Keap1-Nrf2 system plays a central role in the stress response. While Keap1 ubiquitinates Nrf2 for degradation under unstressed conditions, this Keap1 activity is abrogated in response to oxidative or electrophilic stresses, leading to Nrf2 stabilization and coordinated activation of cytoprotective genes. We recently found that nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 is significantly increased by simultaneous deletion of Pten and Keap1, resulting in the stronger activation of Nrf2 target genes. To clarify the impact of the cross talk between the Keap1-Nrf2 and Pten–phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase–Akt pathways on the liver pathophysiology, in this study we have conducted closer analysis of liver-specific Pten::Keap1 double-mutant mice (Pten::Keap1-Alb mice). The Pten::Keap1-Alb mice were lethal by 1 month after birth and displayed severe hepatomegaly with abnormal expansion of ductal structures comprising cholangiocytes in a Nrf2-dependent manner. Long-term observation of Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice revealed that the Nrf2-heterozygous mice survived beyond 1 month but developed polycystic liver fibrosis by 6 months. Gsk3 directing the Keap1-independent degradation of Nrf2 was heavily phosphorylated and consequently inactivated by the double deletion of Pten and Keap1 genes. Thus, liver-specific disruption of Keap1 and Pten augments Nrf2 activity through inactivation of Keap1-dependent and -independent degradation of Nrf2 and establishes the Nrf2-dependent molecular network promoting the hepatomegaly and cholangiocyte expansion.
The Keap1-Nrf2 system is a critical defense mechanism against oxidative and electrophilic stresses (1). Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2) is a potent transcriptional activator that binds to antioxidant/electrophile-responsive elements (ARE/EpRE) with small Maf (2), leading to the upregulation of cytoprotective genes encoding antioxidant proteins, xenobiotic-detoxifying enzymes, and drug transporters. Keap1 (Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1) is a cullin 3 (Cul3)-based E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor that mediates the ubiquitination of Nrf2 in the cytoplasm, promoting the proteasomal degradation of Nrf2 under unstressed conditions. When cells are exposed to oxidative or electrophilic stresses, the cysteine residues of Keap1 are modified, resulting in the attenuation of Nrf2 ubiquitination. The Nrf2 that escapes Keap1-mediated degradation translocates into the nucleus and activates cytoprotective genes, conferring resistance to these stresses (3).
Recent studies have revealed that Nrf2 augments the metabolic reprogramming of cells in the presence of active proliferative signals, particularly the phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt pathway, through the activation of metabolic genes, resulting in the acceleration of cell proliferation (4, 5). Indeed, in various human cancer cells, Nrf2 is constitutively stabilized through genetic and/or epigenetic factors, promoting the proliferation of these cells (6–8). A similar association between cell proliferation signals and Nrf2 has been observed in Keap1-null mice, which exhibit the constitutive stabilization/activation of Nrf2 throughout the body. In Keap1-null mice, the cells of certain lineages are more proliferative than those of wild-type mice in an Nrf2-dependent manner. Basal layer keratinocytes in the upper digestive tract grow rapidly and cause obstructive thickening under conditions of defective Keap1 function (9–11). Immature megakaryocytes cultured from Keap1-null fetal livers also show rapid proliferation (12). These observations suggested that Nrf2 is a facultative or context-dependent accelerator of proliferation that does not inherently provoke cell cycle progression but requires proliferative signals to promote cell proliferation (13, 14). However, the molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences of the expansion of Nrf2 function through active proliferative signals remain to be clarified.
Pten (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted from chromosome 10) is a well-known tumor suppressor gene that counteracts the PI3K-protein kinase B (PKB)-Akt pathway. The functional loss of Pten increases Akt phosphorylation, which promotes cell growth, proliferation, and survival through the modulation of protein synthesis and metabolism (15). PTEN mutations and deficiencies are often detected in many types of human cancers (16). Approximately 40% of cases of hepatocellular carcinomas show a decrease or an absence of PTEN expression (17). Liver-specific Pten knockout mice serve as an animal model of liver carcinogenesis associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (18, 19). These mice spontaneously develop hepatocellular carcinomas and, with less frequency, cholangiocellular carcinomas after they reach 1 year of age. We observed that Pten deficiency significantly augments Nrf2 accumulation in the nucleus (4). Considering that this observation reveals a molecular mechanism linking Nrf2 activation and cell proliferation signals (4), we initiated a study addressing the cross talk between the Keap1-Nrf2 system and the Pten-PI3K-Akt pathway.
To clarify the functional interactions of these pathways in the liver, we generated Ptenflox/flox::Keap1flox/flox::Albumin-Cre (Pten::Keap1-Alb) mice. Ptenflox/flox::Albumin-Cre (Pten-Alb) mice exhibit steatosis that progresses into tumorigenesis (18), whereas Keap1flox/flox::Albumin-Cre (Keap1-Alb) mice do not exhibit apparent liver damage or dysfunction (11). Although Pten-Alb and Keap1-Alb mice survived longer, we found that the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice were lethal by 1 month after birth. Surprisingly, the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice displayed severe hepatomegaly, pathological liver enlargement by more than three times compared with normal average liver size, with abnormal expansion of the ductal structures comprising cholangiocytes. In contrast, Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice survived beyond 1 month, but these mice developed severe polycystic liver fibrosis, with the increased proliferation of cholangiocytes. These phenotypes were not observed in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice, indicating the Nrf2 dependency of the phenotypes. The forced activation of Nrf2 in Pten-deficient livers results in consequences with respect to liver pathology that are completely different from those of single Pten deficiency in mice. Notably, we observed that the expansion of Nrf2 function in Pten and Keap1 double-knockout mice is established by the simultaneous inactivation of two distinct Nrf2 degradation pathways. Thus, the liver-specific disruption of Keap1 and Pten establishes a new Nrf2-dependent molecular network, promoting proliferation of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes and skewing cell lineage development toward cholangiocytes.
Ptenflox/flox, Keap1flox/flox, and Nrf2−/− mice were previously described (18, 20, 21). The Albumin-Cre transgenic mouse was purchased from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME) (22). These crosses generated Ptenflox/flox (control), Ptenflox/flox::Albumin-Cre (Pten-Alb), Keap1flox/flox::Albumin-Cre (Keap1-Alb), Ptenflox/flox::Keap1flox/flox::Albumin-Cre (Pten::Keap1-Alb), Ptenflox/flox::Keap1flox/flox::Albumin-Cre::Nrf2−/− (Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/−), and Ptenflox/flox::Keap1flox/flox::Albumin-Cre::Nrf2+/− (Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/−) mice. A Rosa-26 reporter (R26R) mouse (23) was used for the β-galactosidase assay. DNA was obtained from each mouse and genotyped using PCR. The mice were provided water and rodent chow ad libitum. All mice were maintained under specific-pathogen-free conditions and treated according to the regulations of The Standards for Human Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of Tohoku University and Guidelines for Proper Conduct of Animal Experiments of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan. The plasma was analyzed using Fuji Dri-Chem 7000 (Fujifilm Corp., Tokyo, Japan) to detect alanine transferase (ALT), aspartate transferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total cholesterol (TCHO), total bilirubin (TBIL), direct bilirubin (DBIL), albumin (ALB), uric acid (UA), and blood urea nitrogen (BUN).
Immunoblot analysis.
The tissues were homogenized in 9 volumes of 0.25 M sucrose, and the 10% homogenate was filtered through a 100-μm-pore-size membrane. The nuclear fraction was prepared using Dignam's method with some modifications (24). The cells were lysed in SDS sample buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl [pH 6.8], 10% glycerol, 2% SDS). The protein concentration was determined using a bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay kit (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL), with bovine serum albumin as the standard. The samples were resolved using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred onto a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane (Millipore, Billerica, MA). The following antibodies were used: anti-Nrf2 (25), anti-Keap1 (26), anti-Pten (catalog no. 9559; Cell Signaling Technology Inc., Danvers, MA), anti-LaminB (catalog no. sc-6217; Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc., Dallas, TX), anti-Nqo1 (catalog no. ab2346; Abcam PLC, Cambridge, United Kingdom), anti-pAkt (T308) (catalog no. 9275; Cell Signaling Technology), anti-pAkt (S473) (catalog no. 9271; Cell Signaling Technology), anti-Akt (catalog no. 9272; Cell Signaling Technology), anti-phosphorylated glycogen synthase kinase (pGSK)3α/β (Ser21/9; GSK3α preferred, catalog no. 9327; Cell Signaling Technology), anti-GSK3α/β (catalog no. 5676; Cell Signaling Technology), and anti-α-tubulin (catalog no. T9026; Sigma-Aldrich).
Histological analysis.
The livers were fixed in Mildform 10N (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan) and embedded in paraffin for staining with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and Masson trichrome. For immunohistochemical staining, the livers were processed as previously described (27), using anti-cytokeratin 19 (anti-CK19) antibody (28). The positive reactivity was visualized through sequential incubation with EnVision+ Dual Link System-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (Dako) and diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining. Hematoxylin was used for nuclear counterstaining. Using a Zamboni-fixed frozen section, immunohistochemical staining against anti-Trop2 (catalog no. AF1122; R&D Systems) and anti-EpCAM (catalog no. 118201; BioLegend) antibodies was performed according to the methods described in a previous report (29) using an LSM 510 Meta confocal microscope equipped with ZEN2008 software (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-d-galactopyranoside) staining was performed according to the method described in a previous report (30) with slight modifications.
RNA purification and reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR).
Total RNA was isolated from the liver using Isogen (Nippon Gene) and transcribed into cDNA using SuperScript III reverse transcriptase (Life Technologies Corp., Carlsbad, CA). qPCR analysis was performed using the Applied Biosystems 7300 PCR system and qPCR Mastermix Plus (Eurogentec) or Power SYBR green PCR master mix (ABI). The data were normalized to rRNA expression. The primers and probes used for amplification of cDNAs are described in Table 1.
Primer | Oligonucleotide sequence | Reference |
Gclc-F | 5′-ATCTGCAAAGGCGGCAAC-3′ | 11 |
FAM, 6-carboxyfluorescein; RT-qPCR, reverse transcription-quantitative PCR; TAMRA, 6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine.
Microarray analysis.
Total RNA from the liver was labeled with Cy3. The samples were hybridized to whole-mouse-genome Oligo DNA Microarray kit ver2.0 (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Arrays were scanned using a G2539A microarray scanner system (Agilent), and the resulting data were analyzed using GeneSpring GX software (Agilent).
Statistical analysis.
The average values were calculated, and the error bars indicate standard deviations. The differences were analyzed using Student's t test. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Microarray data accession number.
The microarray data obtained in this study have been submitted to the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) and assigned GEO accession number GSE50575.
Simultaneous disruption of Pten and Keap1 in the liver results in hepatomegaly and lethality.
We initially hypothesized that the constitutive stabilization of Nrf2 exacerbates liver carcinogenesis caused by Pten disruption. To address this hypothesis, we conducted a detailed analysis of Pten and Keap1 double-mutant mice, in which both genes were deleted through Cre recombinase expression under conditions the regulation of the Albumin gene (Pten::Keap1-Alb mice). We compared the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice with Ptenflox/flox (control) mice and Pten single-mutant mice or Keap1 single-mutant mice (Pten-Alb or Keap1-Alb mice, respectively). The mating strategy for the generation of Pten and Keap1 compound mutant mice is shown in Fig. 1A. The results for the control, Pten-Alb, Keap1-Alb, and Pten::Keap1-Alb mice are depicted in black, red, light blue, and dark blue, respectively, in this figure and in the remaining figures shown in this study.
We observed that Pten::Keap1-Alb mice were born with Mendelian inheritance, and the appearance of the newborns was normal. The body weight gain of double-knockout mice was indistinguishable from that of control or individual single-knockout mice (data not shown). The body weights at postnatal day 15 (P15) were comparable in all genotypes examined (data not shown). Surprisingly, the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice started dying after the second week, and all the mice of this genotype died within 35 days after birth (Fig. 1B). We observed slight abdominal swelling of the double-mutant mice at 2 weeks of age (data not shown). Therefore, we examined the livers of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice at P15. Figure 1C shows the liver-to-body-weight ratio of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice (dark blue squares) in comparison with control (black), Pten-Alb (red), and Keap1-Alb (light blue) mice. We observed that the livers of the double-knockout mice became gradually larger after birth and were markedly enlarged by P15 (Fig. 1C and D). While the magnitude of hepatomegaly was markedly significant in the Pten::Keap1-Alb double-knockout mice, the single knockouts of Pten or Keap1 (Pten-Alb or Keap1-Alb mice) showed slight but significant hepatomegaly (Fig. 1E).
A closer examination of the dissected livers revealed the enlargement of the liver of the double-knockout mice, but no whitish appearance or signs of liver steatosis, characteristic phenotypes in mature Pten-Alb mice, were observed (18) (Fig. 1D). The livers of Pten single-knockout mice were also normal in appearance at P15. Notably, the livers of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice were yellowish, indicating the development of jaundice (Fig. 1D). In addition, the plasma and urine of these mice were also yellowish (data not shown). These results demonstrate that the double deletion of Pten and Keap1 in the liver results in juvenile death and abnormal hepatomegaly.
Hepatomegaly and lethality observed in Pten and Keap1 double-knockout mice are Nrf2 dependent.
Because one of the most prominent targets of Keap1-mediated ubiquitination is Nrf2, we hypothesized that Nrf2 plays a role in the hepatomegaly and lethality of double-mutant mice. To examine this hypothesis, we generated Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− and Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice by crossing Pten::Keap1-Alb mice and Nrf2-null mice, which do not show any apparent abnormalities in livers. The mating strategy for the generation of the compound mutant for Pten, Keap1, and Nrf2 genes in mice is also shown in Fig. 1A. The results for the Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− and Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice are depicted in dark green and light green, respectively, in this figure and in the remaining figures shown in this study.
Notably, the lethality of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice was clearly abrogated in the Nrf2-null background (Fig. 1B). As a result of deleting Nrf2, the liver enlargement in the double-mutant mice was reduced to levels similar to those observed in the single-knockout mouse (Fig. 1C to E). Even the single-allele deletion of Nrf2 was effective for the alleviation of the lethality and liver phenotypes. Thus, these results demonstrate that the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice display hepatomegaly and eventual lethality that is Nrf2 dependent.
Pten and Keap1 double-mutant mice display cholangiocyte expansion and liver dysfunction.
Because Pten::Keap1-Alb mice died at approximately 2 weeks of age, we selected P15 as a time point for the pathological analyses. The histological examination of Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers using Masson trichrome staining revealed a marked increase of tubular structures, primarily bile ducts, and connective tissue in the region of the hepatic triad, which is the anatomically close association of hepatic artery, vein, and bile duct. Masson trichrome staining enabled clearer detection of collagen fibers and tubular structures than hematoxylin-eosin staining. The features observed in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers were completely absent in control, Pten-Alb, and Keap1-Alb mice (Fig. 2Aa, b, e, and f and data not shown). We confirmed the increase of cholangiocytes using CK19 staining (28). CK19-positive staining abnormally accumulated in the double-mutant livers (Fig. 2Aj). There were no histological signs of steatosis in the livers of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice.
We also examined biochemical parameters in the blood of these double-mutant mice (Fig. 2B, left four bars). Levels of indicators of liver damage, alanine transferase (ALT), aspartate transferase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), were all higher in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice than in control and single-mutant mice. Total cholesterol (TCHO) levels and the direct bilirubin/total bilirubin (DBIL/TBIL) ratio were both increased in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice, suggesting the presence of bile congestion in the livers of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice. We also examined albumin (ALB) as a marker of liver function and observed that the level of this protein was maintained within a normal range in the plasma of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice, although the plasma ALB level was slightly reduced in Keap1-Alb single-knockout mice. The biochemical examination together with the histological analysis indicates that Pten::Keap1-Alb mice display abnormal cholangiocyte expansion concomitant with cholestasis and liver damage.
Abnormal expansion of cholangiocytes and liver damage in Pten and Keap1 double-mutant mice are Nrf2 dependent.
To determine whether the abnormal expansion of cholangiocytes and the liver damage were provoked by the increase in Nrf2, we examined the livers of Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− triple-mutant mice. The histological examination revealed the disappearance of abnormal bile duct formation and connective tissues (Fig. 2Ac and g). The accumulation of CK19-positive cholangiocytes in double-mutant mice was abrogated in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice (Fig. 2Ak). Elevated levels of ALT, AST, LDH, and TCHO and the DBIL/TBIL ratio in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice were all reduced in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice to control levels (Fig. 2B, dark green bars). The ALB level in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice was not different from that in mice of the other genotypes (Fig. 2B, dark green bars). We concluded that constitutively stabilized Nrf2 mediates cholangiocyte expansion and liver damage in the absence of Pten.
To further delineate the precise contribution of Nrf2, we examined the effect of the single-allele disruption of Nrf2 in the Pten::Keap1-Alb background. In the heterozygote livers, the CK19-positive cholangiocytes did not increase substantially (Fig. 2Ad, h, and l), and the biochemical parameters were within the normal range (Fig. 2B, light green bars). However, further examination of the livers of Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice revealed mild fibrosis spreading from the hepatic triad (Fig. 2Ad and h). Thus, we propose that chronic exposure to mild Nrf2 signals under conditions of Pten deficiency might provoke unexpected pathologies in heterozygote livers.
Pten and Keap1 double-mutant cells contribute to cholangiocyte expansion.
To determine whether the cholangiocyte expansion in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers were primarily derived from Pten and Keap1 double-mutant cells, we performed a lineage-tracing analysis using Rosa-26 reporter mice, in which the floxed β-galactosidase reporter gene is integrated into the Rosa-26 locus. It has been reported that the majority of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes can be monitored by crossing the Rosa-26 reporter mice with Albumin-Cre mice (19). This double-lineage labeling by β-galactosidase in this monitoring line of mice demonstrates that the albumin promoter is functional in hepatoblasts, a common progenitor of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes (31). We observed that, in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice crossed with Rosa-26 reporter mice, not only hepatocytes but also all expanded cholangiocytes were positively stained for the β-galactosidase activity (Fig. 3B and D). The LacZ-positive tubular structures near the portal vein were CK19-positive cholangiocytes (Fig. 3F and H). Both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes in Pten::Keap1::R26R mice without Albumin-Cre (Pten::Keap1::R26R) were negative for LacZ staining (Fig. 3A and C), and the tubular structures with CK19-positive staining were not increased in these mice (Fig. 3E and G). This result indicates that Pten::Keap1 double-mutant cells contribute to cholangiocytes, suggesting that the differentiation or proliferation of cholangiocytes was promoted through the simultaneous disruption of Pten and Keap1.
Single-allele deletion of Nrf2 delays but does not rescue the lethality of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice.
Because the livers of Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice showed mild fibrosis (Fig. 2Ad and h), we continued the observation of the mice together with those of other genotypes, except for Pten::Keap1-Alb mice, which died by 1 month of age (Fig. 4A; also Fig. 1B). Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice started dying after 2 months of age and exhibited progressive hepatomegaly until 7 months of age, by which time all the mice were dead (Fig. 4B and C). However, Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice survived the entire period of observation, as did the control, Pten-Alb, and Keap1-Alb mice (Fig. 4B). Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice also exhibited slight hepatomegaly compared with control mice, but the magnitude of the hepatomegaly was comparable to that of Pten-Alb and Keap1-Alb mice (Fig. 4C).
Cholangiocyte expansion is apparent in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− liver at 10 weeks.
At 10 weeks of age, female and male Pten-Alb mice exhibited a slight but significant increase in their liver-to-body-weight ratios (Fig. 5A, red bars), consistent with a previous report that Pten-Alb mice develop steatosis after 10 weeks (18). Keap1-Alb mice also displayed an increase in the ratio to a similar extent (Fig. 5A, light blue bars). In contrast, Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice, both female and male, showed dramatically increased liver-to-body-weight ratios at 10 weeks of age (Fig. 5A, light green bars), whereas Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice did not show any significant hepatomegaly (Fig. 5A, dark green bars). Surprisingly, Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice displayed the abnormal cholangiocyte expansion near the hepatic triad at 10 weeks (Fig. 5Be, j, and o), which was completely absent in control (Fig. 5Ba, f, and k), Pten-Alb (Fig. 5Bb, g, and l), and Keap1-Alb (Fig. 5Bc, h, and m) mice. Interestingly, mild expansion of cholangiocytes was observed in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice (Fig. 5Bd, i, and n), implying the presence of an Nrf2-independent factor that promotes cholangiocyte expansion.
Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice develop polycystic liver fibrosis.
In mice at 6 months of age, the appearance of Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− liver was dramatic. The Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− liver was significantly enlarged with a reddish brown color (Fig. 6A). Closer observation of the Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− liver revealed a multiple cystic appearance, and polycystic structures were confirmed in a section of the liver (Fig. 6B). CK19-positive tubular structures with fibrotic interstitial tissues occupied large portions of liver of Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice (Fig. 6Ce, j, and o), while healthy hepatocytes were hardly detected. In Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice, there were no signs of steatosis or carcinogenesis, which was different from our initial expectation.
In contrast, the livers of Pten-Alb mice and Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice did not develop any tumors but were whitish and slightly enlarged compared with control and Keap1-Alb livers (Fig. 6A). The histological analysis revealed severe steatosis in the pericentral vein area in Pten-Alb (Fig. 6Cb, g, and l) and Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− livers (Fig. 6Cd, i, and n), which was not observed in control (Fig. 6Ca, f, and k), Keap1-Alb (Fig. 6Cc, h, and m), or Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− (Fig. 6Ce, j, and o) livers. The mild expansion of cholangiocytes in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− livers progressed at 6 months compared with 10 weeks (Fig. 6Cd, i, and n), but the severity was far less than the cholangiocyte expansion observed in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice (Fig. 6Ce, j, and o), indicating that Nrf2 is the most critical factor in the progressive expansion of tubular structures lined with cholangiocytes. We surmise that an alternative substrate of Keap1 is responsible for the Nrf2-independent cholangiocyte expansion.
Gene expression profiles in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers.
To address the molecular mechanisms underlying cholangiocyte expansion, we performed a microarray analysis of Pten::Keap1-Alb, control, Keap1-Alb, and Pten-Alb mouse livers at P15. To delineate the Nrf2 dependency of the cholangiocyte expansion, we also conducted microarray analysis using Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mouse livers. Consistent with the results of the pathological analyses, the majority of cholangiocyte-specific or oval cell/liver progenitor cell (LPC)-specific gene markers were dramatically upregulated in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice compared with control, Keap1-Alb, or Pten-Alb mouse livers (Fig. 7). However, hepatocyte-specific gene markers were decreased in Pten::Keap1-Alb livers.
This upregulation of cholangiocyte or LPC-specific gene markers in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers was mostly cancelled in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mouse livers. Similarly, the expression of hepatocyte-specific genes was recovered in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mouse livers. These results indicate that the upregulation of cholangiocyte-specific genes and downregulation of hepatocyte-specific genes in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers reflect an increase in Nrf2.
Nrf2 activation contributes to the emergence of Trop2-EpCAM double-positive cells in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers.
To validate the results of the microarray analyses, we then performed real-time quantitative PCR. Consistent with the results of the microarray analyses, expression of the cholangiocyte genes, including Krt19, Ggt1, and Spp1, was also increased in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice (Fig. 8A). The increase was significantly abrogated in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice. Conversely, expression of the hepatocyte genes, including Alb and G6pc, was indeed decreased in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice, and this decrease in hepatocyte gene expression was abrogated by the simultaneous disruption of Nrf2 (Fig. 8B). These results further support the conclusion that increased Nrf2 activity and the loss of Pten activity contribute to the cholangiocyte expansion and the relative decrease in the hepatocyte population in the Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse liver.
We observed that Trop2 (also referred to as Tacstd2) was highly and specifically expressed in the Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse liver (Fig. 7). Trop2 has been shown to be a marker for oval cells/LPCs (32). We confirmed a 6-fold increase in Trop2 expression specifically in the Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse liver using real-time quantitative PCR (Fig. 8C).
To examine whether oval cells emerged, we conducted immunofluorescent detection of Trop2 and EpCAM in the Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse liver. As EpCAM was expressed in both cholangiocytes and oval cells, we expected the emergence of Trop2-EpCAM double-positive oval cells in the liver. The results revealed that a part of the cholangiocytes in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers was indeed doubly positive for EpCAM and Trop2 (Fig. 8D). As oval cells have been reported to emerge in severely injured livers and contribute to the regeneration (32), these results imply that Nrf2 activation may induce oval cell expression and contribute to the abnormal expansion of cholangiocytes in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers.
Enhanced phosphorylation of Gsk3 contributes to increased nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice.
Cholangiocyte lineage markers Ggt1 and Gstp1 have also been identified as typical Nrf2 target genes (33–36), and their expression levels were higher in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers than in Keap1-Alb mouse livers (Fig. 7 and 8A). We observed that two other Nrf2 target genes, Gpx2 and Gclc, showed similar expression patterns (Fig. 9A). The increased expression levels of Gpx2 and Gclc mRNAs were completely abrogated by the concomitant deletion of Nrf2. These results are consistent with the notion that Nrf2-dependent transcriptional activity was greatly enhanced in the Pten::Keap1-Alb liver through the increased nuclear accumulation of Nrf2 under conditions of sustained activation of the PI3K-Akt pathway (4). Indeed, when the nuclear extracts obtained from the livers of control, Pten-Alb, Keap1-Alb, and Pten::Keap1-Alb mice at P15 were examined, robust accumulation of Nrf2 protein was observed in the livers of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice compared with those of Keap1-Alb mice, accompanied by the increased expression of Nqo1 protein (Fig. 9B). The Nrf2 protein accumulation was not detectable in control and Pten-Alb mouse livers (Fig. 9B).
To understand the mechanisms underlying the increased Nrf2 accumulation in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers, we examined the phosphorylation status of Gsk3 using liver protein extracts from control, Keap1-Alb, Pten-Alb, and Pten::Keap1-Alb mice. It has been shown that Gsk3, one of the main substrates of Akt, promotes Nrf2 degradation in an SCF/β-TrCP-dependent and Keap1-independent manner (37, 38). We observed that Gsk3 was markedly phosphorylated in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers compared with control, Keap1-Alb, and Pten-Alb mouse livers (Fig. 9B). Because phosphorylated Gsk3 is inactive, these results suggest that Gsk3 phosphorylation under conditions of sustained activation of the PI3K-Akt pathway induces the increased accumulation of Nrf2. Thus, the massive accumulation of Nrf2 in Pten::Keap1-Alb livers is attributable to the simultaneous inactivation of the Keap1-dependent degradation and β-TrCP-dependent degradation of Nrf2.
Notably, Pten expression in Pten-Alb and Pten::Keap1-Alb mice was decreased but still detectable at P15, whereas Keap1 expression in Keap1-Alb and Pten::Keap1-Alb mice was almost undetectable (Fig. 9B). Therefore, to assess effects of complete Pten ablation on Nrf2 accumulation, we examined control and Pten-Alb mouse livers at the 10 weeks of age, when Pten was almost undetectable (Fig. 9B). At 10 weeks, Pten-Alb mouse livers exhibited the increased phosphorylation of Akt and Gsk3 but did not exhibit any Nrf2 accumulation above the control level. These results indicate that the β-TrCP-dependent degradation of Nrf2 is relatively minor for Nrf2 degradation compared with the Keap1 pathway. The contribution of the β-TrCP-dependent pathway to Nrf2 accumulation was detectible only when the Keap1 pathway was abrogated in the Pten::Keap1-Alb liver.
Moreover, we also examined the phosphorylation status of Akt and Gsk3 in the liver extracts from Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mice compared with the phosphorylation status in those from Pten::Keap1-Alb mice. We observed a robust augmentation in Gsk3 phosphorylation in Pten::Keap1-Alb mouse livers, and this phosphorylation status was completely restored in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− mouse livers (Fig. 9B). We also observed that the phosphorylation of Akt was significantly stimulated in the Pten::Keap1-Alb livers, and weak phosphorylation was observed in the absence of Nrf2 (Fig. 9B). These results are consistent with our previous observation that Nrf2 enhances the activity of the PI3K-Akt pathway (4), whose detailed mechanism remains to be elucidated.
This study revealed unique synthetic liver phenotypes driven by functional interactions between the Keap1-Nrf2 and Pten-PI3K-Akt pathways. The liver-specific double disruption of the Pten and Keap1 genes results in dramatic hepatomegaly with expanded tubular structures comprising cholangiocytes and eventual periweaning lethality. Importantly, these abnormalities were all restored through the simultaneous disruption of Nrf2, indicating that the constitutive stabilization of Nrf2 in the liver under conditions of sustained activation of the PI3K-Akt pathway modulates cell growth and differentiation. Considering the well-characterized contribution of Nrf2 in response to stress, skewing cell lineage development is a particularly novel function of Nrf2 revealed in this study. We recently found another occasion where Nrf2 exerts the similar function, altering the lineage commitment of hematopoietic cells (52). Considering the wide-ranging expression of Nrf2, still other cell differentiation events may be under the control of Nrf2.
A characteristic histopathological feature of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice is the excessive expansion of cholangiocytes, which resembles the human pathology observed in liver cirrhosis, alcoholic liver injury, and acute hepatitis. Although the precise molecular mechanisms underlying the Nrf2-dependent expansion of cholangiocytes in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice are currently unknown, we speculate that Nrf2 promotes the differentiation of cholangiocytes at the stage of hepatoblasts on the basis of the observation that Pten and Keap1 gene disruption is initiated in hepatoblasts. It is also plausible that Nrf2 enhances the induction and differentiation of oval cells into cholangiocytes on the basis of the observation that Trop2-EpCAM double-positive cells, which are possible oval cells, are specifically induced in the livers of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice. Notably, similar phenotypes have been observed in the livers of Fbxw7 conditional-knockout mice (39). The increased Notch pathway activity due to Fbxw7 deficiency skewed the differentiation of hepatoblasts toward the cholangiocyte lineage. In the present study, however, Notch pathway-related genes were generally not upregulated in the livers of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice, except for Jag1 and Hes1 (data not shown), suggesting that alternative mechanisms might operate in Pten::Keap1-Alb livers.
Another interesting histopathological alteration observed in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice is that involving liver fibrosis, especially in regions surrounding the increased cholangiocytes. It has been reported that Nrf2 activation suppresses hepatic fibrosis. For example, Nrf2-null mice fed a methionine- and choline-deficient diet exhibit steatohepatitis that is severer than that seen in wild-type mice (40). In such a case, fibrosis is preceded by steatosis and is considered secondary to liver damage. In contrast, our results indicate that Nrf2 activation seems to primarily promote fibrosis in the absence of Pten, because the fibrosis becomes evident prior to the cholangiocyte expansion in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice. Importantly, steatosis is not detectable in either Pten::Keap1-Alb or Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice. Thus, the liver fibrosis observed in this study seems to be unique, as the pathology is not associated with steatosis.
In the present study, we clarified the relationship of two degradation systems which regulate Nrf2 abundance. The Keap1- and β-TrCP-dependent Nrf2 degradation pathways and their loss-of-function mutations are schematically shown in Fig. 10 (left and middle panels, respectively). Keap1 is an adaptor for Cul3-based ubiquitin ligase that is primarily located in the cytoplasm (26). The pathway involving Keap1-dependent ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of Nrf2 is the major regulatory pathway leading to the stabilization of Nrf2. In addition, the Keap1-independent degradation pathway, mediated through Cul1-based ubiquitin ligase, containing β-TrCP as an adaptor, has been reported (37, 38). Because this pathway requires the phosphorylation of Nrf2 by Gsk3, the β-TrCP-dependent degradation of Nrf2 is inhibited in the presence of the Pten deficiency, where Akt phosphorylates and inactivates Gsk3. Importantly, Nrf2 was not accumulated in Pten-Alb mice (Fig. 10, middle panel). In contrast, in the presence of the double deficiency of the Pten and Keap1 genes, where both degradation systems were inactivated, Nrf2 accumulation was dramatically increased (Fig. 10, right panel), indicating that the apparent contribution of β-TrCP-dependent degradation was observed only when the Keap1-dependent pathway was inactivated. Based on these observations, we propose that the β-TrCP-dependent mechanism contributes to the second-line degradation mechanism of Nrf2, which targets Nrf2 that has escaped from Keap1-dependent degradation. Because the β-TrCP-dependent mechanism has been implicated as a nuclear event (38), the Nrf2 that has escaped from the Keap1-dependent degradation in the cytoplasm is translocated into the nucleus and subjected to the β-TrCP-dependent degradation.
This study has substantiated two distinct Nrf2 degradation mechanisms operating in vivo and provided insights into the relationship between these two pathways. Based on accumulating lines of evidence, we have observed that cells adopt multilayered strategies for the Nrf2 activation/regulation. For instance, we discovered the electrophilic modification of Keap1 as a mechanism of Nrf2 stabilization/activation for the maintenance of redox homeostasis (3). We also observed that in human cancer cells, somatic mutations of the KEAP1 or NRF2 gene abrogate the KEAP1-mediated degradation of NRF2 (41, 42). The autophagy and mTOR pathways also critically contribute to Nrf2 activation (43, 44). In addition to Keap1-dependent regulation at the protein level, the transcriptional regulation of Nrf2 substantially influences Nrf2 activity (45, 46). Indeed, single nucleotide polymorphisms in human NRF2 and mouse Nrf2 upstream-promoter regions alter the transcription levels of these genes, changing the overall activity of Nrf2 and its susceptibility to oxidative and xenobiotic insults. Of these layers of regulations, the β-TrCP-dependent degradation pathway is controlled through the PI3K-Akt signaling that has a profound influence on cell growth and differentiation. The PI3K-Akt pathway appears to regulate cell differentiation through Nrf2 activation under conditions that include the mitigation of Keap1-dependent degradation. Therefore, we propose that the coordinated sequential action of the Keap1- and β-TrCP-dependent degradation mechanisms forms a regulatory basis for the contribution of Nrf2 to cell lineage development.
The periweaning lethality of Pten::Keap1-Alb mice was one of the unexpected phenotypes obtained in the present study. The Pten::Keap1-Alb mice died before weaning, which was much earlier than the deaths of Pten or Keap1 single-knockout mice. While we cannot identify any definitive causes of the periweaning death of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice, we propose that the following observations might be pertinent. First, the gain in body weight of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice was comparable to that of control mice, and the physical appearance of the mice was normal, except for mild abdominal swelling. Most of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice died suddenly, without any apparent preceding signs. Second, we observed that the plasma levels of markers of liver injury in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice were higher than those in control mice but were not as high as those during fatal liver failure. The preliminary blood biochemistry analyses revealed that the UA level in plasma at P15 was three times higher in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice than in control mice but that the BUN score was elevated only mildly (data not shown). The elevated UA level in Pten::Keap1-Alb mice was decreased to the control level in Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/− and Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice, showing a similar Nrf2 dependency of the liver pathology and lethality. These wide-ranging observations suggest that the periweaning death of the Pten::Keap1-Alb mice might reflect a certain organ failure(s) provoked through liver-derived general metabolic changes rather than drastic developmental defects or severe liver injury.
Pten-Alb mice serve as unique models of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, showing the stepwise progression from steatosis, steatohepatitis, and fibrosis to tumor formation (18). We were interested in the effect of Nrf2 activation on each stage of liver pathology in the Pten-null background, particularly on the transition from steatosis to steatohepatitis, as oxidative stress is one of the critical factors for the transition in Pten-Alb mouse livers (18). Indeed, previous reports described how Nrf2 contributes to protection of the liver in diet-associated steatosis models (40, 47). We predicted that Nrf2 activation through Keap1 disruption would reduce reactive oxygen species and prevent the development of steatohepatitis, even in the absence of Pten. Surprisingly, however, Nrf2 activation in the Pten-null background (Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice) completely suppressed the development of not only steatohepatitis but also steatosis or lipid accumulation in hepatocytes at 6 months of age. In contrast, Nrf2-deficient (Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2−/−) mouse livers exhibited steatosis similar to that observed in Pten-Alb mouse livers. Thus, these results demonstrate that the Nrf2 pathway antagonizes the increased synthesis and/or storage of triglycerides in hepatocytes caused by the Pten deficiency.
Another important phenotype of Pten deficiency is cancer developing from steatohepatitis in mice that are more than 12 months of age (18, 19). This long latency period suggests that genetic alterations need to accumulate to promote carcinogenesis. Because Nrf2 enhances the establishment of malignant cancers (13, 14), we initially anticipated that we would find that Nrf2 activation accelerates the oncogenic process through the Pten deficiency. In contrast to our expectation, however, Pten::Keap1-Alb::Nrf2+/− mice did not develop cancers but displayed noncancerous hepatomegaly with cholangiocyte expansion and eventual cystic liver fibrosis. Considering the cytoprotective function of Nrf2, we propose that Nrf2 stabilization might protect cells from the progressive accumulation of genetic mutations, resulting in the inhibition of the malignant transformation of cells. In contrast, the double deletion of Pten and Smad4 in the liver develops cholangiocellular carcinoma after 4 months of age, which is much faster than that in Pten-Alb mice (19), indicating that the abrogation of transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling promotes carcinogenesis. Thus, the functional contributions of the Nrf2 signaling to liver carcinogenesis are fundamentally distinct from those of TGF-β signaling.
In summary, the results of the present study showed that genetic Keap1 ablation/Nrf2 activation in Pten-deficient livers generates consequences in liver pathology that are completely different from those observed in singly Pten-deficient mice. The liver-specific Pten-Keap1 double disruption results in the dramatic hepatomegaly, with expanded tubular structures comprising cholangiocytes and eventual periweaning lethality. Notably, we identified, for the first time, that the massive expansion of Nrf2 in Pten-Keap1 double-knockout mice is induced through the simultaneous inactivation of two distinct Nrf2 degradation pathways. Thus, these results have established a new Nrf2-dependent molecular network that promotes cell proliferation and skews cell lineage development.
We thank Eriko Naganuma for assistance with the histological analyses. We also thank the Biomedical Research Core of Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine for technical support.
This work was supported through funding from JSPS KAKENHI grants 24249015 (M.Y.), 24390075 (H.M.), and 24790307 (K.T.), MEXT KAKENHI grants 23116002 (H.M.) and 25117703 (K.T.), the Gushinkai Foundation (K.T.), the Gonryo Medical Foundation (K.T.), the Naito Foundation (M.Y.), the Takeda Scientific Foundation (H.M. and M.Y.), and the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology from the JST (H.M. and M.Y.).
Published ahead of print 30 December 2013
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