There is little insight into or agreement about the signals that control differentiation of memory B cells (MBC) and long-lived plasma cells (LLPC). By performing BrdU pulse-labeling studies, we found that MBC formation preceded the formation of LLPC in an adoptive transfer immunization system, which allowed for a synchronized Ag-specific response with homogeneous Ag-receptor, yet at natural precursor frequencies. We confirmed observations in wild type (WT) mice and extended them with germinal center (GC) disruption experiments and variable region gene sequencing. We thus show that the GC response undergo a temporal switch in its output as it matures, revealing that the reaction engenders both MBC subsets with different immune effector function and, ultimately, LLPC at largely separate points in time. These data demonstrate the kinetics of the formation of the cells that provide stable humoral immunity and therefore have implications for autoimmunity, vaccine development, and for understanding long-term pathogen resistance.
Adaptive T cell-dependent (TD) immune responses against foreign antigens (Ag) first generate plasmablasts (PB), followed by a germinal center (GC) response that engenders both memory B cells (MBC) and long-lived plasma cells (LLPC) (De Silva and Klein, 2015; Nutt et al., 2015; Shlomchik and Weisel, 2012; Victora and Nussenzweig, 2012; Zotos and Tarlinton, 2012). During the extrafollicular response activated B cells move to the splenic red pulp, proliferate and differentiate, which leads to an early wave of short-lived PB and mainly unmutated and unswitched Ag-experienced B cells that resemble MBC, though whether these cells truly join the long-lived compartments has not been resolved (Blink et al., 2005; Inamine et al., 2005; Kaji et al., 2012; Obukhanych and Nussenzweig, 2006; Taylor et al., 2012). Concurrently, some activated B cells undergo productive interaction with cognate T cells at the splenic T cell – B cell border or the interfollicular region of the lymph node, express the transcriptional repressor Bcl6, and migrate into the follicle to form a nascent GC (Kitano et al., 2011; Schwickert et al., 2011). GC, initiating 3–4 days after immunization (Kerfoot et al., 2011) and see below), are sites where B cells undergo proliferation, V region gene somatic hypermutation and class switch recombination (Jacob et al., 1991). In the GC, Ag-driven affinity maturation preferentially selects for the expansion of B cells with higher affinity for the cognate Ag (Le et al., 2008; Shih et al., 2002) possibly by competition for T cell signals (Gitlin et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2014), ultimately resulting in differentiation of mutated, higher affinity MBC and LLPC.
While it is widely accepted that bone marrow (BM) LLPC are GC-derived (Chan and Brink, 2012; Good-Jacobson and Shlomchik, 2010; Oracki et al., 2010; Takahashi, 1998), MBC can also form in Bcl6−/− animals (Toyama et al., 2002), which lack GC, or in response to T cell- independent Ag (Obukhanych and Nussenzweig, 2006). Further, not all MBC are of switched isotype (Dogan et al., 2009; Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014) or display somatically mutated immunoglobulin (Ig) genes (Takahashi et al., 2001; Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014; Tomayko et al., 2010). While later-appearing isotype-switched MBC are products of the GC, early-appearing cells with a MBC phenotype were posited to originate independently of GC (Kaji et al., 2012; Pape et al., 2011; Takemori et al., 2014; Taylor et al., 2012). The contribution of each pathway to the total long-lived MBC compartment remains enigmatic.
It is unclear how differentiation of GC B cells (GCBC) into MBC and LLPC is controlled (Allen et al., 2007a; De Silva and Klein, 2015; Nutt et al., 2015; Shlomchik and Weisel, 2012; Victora and Nussenzweig, 2012; Zotos and Tarlinton, 2012). Based largely on in vitro data, it has been proposed that CD40 mediated signaling and/or cytokine signals could control this decision, but there has not been agreement on whether such signals promote MBC vs LLPC formation. It is originally thought that differentiation could be controlled via affinity-based instructive B cell receptor (BCR) signals (Paus et al., 2006; Phan et al., 2005), but subsequently the same group elegantly showed that higher affinity increased overall proliferation—not antibody-forming cell (AFC) differentiation—of Ag-reactive cells, which in turn resulted in increased AFC numbers (Chan et al., 2009). Alternatively, differentiation may be a stochastic process, possibly metered by the number of cell divisions and/or signaling encounters (Hasbold et al., 2004). Given the many theories and lack of a definite answer, the resolution of this question remains a major unresolved question.
Some clues to the in vivo control of this process come from antibody (Ab) inhibition and genetic deletion studies. Blocking GC with antibodies directed against CD40L or ICOSL results in a decrease of LLPC (Takahashi, 1998) and deletion of CR1 and CR2 (Gatto et al., 2005), interleukin 21 receptor (IL-21R) (Linterman et al., 2010; Zotos et al., 2010), PD-1, PD-L1 and PD-L2 (Good-Jacobson et al., 2010), CD80 (Good-Jacobson et al., 2012) allow GC initiation but affect proper GC maturation or progression. In all these cases the loss of the late GC is correlated with diminished LLPC numbers, while MBC populations are mainly unaffected or even increased (reviewed in Good-Jacobson and Shlomchik, 2010). It could be that each of these signals differentially promotes LLPC vs MBC formation. Alternatively, it might be the case that these signals allow the GC reaction to reach a certain maturation point that favors LLPC generation.
To determine whether MBC and LLPC are generated at different time points during the response, here we used BrdU-pulse-labeling, an approach already successfully used to analyze the half-life of Ag-specific PCs (Manz et al., 1997) and the life span of MBCs (Schittek and Rajewsky, 1990). We observed that long-lived immune progeny are generated in a sequential order: unswitched MBC very early in the response, followed by switched MBC and finally by a delayed appearance of isotype-switched BM LLPC. We corroborated these findings using a combination of anti-CD40L antibody (Ab) to destroy the GC at a key time point, as well as V region gene sequencing to match the content of early GC with MBC and late GC with LLPC. Based on these findings, we infer that less-committed humoral immune effector cells mainly derive from pre- or early GC reactions while cells of higher maturation stage are formed during late GC and propose a model that selection of proliferating GC cells into the long-lived immune compartment is controlled by developmental stages within the GC reaction, resulting in a switch of output over time.
Kinetics of the formation of long lived immune effector cells in a synchronized response
To determine when long-lived MBC and LLPC are stably formed, we induced a TD immune response in a transfer-immunization system (Fig. 1A), which allowed for a synchronized response of a timed cohort of B cells with controlled BCR composition, and performed BrdU pulse labeling at different stages of the immune response. To this end, we transferred limiting numbers of 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl (NP)-reactive naïve B cells from B1–8i+/− BALB/cJ genetically targeted mice (further referred to as B1–8 mice) into AM14 transgenic Vk8R genetically targeted BALB/cJ mice (further referred to as transfer recipients), which have a fixed BCR that does not recognize NP-chicken gamma globulin (CGG) (Fig. 1A). Upon immunization of recipient mice, WT-like numbers of ~12,500 splenic NP-reactive B cells (Fig. S1 and Le et al., 2008; Pape et al., 2011; Tomayko et al., 2010) participated in the response quickly, without continuous input of naïve B cells into the primary response (Schwickert et al., 2009), therefore synchronizing the GC reaction.
Transfer recipients were immunized with NP-CGG and divided into 14 groups, each of which received 3 BrdU i.p. injections per day with each group being injected for a different sequential three day period (Fig. 1A); we refer to these periods as “labeling windows”. All mice were then analyzed at 8 weeks post-immunization. This approach would label long-lived cells at the time point of their generation, since only cells that were in S-phase during the BrdU labeling window will have integrated BrdU into the nascent DNA within the first 1–2 hours after BrdU injection and only cells that stopped cycling during or immediately after the period of bioavailable BrdU would remain detectably BrdU labeled (Fig. 1B) for at least 20 weeks (Anderson et al., 2006 and see below). 8 weeks after immunization, we enumerated splenic MBC, MBC subsets and BM LLPC by multicolor flow cytometry (Fig. S2); we posited that BrdU+ MBC or LLPC identified in mice from a particular labeling window were stably formed during that time window of labeling (further discussed below). Thus, the percentage of BrdU+ cells among either MBC, MBC subsets or LLPC in a given window (Fig. 1A, B; S2) indicates the fraction of the total compartment that was formed during that window.
Overall, we found that Ag-specific cells that were labeled during the early part of the response and even beyond the peak of the GC were predominantly MBC, with very few LLPC that were destined to remain in the BM until at least week 8, whereas cells labeled during the late, post-peak of the GC response were overwhelmingly LLPC. There was a pronounced pre-GC wave of IgM+ MBC formation (Fig. 1C, S2A), with an initial peak during d0–2 and 40% of IgM+ MBC formed by d5. Peak formation of IgG1+ MBC was between d6–8 after immunization, with ~22% of all MBC generated in this three day window (Fig. 1E, S2A) and about half of all IgG1+ MBC were generated by d11, which was before the peak of the total GC response (d14, Fig. 1F). Notably, ~9% of IgG1+ MBC were formed by d5, indicative of a pre-GC origin (Fig. 1E, F) and consistent with the early appearance of IgG1+ B cells with a memory-like phenotype very early after immunization (Fig. 1E and Inamine et al., 2005). These data demonstrate that such IgG1+ MBC that formed very early in the response persist for at least 8 weeks (Fig. 1E).
To better understand whether MBC that formed at different time points emanated from a GC or extra-GC source, we measured the fraction of NP+ IgG1+ B cells labeled during each BrdU window by sacrificing transfer-immunized recipient mice 1h after the last BrdU injection instead of 8 weeks later. From d8 to d38 the vast majority of labeled cells had a GC phenotype (Fig. 1D), implying that long-lived BrdU+ cells formed after d6 originated mainly from the GC. Whereas, from d0–2 there were no detectable labeled NP+ IgG1+ cells of a GC phenotype (Fig. 1D), implying that resting cells formed during that time window and most likely a substantial fraction formed in the next time window were indeed GC-independent long-lived MBC (Fig. 1C, D, E and F and further discussed below). The percentage of BrdU+ NP+ GCBC was not different among individual labeling windows, indicating equivalent labeling throughout the whole GC reaction (not depicted).
In contrast to the early formation of MBC, only 7.5% of the IgG1+ BM LLPC compartment was formed by d14 (Fig. 1G, S2B). Instead, the majority was generated much later—between week 2 and week 5 after immunization (Fig. 1G). Consistent with these conclusions, the delayed development of LLPC was reflected in the kinetics of the appearance of total AFC numbers in the BM (Fig. 1H). Indeed, even though labeling windows extended to 5 weeks post immunization, we could account for only ~75% of the total LLPC in summing up all of the labeled cells, indicative of substantial LLPC generation even 5 weeks post-immunization (Fig. 1G), whereas we could similarly account for ~95% of MBC, indicating little if any further generation beyond week 5 (Fig. 1C, E). Furthermore, labeling of ~95% of MBC of both isotypes throughout the course shows that BrdU-pulse-labeling was highly efficient. Additionally, we did not find differences in the frequency of NP-specific B cells in BrdU versus PBS treated mice at week 8 (not depicted), which confirms there was no toxic effect of BrdU.
Heterogeneity among MBC is reflected in the kinetics of their generation
We previously showed that the NP-specific MBC compartment is comprised of at least three phenotypically and functionally distinct subsets, which can be distinguished by expression of CD80 and PD-L2 (Tomayko et al., 2010; Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014). To assess whether there are distinct kinetics of formation of these distinct MBC subsets, we included staining for these two markers in our Ag-specific BrdU analysis of MBC. Up to d5 mainly CD80− PDL2−MBC were produced. Between d6 and d11 the most abundantly produced MBC subset was of CD80− PDL2+ phenotype, whereas among the MBC formed from d12 onwards, most were CD80+ PDL2+ (Fig. 1I, S2C). These data imply that qualitatively distinct effector functions (Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014) of MBC are reflected in the kinetics of their generation. This result is in line with findings from Kaji and colleagues, who reported that the secondary immune response of adoptively transferred d40 MBC led to 5–6 times more AFC in recipient mice compared to adoptively transferred d7 MBC (Kaji et al., 2012).
CD73 is expressed on a subset of MBC (Fig. 1J and Tomayko et al., 2010) and it was suggested that CD73 expression marks GC-derived MBC (Taylor et al., 2012). BrdU-pulse-labeling revealed, however, that among the IgG1+ MBC formed between d0–2 and d3–5 about 60% were CD73+ (Fig. 1K), indicating that MBC formed prior to the GC reaction often express CD73. Similarly, among CD73+ MBC, approximately 37% of IgM+ cells and 6% of IgG+ cells formed by d5, a time point prior to substantial GC formation (Fig. 1F, L). Thus, CD73 expression is neither exclusive to (Fig. 1K) nor specific for (Fig. 1L) GC derived MBC, even though somatically mutated MBC are enriched in CD73+ subset (Kaji et al., 2012).
Validation of experimental design
The adoptive transfer system provided sufficient numbers of cells to enable us to validate the assumptions underlying the short-term BrdU “window-labeling” approach (Fig. 1A) we used to address long-term precursor-product relationships (Fig. 1B). To validate the assumption that BrdU-labeling of MBC would become undetectable after further division, we injected transfer recipient mice from d6–8 post-immunization with BrdU 3 times daily, and 6 weeks later harvested and labeled splenocytes with VPD450. We cultured these cells with ODN1826 to stimulate division, then used VPD dilution to correlate BrdU staining and cell division by flow cytometry (Fig. 2A). Most (~65%) cells had lost BrdU label by the first division and by the third division 92% of previously labeled cells had lost detectable BrdU (Fig. 2B). Since GCBC divide 3–4 times per day, even if it took 3 divisions to lose labeling, this still gave a resolution of a single day or less for the labeling windows, which is as postulated in the experimental design (Fig. 1A, B). We further performed BrdU and 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU) in vivo double labeling experiments to measure how many divisions a GCBC underwent in vivo from its last division in which it was BrdU-labeled as a GCBC until achieving a resting MBC state. To evaluate this, we injected transfer recipient mice with BrdU for one day and then one to four days later with a single dose of EdU and harvested spleens 30min later (Fig. 2C). We found that by d1 only 4% and by d2 only 1% of BrdU+ cells with MBC phenotype were labeled with EdU (Fig. 2D, E). Taking into account that ~1/4–1/3 of cycling GCBC are in S phase at a given time (Allen et al., 2007b), this indicates that ~90% of labeled cells exited the cell cycle within one day and >95% within two days (Fig. 2E). Considering that as many as 65% (Fig. 2B) of dividing cells could also have lost their BrdU, one might correct this further by a factor of three; however, such cells would have been captured in the non-GC BrdU− and EdU+ gate (Fig. 2D, upper left plot, lower right quadrant), which contains an even fewer number of cells. Hence, the maximal correction that could be applied would indicate that ~80% of labeled cells exited cycle within one day and >90% within two days. In addition to validating our experimental design, this observation provides insight into the nature of GCBC commitment to memory.
Micro-anatomic locations of the formation of early MBC
Given that MBC are formed very early in the immune response (Fig. 1C, E) and that these undoubtedly stem from proliferating precursors responding to Ag stimulation (Fig. S2A), we assessed the micro-anatomic location where active proliferation of Ag-specific B cells takes place at early time points. We injected transfer recipients at d2–6 post immunization 3 times with EdU to label proliferating cells. Mice were sacrificed 30min after the last EdU injection and at each time point we found that most of the lambda light chain (Igλ) positive (and thus Ag-specific) B cells were proliferating inside the T cell zones and at the T cell – B cell border. Compared to T cell zones and the T cell – B cell border, fewer Igλ+ B cells were proliferating within B cell follicles at d2 of the response (Fig. 3A, C). Since ~20% of the IgM+ MBC are formed by d2 (Fig. 1C), and the majority of proliferating Ag-specific B cells—containing presumptive MBC precursors—are located in the T cell zones, it is very likely that most early MBC were generated inside T cell areas. Proliferation of Ag-specific cells within T cell zones was found throughout all analyzed time points, suggesting potential continued generation of extra-GC MBC (Fig. 3C) up to at least d6. On d3 small GC were detectable, indicating that from this point on the GC could contribute to long-lived compartments, albeit that the majority of proliferating cells at d3 was outside the GC. From d4 onwards the majority of proliferating Igλ+ B cells was found within GC (Fig. 3B, C; S3 and Le et al., 2008).
MBC and LLPC are formed with different kinetics in WT mice
Using the insights gained from validating and characterizing the cell-transfer BrdU labeling system, we sought to track the kinetics of B cell differentiation into MBC and LLPC in a polyclonal response. There are, however, limitations to this experiment: a polyclonal response is not synchronized and in addition the affinities of stimulated cells and hence their proliferation rates will vary over a range. We therefore would not expect the same sharp delineations seen when these two important factors are controlled as in the transfer system. Nonetheless, we felt it was of interest to apply the BrdU “window labeling” approach to NP-CGG immunized Balb/cJ WT mice, similar to the protocol used to evaluate adoptive transfer recipients (Fig. 1A).
We found that even in this less temporally and affinity-controlled setting, IgM+ MBC were formed early during the immune response, with peak formation of 9.1% of the total compartment between d6–8 followed by a steady decline in the rate of formation. IgG1+ MBC were subsequently generated with a peak at around d18–20 (Fig. 4A; S4A). About 3.5% of IgG1+ and 6.5% of IgM+ MBC were stably formed by d5 (Fig. 4), which demonstrated that previously observed early-appearing MBC-phenotype cells (Takemori et al., 2014) indeed enter the long-lived immune compartment in a polyclonal situation. Furthermore, IgG1+ LLPC in the BM appeared substantially later than MBC (Fig. 4A, S4B) with only 15% of the total LLPC being formed by d20 while ~40% of MBC had formed by this point (Fig. 4B). It took fully two weeks longer for LLPC formation to reach this level.
Most notably, the key findings in adoptive transfer recipients (Fig. 1C, E, G) were confirmed in WT mice (Fig. 4A); however, generation of all long-lived immune compartments was shifted towards later time points in the intact system and peaks were less sharp compared to the transfer-immunization system. As noted, these differences in kinetics are expected, since effects observed in WT mice, while substantial, would be minimal estimates of cell-intrinsic time-dependent alterations in B cell differentiation during the response. This is because in intact mice responses are asynchronous, being replenished with new cohorts of activated cells that join the pre-existing response (Schwickert et al., 2009). The lack of synchrony obscures the ability to observe time-dependent differences in MBC vs LLPC formation. Further, the polyclonal immune system with a wide range of BCR affinities is homeostatic and selection for different affinity Ag-receptors would confound the ability to discern inherent effects at the single cell level, as higher affinity cells likely proliferate more (Gitlin et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2014). Additionally, transferred B1–8 B cells did not need to reach a minimum BCR affinity for NP in order to be detectable as Ag-binding cells in flow-cytometric analysis, therefore the frequency of Ag-reactive cells is not underestimated, whereas in a polyclonal system low affinity but relevant B cells would not bind sufficiently to fluorescent Ag for their detection (Fig. S1A; S4A) e.g. NP-reactive B cells using the V23 heavy chain paired with λ1 light chain (Dal Porto et al., 2002). Nonetheless, even without the ability to control these variables, clear separation in the order of generation of MBC and LLPC with time can be observed in the polyclonal system.
Disruption of peak GC reactions diminishes LLPC but not MBC
If our interpretation of the labeling data is correct, then if we were to abrogate the GC reaction after most of the MBC were predicted to be formed we expect this would have a differential and disproportional effect on LLPC vs MBC. To experimentally test this, we used anti-CD40L Ab to disrupt the peak GC reaction in the transfer-immunization system at d12–14 (Fig. 1F), by which time BrdU data indicate that most MBC should have formed but most LLPC have yet to form (Fig. 1C, E, G). As predicted by the BrdU data, disruption of the GC at d12–14 led to a significant reduction in numbers of NP-specific IgG1+ BM AFC at 8 weeks post-immunization (Fig. 5A), with a marked—almost 90%— loss of higher affinity AFC (Fig. 5B). In contrast, but also as predicted by the labeling data, total numbers of residual NP-specific B cells, which represent the MBC compartment, were not significantly affected (Fig. 5C). Hence, as determined independently by experimental abrogation of the immune response, most MBC are formed by d12–14 whereas most LLPC had yet to form. In concert with our finding that CD80+ PDL2+ MBC are mainly generated late in the immune response (Fig 1I) we found these cells to be the only subset whose frequency was reduced by anti-CD40L Ab treatment (Fig 5F). Whereas, the frequencies of CD80− PDL2− (Fig. 5D) and CD80− PDL2+ (Fig. 5E) subsets were slightly but significantly elevated, which was an expected result since the overall number of MBC (Fig. 5C) remained unaltered.
Mutational content analysis correlates GCBC with their long-lived progeny over time
Mutations accumulate in the V gene regions of GCBC as a function of time or cell divisions (Takahashi et al., 2001) and the extent of mutations can be used as a footprint to compare populations of B cells that have undergone mutation. In particular, non-mutating resting populations including both MBC and LLPC should have numbers of mutations similar to those in the GCBC that were their direct precursors at the time that those GCBC differentiated. We used this as a third approach to connect GC time windows to the types of long-lived B cell products that were created by them. To this end, we compared the V region mutational content of Ag-specific IgG1+ GC (and non-GC) cells in B1–8 mice at d6–8 and d18–20 after NP-CGG immunization to the mutational content of IgG1+ MBC and LLPC formed at those time periods. We marked the latter cells during their formation in analogous fashion to the experiments in Fig. 1 and Fig. 4, except we used EdU as this was compatible with sequencing of the labeled sorted cells (Fig. 6A and Gitlin et al., 2015).
We sorted NP-specific IgG1+ GC and non-GC cells directly at d7 (the midpoint of the d6–8 labeling window) and d19 post immunization and sorted NP+ IgG1+ EdU+ splenic MBC and BM LLPC at week 8 from mice that had been given EdU at either d6–8 or d18–20 (Fig. 6A). The frequency of resulting EdU+ MBC and BM LLPC was comparable to frequencies obtained with BrdU labeling, indicating similar labeling efficiencies of EdU and BrdU. We then cloned and sequenced Vλ1 rearrangements from all of these sort-purified cell populations. The Vλ1 mutation frequency of EdU+ MBC labeled during d6–8 matched that of d6–8 GCBC, but neither that of non-GC B cells isolated at d7 nor that of GCBC harvested at d18–20 post-immunization (Fig. 6B). Conversely, the mutation frequency of EdU+ LLPC formed during d18–20 matched only that of d19 GCBC. Furthermore, the mutational content of d7 GCBC and MBC derived at this time was indistinguishable from that of total MBC at week 8, most likely because the majority of MBC were made near this time window (Fig. 1, 4). These data thus independently support an earlier origin for most MBC compared to the majority of LLPC.
Gene expression analysis of early and late GCBC
To gain insight in the mechanisms underlying this temporal switch in output of GC reactions we compared RNA expression profiles of d8 and d18 GCBC sorted from adoptive transfer recipients. These data revealed consistent differences with a fold change of 1.7 or greater in ~100 genes, with q-value of < 0.05 (Fig. 7). Notably, a number of these are annotated as signaling molecules and/or receptors that are known to be important in immune responses. In addition there were several transcription factors and chromatin modifiers that were differentially expressed in early vs. late GC. While extensive testing will be needed to determine the functions of these molecules in determining the different outputs of early vs. late GC, these data present a clear picture that the two types of GC are not just functionally but are indeed also transcriptionally distinct (Fig. 7 and below).
Our results provide insight into the longstanding question of how the GC generates both MBC and LLPC, revealing that there is a time-dependent developmental switch in the output of the GC, such that it first dedicates itself to MBC generation and later—long after its peak in size— switches to mainly producing LLPC. These conclusions were reached by a combination of three strategies: pulse-chase in vivo BrdU-labeling, V region sequencing, and selective elimination of the GC response at d14 that resulted in marked reduction of LLPC but not MBC.
It had not been evident that the “mature” GC changes functionally in such a profound way over time. Previous studies may have missed this conclusion because their underlying hypotheses posited that there would be discrete instructional signaling that would govern the concurrent production of MBC and LLPC at the local cell level. Nonetheless, consistent with our results, various mutations in GC-related molecules result in a significant loss of LLPC but not MBC (reviewed in Good-Jacobson and Shlomchik, 2010), including: CR1 and CR2 (Gatto et al., 2005), IL-21R (Linterman et al., 2010; Zotos et al., 2010), PD-1 and PD-L1 and PD-L2 (Good-Jacobson et al., 2010) and CD80 (Good-Jacobson et al., 2012). Since these mutants also all share the phenotype of premature termination of the GC response, we favor the notion that multiple signals are required to allow the GC to mature to a certain point at which the milieu becomes favorable for LLPC generation (Shlomchik and Weisel, 2012). Notably, CD40 signals, Ag-affinity, and certain cytokine signals have all been investigated, without clear results to implicate them directly in an instructive program for either MBC or LLPC differentiation (Chan and Brink, 2012). Of note with respect to other controversies surrounding GC function, since formation of MBC and LLPC is greatly separated in time, it seems unlikely that MBC and LLPC are created alternatively via asymmetric division, as has been suggested to occur (Barnett et al., 2012).
Our results modify our view of how the GC evolves and in this way raise a new set of questions. How do changes in the GC milieu support this time-dependent shift in the generation of long-lived B cell progeny? Evolution in the tendency of the GC to produce MBC towards LLPC could be B-cell intrinsic, with cells counting divisions in some way and this in turn influencing in a stochastic fashion the likelihood to differentiate into a MBC vs a LLPC (Hasbold et al., 2004). This is in accord with concepts elaborated by Hodgkin and colleagues based on in vitro data, including recent elegant single-cell studies of short-term B cell cultures (Duffy et al., 2012). In this regard, mRNAs encoding several key transcription factors and co-factors related to GC, MBC and LLPC identity are differentially expressed in early and late GCBC, including Irf8, Egr1, Mef2b, Sh3bgrl2 (whose protein is an interacting partner with Irf8 (Yoon et al., 2014), and Zbtb20 (also known as Zfp288), which has been recently implicated in the development of LLPC (Chevrier and Corcoran, 2014; Nutt et al., 2015; Wang and Bhattacharya, 2014).
Previously BCR signaling in the GC was shown to be highly attenuated, with signaling only observed in the G2-M phase (Khalil et al., 2012), but this has so far only been studied at the peak of the GC reaction. Our transcriptional analysis shows that a number of key molecules affecting signaling are differentially regulated in early and late GC, including ITIM-containing CD72, and also Lck and Sh2d2a (which encodes the T cell specific adaptor protein)—both thought to be important for T cell receptor signaling (Granum et al., 2008) but which are evidently differentially regulated in GCBC. Further studies are needed to address outcomes of BCR mediated Ag-binding in late GCBC.
There could also be temporal evolution of signals delivered by other cells to B cells in the GC. Notably, the total number of T cells per GC as well as GC T cell density declines significantly at d16 post immunization (Wollenberg et al., 2011), a time when the GC reaction is switching its output. In addition, T follicular regulatory cells accumulate with time in the GC (Ramiscal and Vinuesa, 2013; Wollenberg et al., 2011). Therefore, T cell derived signals might change with GC maturation due to time-dependent changes in quantity or quality. Commensurate with this is the downregulation of Stat4 and Il10ra in late GCBC, which could affect responsiveness to key Tfh cytokines such as IL-21 and IL-10 (De Silva and Klein, 2015; Linterman et al., 2010; Ramiscal and Vinuesa, 2013).
Regardless of the source of evolving external or B cell intrinsic signals that may shift in time, a common denominator in the B cell could be NF-κB signaling, since it was recently shown that specific subunits are required in B cells at different stages during the GC response (Heise et al., 2014). Another factor could be lymphocyte metabolic pathways, which can differ as a function of differentiation and activation (Caro-Maldonado et al., 2012). The GC reaction is dynamic in size and cell composition with the majority of GC getting smaller at d14 (Rao et al., 2002). So it is conceivable that energy supply and oxygen availability may vary as a function of time, perhaps providing cues for selective differentiation. Notably, of the ~100 differentially regulated genes, 20 of them are annotated as affecting metabolism (Fig. 7). All of the potential modifiers mentioned above are mutually non-exclusive and any or several of them could facilitate the general shift of the GC output over time. The current findings now help to refocus the research questions on evaluating these possibilities, which should ultimately lead to a better understanding of the origins of both MBC and LLPC and the differentiation process in the GC.
Several groups have noted that MBC-phenotype cells can be observed very early in the immune response. MBC can form in mice lacking Bcl6 and therefore GC (Kaji et al., 2012; Toyama et al., 2002), although it is possible this wouldn’t occur if Bcl6 were present. Further supporting the notion, putatively GC-independent IgG1+ cells with a surface phenotype similar to that of MBC were detected by d10 (Inamine et al., 2005) and IgM+ B cells with memory phenotype were found by d5 (Pape et al., 2011). It is now apparent that GC can form as early as d3–4, though not earlier than this (Kerfoot et al., 2011 and see above). Our findings demonstrating formation via stable BrdU labeling before the GC reaction has started definitively support the existence of GC-independent MBC formation in normal, Bcl6-intact animals; EdU labeling studies suggest that most form in the T cell zones and at the T cell - B cell border. In addition, our data shed light on the fate and utility of these cells. Previously it was unknown whether these cells joined the long-lived MBC compartment. Here we show that they do: a substantial fraction of IgM+ MBC (and some IgG1+ MBC) are made during d0–2 and remain at least for 8 weeks. The surface phenotype of these MBC generated very early in the response is also of interest. The great majority of these early MBC lack expression of CD80 and PD-L2, yet most of them express CD73. These results, coupled with our recent observations on the functions of MBC subsets (Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014), indicate that these early, mainly un-mutated and unswitched MBC are specialized to efficiently adapt to antigenic variants upon re-exposure, as they can undergo secondary GC reactions (Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014). Furthermore, the expression of CD73 on these pre-GC derived MBC clearly shows that CD73 is not a suitable marker to identify GC-derived MBC, in contrast to what was previously thought (Taylor et al., 2012).
The evident design of the system, with generation of early MBC followed by late LLPC generation, presents a seemingly rational adaptation. Early generation of MBC both within and outside of the GC could be a successful strategy for reinforcing the response to pathogens that persist beyond the earliest adaptive immune responses. Such quickly formed MBC could presumably rejoin the response should the pathogen persist, though this has yet to be directly demonstrated. Early differentiation of long-lived MBC, with the resultant paucity of mutations in V gene regions, likely prevents the humoral memory compartment as a total from becoming overly committed to the initial immunogen, potentially a more optimal strategy for later responses to genetically variant pathogens.
Conversely, generation of LLPC occurs at a time when a prolonged selective process in the GC has allowed for a fine-tuning and commitment to the best possible affinity for the original Ag. This design is appropriate for cells that are terminally differentiated. The delay in making effective LLPC may also explain why optimally protective long-term Ab responses to certain vaccines (e.g. hepatitis B) take so long to appear. It is important to point out that our results only examine the BM PC compartment at week 8 and do not bear on AFC that may have been present at earlier time points. It has been postulated that BM resident AFC are generated early in the response, followed by selective loss of low affinity variants from d14 to d28 while higher affinity cells persisted from d14 to d35 (Smith et al., 1997). Since we found 7–9% of LLPC resident in the BM at week 8 were generated by d14, our data are not in conflict with the concept of early BM AFC generation (Smith et al., 1997) and it seems likely that long-lived, higher affinity LLPC that are generated later in the response replace or outnumber the initial lower affinity cohorts.
Finally, our results might also be informative for designing vaccine strategies. Some vaccines demonstrate only short-lived Ab responses and protection. If the goal is to generate Ab-mediated long-lived protection, then adjuvant and Ag designs—as well as immunization schedules— should be adjusted to prolong late GC responses with resultant production of more and better LLPC. In this regard, Kasturi and colleagues have demonstrated that immunization with immobilized Ag on synthetic nanoparticles together with TLR7 and TLR4 ligands induces a synergistic increase in numbers of LLPC and long-lived Ab titers, which correlates with enhanced and sustained late GC responses (Kasturi et al., 2011). Our studies likely elucidate the underlying connection between these two observations.
The converse might be true in the case of influenza, since mutating MBC contribute to early PB responses to antigenically drifted viruses (Wrammert et al., 2008), whereas Ab produced by LLPC will be of little long-term value as quickly as the next flu season. In this situation vaccines that promoted enlarged early GC responses, coupled with approaches to forestall GC maturation would be more optimal, as this should yield relatively more MBC. As appreciated also by others (De Silva and Klein, 2015), further elucidation of molecular changes that could modulate GC quality, kinetics and subsequent output could empower us to manipulate the GC reaction and impact efforts to prevent infectious diseases.
Experimental procedures
Ag, Ab and detection reagents are listed in detail in supplemental experimental procedures.
Mice, immunization and in vivo treatment
Use of B1-8i+/− genetically targeted BALB/cJ mice as B cell donors and AM14 Transgenic (Tg) x Vk8R genetically targeted BALB/cJ mice as recipient strain was recently described (Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014). All mice were maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions and all animal experiments were approved by the Yale or University of Pittsburgh Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. 6–12 week old mice were i.p. immunized with 50µg of NP-CGG precipitated in Alum. To disrupt GC reactions mice were i.p. injected once a day at d12–14 with 350µg purified anti-CD40L Ab (MR1) in PBS or Armenian hamster IgG (Innovative Research) as control. To prevent GC from re-appearing, mice were continuously i.p. injected with 125µg Ab once a week until the end of the experiment. 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU, Sigma) and 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU, Invitrogen) were dissolved in sterile PBS and 0.75mg to 1mg in a volume of 200µl were injected i.p.
Adoptive B cell transfer
Splenocytes from B1-8i+/− genetically targeted BALB/cJ mice were depleted of T cells by incubation with supernatants of rat IgM anti-mouse CD4 and rat IgM anti- mouse CD8 Ab-producing cell lines and the addition of Low-Tox rabbit complement (Cedarlane) followed by Percoll (GE Healthcare) gradient purification. Flow-cytometric analysis was performed to determine the frequency of NP-binding B cells. An equivalent of 2×105 untouched NP-reactive B cells was then transferred into tail veins of AM14 Tg x Vκ8R genetically targeted BALB/cJ mice.
Flow cytometric analysis, cell sorting and ELISpot assay
Flow cytometric analysis and ELISpot assays were performed essentially as described (Good-Jacobson et al., 2010; Zuccarino-Catania et al., 2014). EdU detection was performed with the Click-iT® EdU Alexa Fluor 647 or 488 Flow Cytometry Assay Kit (Invitrogen) and subsequent EdU+ cells were sorted on a FACSAria (BD Immunocytometry Systems). BrdU detection was performed as described (Khalil et al., 2012) and is detailed in supplemental experimental procedures together with protocols used for BrdU and EdU double-detection by multicolor-flow cytometry.
In vitro B cell stimulation
B cell purification was performed with the EasySep Mouse B Cell Enrichment Kit (StemCell Technologies). 1×107 cells/ml were incubated in PBS with 0.5% (v/v) fetal calf serum (FCS, HyClone) and 4µM of BDHorizon Violet Cell Proliferation Dye 450 (VPD450, BD Biosciences) for 5min at 37°C and the reaction was quenched with 3 volumes of FCS for 1min at 37°C and cells were washed twice in RPMI 1640 medium. Cells were cultured in the presence of 5µg/ml CpG ODN 1826 (5’-tccatgacgttcctgacgtt-3’; Invivogen) for 3–4d at 37°C and then subjected to flow cytometric staining.
Vλ1 sequencing was performed essentially as described (Anderson et al., 2007).
Immunohistological analysis was performed essentially as described (Kerfoot et al., 2011). EdU was detected using the Click-iT® EdU Alexa Fluor 555 Imaging Kit (Invitrogen). 40x tiled images of whole splenic sections were acquired with an IX83 fluorescent microscope (Olympus) and image analysis was performed using cellSens Dimension software (Olympus) with the count and measure module.
The Mann-Whitney nonparametric, two-tailed test was used for statistical analyses. Significance was determined at the 95% confidence level and is defined as: *** p<0.001; ** p=0.001–0.01; * p>=0.01–0.05; n.s. p>0.05. Interpolation of missing data (Fig. 4B) was performed using the spline function in the R statistical package (
Supplementary Material
We thank M. Tomayko, T. Winkler and M. Cancro for critical reading the manuscript and discussions; the Yale Cell Sorter Facility for expert cell sorting; the Yale Animal Resource Center and the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources of the University of Pittsburgh, in particular A. Durso and K. Faidley, for expert animal care; the Keck Facility at Yale University for DNA sequencing; L. Conter and P. Baevova for supporting experimental procedures. W. Humphries IV for help with imaging and analysis. Supported by the National Institute of Health (R01-Al46303 to M.J.S), DFG Research Fellowship (WE 4752/1–1 to F.J.W) and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (G.V.Z.-C).
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Author Contributions
F.J.W. and M.J.S. designed research; G.V.Z-C. performed experiments and gave conceptual advice; M.C. performed bioinformatical analysis; F.J.W. implemented and analyzed all experiments and wrote the manuscript together with M.J.S.
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