Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are molecular chaperones that prevent the aggregation of nonnative proteins. The sHsps investigated to date mostly form large, oligomeric complexes. The typical bacterial scenario seemed to be a two-component sHsps system of two homologous sHsps, such as the Escherichia coli sHsps IbpA and IbpB. With a view to expand our knowledge on bacterial sHsps, we analyzed the sHsp system of the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, which is resistant against various stress conditions. D. radiodurans encodes two sHsps, termed Hsp17.7 and Hsp20.2. Surprisingly, Hsp17.7 forms only chaperone active dimers, although its crystal structure reveals the typical α-crystallin fold. In contrast, Hsp20.2 is predominantly a 36mer that dissociates into smaller oligomeric assemblies that bind substrate proteins stably. Whereas Hsp20.2 cooperates with the ATP-dependent bacterial chaperones in their refolding, Hsp17.7 keeps substrates in a refolding-competent state by transient interactions. In summary, we show that these two sHsps are strikingly different in their quaternary structures and chaperone properties, defining a second type of bacterial two-component sHsp system.
Keywords: stress response, chaperone function, protein aggregation, heat stress, chaperone evolution
In the cellular stress response, small heat shock proteins (sHsps) represent a central component for balancing protein homeostasis. They act as promiscuous, ATP-independent molecular chaperones that prevent the aggregation of proteins upon stress conditions (1–4). In contrast to ATP-dependent chaperones, sHsps lack refolding activity and serve as storage for unfolded proteins (2, 5). Studies in different organisms revealed the cooperation of sHsps with members of the Hsp100 and Hsp70 chaperone families in the refolding of the bound substrate proteins (3, 6–10).
These proteins are found in most species except a few, mostly pathogenic bacteria (11, 12). All known sHsps consist of a conserved α-crystallin domain of ∼90 amino acids, flanked by variable amino- and carboxyl-terminal extensions (12). The α-crystallin domain, named after the respective eye lens protein (13), constitutes the structural hallmark of sHsps that forms a compact β-sheet sandwich fold (14–18). The dimer is the basic building block of higher oligomers. Available crystal structures and electron microscopic studies revealed that sHsps usually assemble into hollow, ball-, or barrel-like oligomers (14, 15, 17, 19–21). In the case of Hsp16.5 from Methanocaldococcus jannaschi, the structure consisting of 24 subunits forms a ball-like shell (15), whereas wheat Hsp16.9 assembles into two hexameric double disks resulting in a barrel-shaped structure (17).
In Escherichia coli, the two members of the sHsp family, IbpA and IbpB, have been found to be associated with inclusion bodies (22) and aggregated proteins after heat stress (23). The Ibp proteins share 48% sequence identity and form large multimeric assemblies with sizes of up to 3 MDa (24), with IbpA even adopting short fibrillar structures (25–27). IbpA and IbpB are present under physiological conditions and are both overexpressed by a factor of ∼300 upon heat stress (28). They physically interact with each other (24), and for substrate reactivation they cooperate with the Hsp70/40 and the Hsp100 chaperone system (10, 24) in a synergistic manner (29). Whereas IbpA reduces the size of substrate complexes but inhibits their further processing by disaggregases, IbpB facilitates substrate transfer to the Hsp70/40 and the Hsp100 chaperone machinery but does not alter the morphology of model substrate aggregates (29).
Besides the E. coli system, no other sHsp system in prokaryotes has been studied in detail to date, and it is therefore an open question whether the findings obtained for the E. coli system can be generalized for the prevailing bacterial two-component sHsp systems. In these bacterial two-component systems, the sHsps are either near relatives (located in the same branches of the phylogenetic tree, e.g., E. coli; Fig. S1A) or they are rather distantly related (located in different branches) (12). To study the latter type of two-component sHsp systems, we choose the sHsp system of Deinococcus radiodurans, an extremotolerant, Gram-positive bacterium (30). D. radiodurans has an optimal growth temperature of 30–32 °C. Above, the organism shows a heat stress response and cell division is slowed. Prolonged incubation at 46–52 °C results in a total arrest of cell division and lethality (31, 32). In its genome, nine common chaperones and cochaperones are found among a total of 67 stress-induced genes (32). The two-component sHsp system comprises Hsp20.2 (gene name ibpA, DR1114, gi number 15806134) and Hsp17.7 (gene name ibpB, DR1691, gi number 15806694) (Fig. S1A). Our analysis reveals that the two potential sHsps differ substantially in their quaternary structure and their functional role within the chaperone network, expanding our view on bacterial sHsp systems.
Two sHsps of D. radiodurans Are Active as Molecular Chaperones in Vitro.
Hsp17.7 and Hsp20.2 were expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity. To ensure that both tag-free proteins were properly folded, their secondary structures and stabilities against thermal unfolding were monitored by CD spectroscopy (Fig. S1B). Similar to other sHsps (33), Hsp17.7 and Hsp20.2 show CD spectra typical for β-sheet proteins and melting temperatures of 67.3 °C and 57.8 °C, respectively (Fig. S1B). The structural integrity of the proteins is not influenced at temperatures below 48 °C.
To assess the chaperone activity of Hsp20.2 and Hsp17.7, we first tested their ability to suppress protein aggregation at elevated temperatures, a key trait of sHsps (4, 8, 34). We used citrate synthase (CS, 48 kDa), firefly luciferase (61 kDa), insulin (3 kDa), and lysozyme (14 kDa) as model substrates. Hsp17.7 was able to suppress the thermal aggregation of both CS and luciferase in a concentration-dependent manner, as well as the aggregation of reduced lysozyme (Fig. 1A and Fig. S2). Additionally, the reduction-induced aggregation of the insulin B chain at 25 °C and at 43 °C was suppressed, showing similar ratios of sHsp: substrate needed for half-maximum suppression at both temperatures (Fig. 1A and Fig. S2 E and G). Thus, it seems that the chaperone activity of Hsp17.7 is not affected by temperature. Because the amount of substrate molecules to sHsps is dependent on the size of the substrate, for peptide substrates like insulin, usually substoichiometric concentrations of sHsps are sufficient (35, 36). The ratio of half-maximum aggregation suppression, however, does not correlate with the binding stoichiometry in this type of assay, because the decrease of the concentration of aggregation-prone insulin is sufficient to inhibit aggregation even if not the majority of insulin molecules is captured by the sHsp. In comparison with Hsp17.7, Hsp20.2 is the more potent chaperone because lower amounts of Hsps20.2 were sufficient to fully suppress the heat- or reduction-induced aggregation of the substrate proteins (Fig. 1A and Fig. S2).
In the case of CS, monitoring the kinetics of thermal inactivation allows conclusions on the interaction of a molecular chaperone with unfolding intermediates and on the stability of the chaperone–substrate complex (37). For Hsp17.7, we observed a deceleration of CS inactivation (Fig. 1B), indicating a transient interaction between Hsp17.7 and CS unfolding intermediates, as was described for Hsp26 and Hsp42 (38). In contrast, the thermal inactivation of CS was not affected by the presence of Hsp20.2, pointing toward a more stable complex between Hsp20.2 and its substrate.
Quaternary Structures of Hsp17.7 and Hsp20.2 Are Strikingly Different.
To determine the size of the Hsp17.7 oligomer, we used size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The resulting single peak had an apparent molecular mass of 150 kDa, which could correspond to ∼8 subunits (Fig. 2A). Next we investigated the influence of heat stress on the oligomeric size of Hsp17.7, because several sHsps dissociate at elevated temperatures (39, 40). At 43 °C, Hsp17.7 eluted with an identical apparent mass as observed at 25 °C (Fig. 2A), demonstrating that the quaternary structure of Hsp17.7 is unaffected by changes in temperature. A more detailed analysis of the quaternary structure of Hsp17.7 by analytical ultracentrifugation (aUC) sedimentation velocity experiments showed a surprisingly low S20w value of 2.1 S, corresponding to a molecular mass of ∼40 kDa and a frictional coefficient (f/f0) of 1.78, independent of the protein concentration used (Fig. 2C and Fig. S3A). Thus, the aUC experiments suggest that Hsp17.7 is an elongated dimer. Further refinement of the aUC analysis using a 2D grid analysis (2-DSA) and Monte Carlo simulations revealed a single species with an S20w value of 2.08 S, a frictional coefficient of 1.78, and a molecular mass of 37 kDa (Fig. S3B), confirming that Hsp17.7 is an elongated dimer in solution that does not change its size at elevated temperatures. This sets Hsp17.7 apart from most other sHsps studied to date.
In contrast, Hsp20.2 exhibited one main peak in SEC (Fig. 2B), corresponding to a large oligomeric complex of 600–800 kDa, corresponding to roughly 36 subunits and a peak shoulder, indicative of an 18mer. No temperature-dependent shift to smaller oligomeric species was observed at 43 °C. aUC experiments yielded a sedimentation coefficient of 22 S for the high molecular weight oligomer and 11 S for the smaller oligomer (Fig. 2D and Fig. S3C). Using interference optics we were able to fit the data to a frictional coefficient of 1.23 and a molecular mass of ∼700 kDa and ∼350 kDa, in accordance with a 36mer and an 18mer.
To investigate whether the assembly state of the two sHsps is similar in vivo, their separation behavior in D. radiodurans extracts was analyzed by native PAGE. Both proteins were detected at the same position as the purified proteins (Fig. S3D). For Hsp20.2, the two visible bands correlated well with the observed two main species. For Hsp17.7, a prominent dimer band was detected. When purified Hsp20.2 was added to cell lysate of D. radiodurans at physiological conditions (25 °C), an additional high molecular mass band appeared, most likely indicating the formation of substrate complexes with unfolding proteins (see below). Furthermore, immunoblot analysis suggests that the two proteins do not form mixed complexes, and aUC experiments with mixtures of the two proteins support this finding (Fig. S3E).
To elucidate the quaternary structure of the oligomers in more detail, the samples were visualized by negative stain electron microscopy (Fig. S4 A and B). We could confirm the small size of Hsp17.7, with dimensions in agreement with the postulated dimers (Fig. 3A and Fig. S4B). Hsp20.2 formed heterogeneous, mostly spherical oligomers with diameters between 9 and 18 nm (Fig. 3A and Fig. S4B). The main population had a diameter of ∼13 nm.
For Hsp17.7, crystallization conditions could be determined that resulted in a crystal diffracting to 2.4-Å resolution (Table S1). The atomic structure obtained after molecular replacement shows that Hsp17.7 crystallized as a dimer. Similar to other structures of sHsps, the N-terminal region (amino acids 1–45) and the C-terminal extension (amino acids 148–166) of Hsp17.7 are flexible and therefore lack defined electron density. The monomers adopt the characteristic α-crystallin core fold, consisting of two antiparallel β-sheets, which are packed in parallel layers (Fig. 3B and Fig. S4). In agreement with other family members (1, 16), the peripheral β6-strand in the extended loop stabilizes the dimer of Hsp17.7 by interacting with the β2-strand of the partner monomer. A backbone superposition (Fig. S4E) of sHsps from different organisms showing this typical strand-exchanging dimer interface revealed structural divergence for the extended loop. Interestingly, the backbone of the extended loop of Hsp17.7 structurally matches best with HspA from the plant pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas sp. (XAC1151) (41, 42). However, XaHspA assembles to a 36mer in vitro. In comparison with XaHspA, MjHsp16.5, and TaHsp16.9, the extended loop of Hsp17.7 adopts the narrowest geometry (Fig. S4E), caused by the sequence gap between the β5- and β6-strands (Fig. S4C). The Hsp17.7 dimers are packed in a helical, line-up order (Fig. S4D). Interestingly, the C-terminal IXI/V motif still forms a crystal contact to the neighboring dimer, which resembles the oligomerization interface also found in the structures of MjHsp16.5 and TaHsp16.9 (4). However, the β10-strand formed by the IXI/V motif is oriented parallel to the β4-strand, which is opposed to its orientation in MjHsp16.5 and TaHsp16.9 oligomers (Fig. S4F). In this context it should also be noted that the C-terminal extension of Hsp17.7 is peculiarly short, showing a sequence gap between the α-crystallin domain and the IXI/V motif (Fig. S4C).
Substrate Complexes of Hsp20.2 and Hsp17.7.
To determine the active chaperone species and the stoichiometry of the substrate interaction, aUC experiments were performed. We exploited the tremendous spectral differences between Hsp20.2 (A280 = 4,470 M−1⋅cm−1) and lysozyme (38,000 M−1⋅cm−1) and conducted a multisignal sedimentation velocity analysis (43). A 16-S complex was detected, which did not change when the Hsp20.2 concentration was varied (Fig. 4A). Intriguingly, the observed size of the Hsp20.2–lysozyme complex lies between the Hsp20.2 18mer and the 36mer, indicating that the 18mer is the substrate binding species. Collecting aUC data with absorbance and interference optics in parallel, we were able to spectrally resolve the complex. It showed a molecular mass of approximately 550 kDa and a stoichiometry of 3:1 Hsp20.2 to lysozyme. Thus, the complex most likely consists of 18 subunits Hsp20.2 and six molecules of bound substrate.
To analyze the interaction of Hsp17.7 with lysozyme, fluorescently labeled Hsp17.7 was incubated with lysozyme, and complex formation was analyzed by aUC. In the presence of reduced lysozyme, the sedimentation behavior of Hsp17.7 did not change compared with Hsp17.7 alone (Fig. 4B). Thus, no stable Hsp17.7–substrate complex could be detected consistent with the results obtained for CS inactivation (Fig. 1B).
The depletion of IbpA/B in E. coli leads to enhanced aggregation of proteins (7) and to a reduction of maximum cell numbers in the stationary phase. The plasmid-based overexpression of IbpA/B in the respective strain is able to complement both phenotypes (Fig. S5 C and D). When Hsp17.7 or Hsp20.2 was overexpressed no complementation of the IbpA/B phenotype was achieved (Fig. S5 C and D), indicating that both systems are not comparable to each other and that the D. radiodurans sHsps cannot even compensate partially for the E. coli Ibps.
To investigate the chaperone activity of Hsp20.2 and Hsp17.7 in vivo, we analyzed aggregated protein in stressed and unstressed D. radiodurans lysates (Fig. S6A). Interestingly, only Hsp20.2 was associated with aggregates, whereas Hsp17.7 stayed in the soluble fraction. Additionally, when D. radiodurans lysates were separated by native PAGE after 30 min at 43 °C (Fig. S6B), Hsp20.2 was found in the high molecular weight aggregates. To determine which substrates are bound by Hsp20.2, the high molecular aggregates were analyzed by mass spectrometry (see below and Table S2). This analysis further confirmed the presence of Hsp20.2 and the absence of Hsp17.7 in these complexes, and thus differences in substrate binding. When we isolated sHsp–substrate complexes by immunoprecipitation, only for Hsp20.2 substantial protein amounts were coisolated from D. radiodiurans lysates (Fig. S6C). Subsequent mass spectrometry analysis allowed us to identify ∼100 potential substrate proteins bound by Hsp20.2 (Table S2), including a number of metabolic enzymes, ribosomal proteins, and elongation factors. These aggregation-prone proteins seem to be the basic substrates of sHsps in D. radiodurans. Similar to other sHsps (38, 44), the molecular mass distribution of the substrates of Hsp20.2 is very broad, ranging from 15 to more than 100 kDa. Interestingly, besides these potential substrates, a number of S-layer proteins including the gene DR1115 (NP 294839.1), which is encoded directly upstream of hsp20.2, were detected. Usually these proteins are extracellular, but they might be recognized as substrates on their secretion pathway. Within the identified proteins, DnaK and GroEL were also detected, indicating a potential cooperation of these chaperone systems in substrate release similar to observations for E. coli (7, 10). To investigate potential synergistic effects with other molecular chaperones, we analyzed the ability of the D. radiodurans sHsps to cooperate with the E. coli Hsp70 (DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE; KJE), Hsp100 (ClpB), and Hsp60 (GroEL/GroES) chaperone systems. We determined the refolding of substrates from preformed sHsp complexes with thermally unfolded firefly luciferase (Fig. 4C and Fig. S7) and chemically denatured CS (Fig. 4D). A few percent of luciferase were reactivated spontaneously (below 2%) or in the presence of the sHsps only (below 5%). However, when Hsp20.2 was present during the inactivation reaction, 10–15% of the luciferase activity was regained in presence of GroEL or ClpB and 15–20% when KJE was added. The combination of the ClpB and the KJE systems resulted in the refolding of nearly 40% of luciferase. Similar to results for E. coli IbpB (7), the combination of all three ATP-dependent chaperone systems indicated that the GroE system is able to compensate for the role of KJE to some extent, but no additive or synergistic effects on luciferase refolding were achieved when both GroE and KJE were present. In the presence of Hsp17.7, on the other hand, only minor levels of luciferase activity were regained, independent of the combination of chaperone systems added. Hsp17.7 seems to interact only transiently, releasing its substrate spontaneously without the help of other chaperone systems. When both D. radiodurans sHsps were present in the reaction, no additive or synergistic effects were observed, indicating that the two sHsps work independently of each other. Interestingly, in experiments with chemically denatured CS, which was diluted in a solution containing KJE and Hsp17.7 or Hsp20.2, respectively, we detected a slight acceleration of the refolding kinetics in the presence of Hsp17.7, whereas the total amount of recovered activity was similar, independent of the sHsp present (Fig. 4D). Again, the two sHsps did not show any synergistic effects in this assay. The finding that Hsp20.2 and Hsp17.7 act independently of each other is in clear contrast to studies on E. coli IbpA/B, which work together synergistically in refolding with the help of other, ATP-dependent chaperone systems (24, 29).
sHsps can be seen as the guardians of the proteome, especially upon sudden proteotoxic stresses, which result in the accumulation of aggregation-prone nonnative proteins. In bacteria, mainly one or two sHsps are found per species (12). For the two-component systems, our analysis of the D. radiodurans sHsps revealed a strikingly different organization and behavior compared with the well-studied E. coli system and hence defines a unique paradigm. Whereas in the E. coli system, two highly homologous sHsps (IbpA and IbpB) cooperate, the D. radiodurans sHsp system consists of two proteins that are far apart in the phylogenetic tree, with different structures and different chaperone function. Hsp20.2 belongs to the large spherical homooligomeric sHsps, which are constitutively active and form stable substrate complexes. In contrast and unexpectedly, Hsp17.7 is a dimer that is also active as a chaperone but forms only transient complexes with the substrate proteins tested. Presumably, stable substrate interactions are favored by multiple interactions in oligomeric sHsp complexes.
Two different assembly forms of the α-crystallin dimers have been reported to date (1, 4, 18). In the first variant, the β6/7-strands of the two monomers are part of a compact β-sheet, whereas in the second variant, the peripheral β6-strand is located in the extended loop and stabilizes the dimer by interacting with the β2-strand of the partner monomer. Hsp17.7 adopts the second variant of assembly. However, because of a sequence gap between the β5- and β6-strands, the loop geometry is rather narrow in Hsp17.7. Previous studies demonstrated that the C-terminal extension of sHsp monomers crucially contributes to the assembly of the α-crystallin dimers and oligomers by binding to the β4–β8 hydrophobic groove of a neighboring monomer via the IXI/V motif (15, 17, 45, 46). In Hsp17.7 the short length of the C-terminal extension and the resulting close location of IXI/V motif to the α-crystallin domain, together with an alternate extended loop conformation, might hinder the formation of oligomers. Intriguingly, the IXI/V motif of the short C-terminal extension forms a crystal contact to the β4–β8 edge of a symmetry mate by adopting an ordered β-strand conformation, indicating that the principal contact site is conserved in Hsp17.7. However, in the crystal, the β10-strand is orientated opposed to the common direction within the β4–β8 groove in MjHsp16.5 or TaHsp16.9 oligomers.
It is remarkable that Hsp17.7 is active as a dimer in suppressing the aggregation of diverse substrates. Only under certain buffer conditions, a few sHsps like HspB6 (Hsp20) (47, 48) and HspB1 (Hsp27) (49) could be shown to be active as dimers. However, in these cases, the sHsps usually form large oligomers.
The atypical quaternary structure of Hsp17.7 goes along with remarkable differences in its mode of substrate interaction compared with other sHsps. Although Hsp17.7 is able to suppress the aggregation of different model substrates efficiently, we could not detect any stable substrate complexes. Together with its ability to affect the kinetics of CS thermo-inactivation and the KJE-mediated refolding of chemically denatured CS, this supports the view of a transient interaction of Hsp17.7 with unfolded polypeptide chains. Free Hsp17.7 and its substrate-bound state may exist in a dynamic equilibrium, preventing the formation of large aggregates (Fig. 5). Thus, Hsp17.7 is an atypical sHsps that might act as a rather generic low-affinity chaperone or might be necessary for some specific substrates in D. radiodurans.
In contrast to Hsp17.7, Hsp20.2 is a typical sHsp forming dynamic oligomers with seemingly two main species, a 36mer and an 18mer. Compared with archaeal and eukaryotic sHsps, which have been described as 12mers or 24mers (15, 17, 20, 21, 45), the Hsp20.2 assembly seems to be more closely related to Xanthomonas HspA, which has also been reported to be a 36mer (45, 46). Interestingly, Xanthomonas HspA and Hsp20.2 are found in the same branch of the phylogenetic tree (12).
Concerning chaperone activity, Hsp20.2 suppresses the aggregation of substrate proteins with a binding capacity of ∼6 substrate molecules per Hsp20.2 18mer. This also indicates that the 36mer observed in the absence of substrate proteins might represent a storage form (Fig. 5).
sHsps have been shown to cooperate with Hsp100 proteins and the Hsp70 system in refolding the sHsp-bound substrates (7–9, 29). For Hsp20.2, our studies indicate a similar functional network. Hsp17.7, however, does not seem to be integrated in this chaperone cascade. Because of its transient binding behavior, it is active without the need of other ATP-dependent chaperones.
Taken together, on the systemic level, our results show that the D. radiodurans sHsp system is structurally and functionally strikingly distinct from the two-component sHsp system of E. coli. Intriguingly, the two sHsps of D. radiodurans, neither of which has been acquired through horizontal gene transfer (according to Alien Hunter, Sanger Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom), seem to function independently of each other. This view is supported by in vivo experiments in which we substituted the E. coli ibp deletion strain by the D. radiodurans sHsps and could not detect complementation. Overall, this indicates that the diversity of the bacterial sHsp systems might be higher than expected. Besides the basic classification of bacteria encoding one or two sHsp members (12), the two-member systems need to be subdivided into two types: type I with two highly homologous sHsps that (closely) cooperate (E. coli type) and type II consisting of two sHsps that are structurally different and act independently of each other (D. radiodurans type).
Materials and Methods
E.coli DnaK, DnaJ, GrpE, and pig heart CS were purified as described elsewhere (8, 50). Yeast SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) protease representing the C-terminal fragment (403–621) of ubiquitin-like-protease 1 (51) was amplified by PCR from cDNA and cloned into pET28b (Invitrogen), yielding N-terminally His6-tagged protein. The protein was purified by Ni2+-chelating chromatography (GE Healthcare) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Bovine insulin and hen egg lysozyme were obtained from Sigma.
Expression and Purification of sHsps.
For purification of Hsp17.7 and Hsp20.2, N-terminal 6× His plus SUMO fusions were constructed. The proteins were expressed in E. coli BL21 and purified by Ni2+ chelating and SEC according to the manufacturer's protocols (GE Healthcare). Details are provided in SI Materials and Methods.
Analysis of Chaperone Activity.
Thermal aggregation of model substrates, inactivation, and refolding of CS was performed as described elsewhere (8). For refolding of chemically denatured CS by the DnaK chaperone machinery, 2 µM DnaK, 2µM DnaJ, and 0.5 µM GrpE were used in the presence of 1 µM Hsp17.7 or Hsp20.2.
Inactivation and reactivation of firefly luciferase (Photinus pyralis; Promega) was assayed as described elsewhere (8). For each measurement, native luciferase was diluted to a final concentration of 4 µg/mL (80 nM) and incubated for 10 min at 43 °C in the presence or absence of sHsps. Then different combinations of chaperones were added, and the reactions were shifted to 25 °C for 65 min for reactivation. The activity of luciferase was compared with the activity of untreated, native luciferase, which was set to 100%. Luciferase activity was measured using a thermostated Tecan GENios Microplate Reader.
Analytical SEC.
SEC was performed as described previously (35). Buffer conditions were 40 mM Hepes/KOH (pH 7.4) and 150 mM NaCl, and a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min was used. The TSK 4000 pw column (TosoHaas) was calibrated using the Sigma gel filtration molecular weight marker kit (Sigma) including carbonic anhydrase, 29 kDa; albumin, 66 kDa; alcohol dehydrogenase, 150 kDa; amylase, 200 kDa; apoferritin, 443 kDa; and thyroglobulin, 669 kDa.
aUC Sedimentation Velocity Experiments.
Analytical ultracentrifugation was carried out with a ProteomLab XL-I (Beckman) supplied with absorbance and interference optics. Sample sedimentation was monitored at 280 nm or 230 nm, continuously scanning with a radial resolution of 30 microns. Data analysis was carried out with the Ultrascan and the USLIMS platform (52). Details are provided in SI Materials and Methods.
Protein Crystallization and Structure Determination.
Crystals of sHsp17.7 were grown at 20 °C by using the sitting drop vapor diffusion method. The drops contained equal volumes of protein (12 mg/mL) and reservoir solution [0.2 M ammoniumacetate, 0.1 M bis·Tris (pH 6.5), 25% PEG 3350]. The dataset was collected on a Bruker Microstar/X8 Proteum (Bruker AXS) with a Cu rotating anode (λ = 1.54 Å) and processed with the Proteum software suite (Bruker AXS). Hsp17.7 crystallized in the trigonal space group P3121 with cell parameters of a,b = 51.3 Å, c = 80.5 Å. For structure determination, molecular replacement was performed in Phaser (53) using the coordinates of HspA from Xanthomonas sp. (XAC1151; PDB-ID: 3GLA) as a starting model. Details are provided in SI Materials and Methods.
Electron Microscopy and Image Processing.
For negative stain electron microscopy, 5 µL of the protein sample (0.05 mg/mL protein in 50 mM Hepes/KOH, 75 mM NaCl, pH 7.4) were adsorbed for 2 min onto carbon-coated grids that were glow discharged in air. Samples were negatively stained with uranyl acetate [1.5% (wt/vol) at pH 4.5], and electron micrographs were recorded at a calibrated magnification of 58,000 using a JEOL JEM 100CX electron microscope operated at 100 kV. Details are provided in SI Materials and Methods.
Supplementary Material
We thank Dr. Katrin Heinz (University of Konstanz) for the kind gift of the Deinococcus radiodurans strain R1, Dr. Axel Mogk for the kind gift ibp deletion strains and expression plasmids, and Bianca Ludwig for excellent experimental assistance. This research was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grants SFB 594 A5 and SFB 1035 A06; and in part by the National Science Foundation through TeraGrid resources provided by Texas Advanced Computing Center Grant TG-MCB070040N.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Data deposition: The atomic coordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, www.pdb.org [Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics ID code rcsb072800 and PDB ID code 4FEI (Hsp17.7 from Deinococcus radiodurans)].
This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1209565109/-/DCSupplemental.
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