gives another reason to emphasize good personal hygiene. Possibility of fecal transmission remains unanswered until viable virus is detected in stool samples and new data is available to prove oral-fecal transmission, which affect procedures for quarantine, hospitalization and self-isolation practices.

6.3. Maternal fetal transmission

Intrauterine or transplacental transmission from infected pregnant women to their fetuses is another important point for transmission. According to a study about analyzing of 38 pregnant women with COVID-19, there were no signs of intrauterine transmission of SARS CoV-2 from mothers to their fetuses [27]. Studies also emphasized that the course of COVID-19 was normal in pregnant women as opposed to those of SARS and MERS [27,28]. Another study also reviewed that we have no definitive evidence of vertical transmission [29].

7. Transmission period

People infected with SARS CoV-2 can be contagious prior to onset of symptoms. In a study, 13% of patients were contagious before onset of symptoms [30]. In a familial cluster, 3 of 8 laboratory-confirmed patients were asymptomatic [31]. Presymptomatic transmission would be a challenge to contact tracing [32]. These kind of reports show that asymptomatic carriers emerge as an important target group to be taken into consideration in the control of the disease.

Viral shedding might be longer than previously thought. In a retrospective multicenter cohort study of 191 adult patients, the median duration of viral shedding was found to be 20 days (IQR 17.0–24.0) and the longest observed duration of viral shedding in survivors was 37 days [33].A study of postdischarge surveillance of patients after clinical recovery, two patients were found positive [34].

8. Susceptible ages

Although COVID-19 was reported from every aged patient, patients with advanced age seem more susceptible to infection. An early report shows that the most affected age group was middle ages (Table 2). Among children and young adults, infection rates were very low and it changed between 0.8%–4.0%. In addition, asymptomatic infection rate is quite high in this ages.

Table 2.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases by age groups.

  Spain* Canada** Nederland*** China**** Italy***** GermanyY
  Total case % Total case % Total case % Total case % Total case % Total case %
<20 741 0.8 220 4 173 1.1 965 2 1868 1.5 2624 2.8
20–29 4,629 5.2 658 13 974 6.2 3619 8 33,248 26.7 66,896 70.3
30–39 8,761 9.9 847 16 1251 8 38,680 87
40–49 13,421 15.2 881 17 1582 10.1
50–59 16,577 18.8 1023 19 2590 16.5 44,581 35.8
60–69 14,933 16.9 855 16 2450 15.5 18,307 19.3
70–79 14,300 16.2 468 9 3013 19.8 44,830 36
80–89 14,828 16.8 309 6 3550 22.8 1408 3 7357 7.7
Total 88,190 100.0 5261 15723 100 72,314 100 124,527 100 94,850 100
* Spain (2020), Actualización nº 67. Enfermedad por el coronavirus (COVID-19) [online]. Website [accessed 06 April 2020].
** Canada (2020). Age distribution of COVID-19 cases (n=5,261) in Canada [online]. Website [accessed 01 April 2020].
***Nederland (2020). Epidemiologische situatie COVID-19 in Nederland 3 april 2020 [online]. Website [accessed 03 April 2020].
**** China (2020). Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China [online]. Website [accessed 00 Month Year].
***** Italy (2020). Integrated surveillance of COVID-19 in Italy [online]. Website [accessed 00 Month Year].
YGermany (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) daily sSituation report of the Robert Koch Institute 06/04/2020-updated status for Germany [online]. Website [accessed 00 Month Year].

9. Transmissibility and R0

Early reports from China show that a reproductive number for COVID-19 was 2.2 to 2.7 days [5]. This means that the number of infected person will be doubled every 6–7 day. A reproductive number of the outbreak on the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship also supports this preliminary data [35]. However, Sanche et al. found that a serial interval was 5.7 days (95% CI, 3.8–8.9 days) [36]. In another study which prefer to use real-time reproduction number (Rt) instead of basic reproduction number (R0), Yuan et al. showed that their Rt values for Italy, Germany, France and Spain were 3.1, 4.43, 6.56, and 3.95, respectively [37]. Liu et al. found that average R0 was 3.8 (1.4–6.49) in their review of 14 studies [38]. This study also showed that even in the same geographic region, different Ro values can be calculated by using different methods and assumptions. It seems that we need more data to determine more accurate R0 value.

10. Case fatality rate

Overall case fatality rate was 6.3 according to WHO situation report as of April 13, 2020 [39]. Nevertheless, a remarkable difference in mortality rates was also noted between countries as given Table 3. It was noted that this rate is extremely higher in country with older-aged populations. In Italy, the median age of those died from COVID-19 was 78 years, whilst the median age of patients was 62 [40]. In Turkey, the current case fatality rate is 2.1% which is a significant issue to bear in mind. Mortality associated with COVID-19 is a multifactorial process and underlying diseases and health care burden as well as ages could be related to higher mortality [41].

Table 3.

Total confirmed cases, deaths and case fatality rate of some countries*.

Reporting country Total confirmed cases Total deaths Case fatality rate
France 94,382 14,374 15.23
Italy 156,363 19,901 12.73
The United Kingdom 84,283 10,612 12.59
Belgium 29,647 3600 12.14
Netherlands 25,587 2737 10.70
Spain 166,019 16,972 10.22
Sweden 10,483 899 8.58
İran 71,686 4474 6.24
Brazil 20,727 1124 5.42
China 83,597 3351 4.01
USA 524,514 20,444 3.90
Switzerland 25,220 858 3.40
Portugal 16,585 504 3.04
Canada 23,702 674 2.84
Austria 13,937 350 2.51
Germany 123,016 2799 2.28
Turkey 56,956 1198 2.10
Republic of Korea 10,537 217 2.06
Israel 10,878 103 0.95
Russian Federation 18,328 148 0.81
Grand total 1,773,084 111,652 6.30

*World Healt Organization (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report–84 [online]. Website 20200413-sitrep-84-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=44f511ab_2 [accessed 13 April 2020].

10.1. Mortality by ages

Increasing of mortality with advanced age is now a well-known fact. It is also well known that success in prevention of COVID-19 among these age groups directly determines th emortality rate in countries. Early Chinese reports showed that mortality rate could be 3 times higher in older patients especially those at age over 80 [9]. In an Italian study, ICU mortality was 26% whereas it was 36% after 65 of ages [42]. Demonstration of median days between onset of symptoms to death was shorter in older patients which is another important point [43].

As of April 7, 2020 in Italy, 83% of all COVID-19 related deaths were reported in an age group over 70 years [44]. In a Korean study, although overall mortality rate was 0.9%, mortality rate in those aged 80 and over was 9.3% [45]. Similar results were also reported form USA [45].

10.2. Risks for disease and death

Disease progression can be rapid and the median survival time can be as short as 5 days in advanced aged patients [28].

In a metaanalysis which evaluated 46,248 patients from eight studies, most prevalent comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. Another finding of this study was that these comorbidities were more likely detected in severe patients [47]. Another metaanalysis showed that hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, malignancy, and chronic kidney disease were most frequently detected underlying diseases among hospitalized patients [48].

In a summary report form China CDC, preexisting comorbid condition can increase fatality rate by 10.5% for cardiovascular disease, 7.3% for diabetes, 6.3% for chronic respiratory disease, 6.0% for hypertension, and 5.6% for cancer [9].

According to the Italian weekly report on death from COVID-19, most frequently detected comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, and chronic renal failure as 72%, 31.5%, 27.4%, and 23.5%, respectively. This report showed that patients without any comorbidities accounted for only 2.8% of those died from COVID-19 [40].

In a pooled analysis, risk of severe disease and mortality was higher in hypertensive patients nearly 2.5 fold increases especially among advanced aged individuals [49].

12. Conclusion

Every day we learn new data about the current pandemic of COVID-19. Since the outbreak has not been over yet, the updates should be followed closely to monitor the disease and the risk factors as well as therapy modalities.


Cemal BULUT, MD, Prof. worked with the Turkish Red Crescent, Ministry of Health and Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency in different disaster such as Pakistan’s Flood Disaster, Somalia, Darfur Sudan, Banda Aceh, Endonesia.

Yasuyuki KATO, MD, MPH, Prof. is the former Chief Physician of Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections Disease Control and Prevention Center National Center for Global Health and Medicine of Japan.


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