While the acute inhibitory effect of opioids on locus coeruleus (LC) neurons is mediated primarily by the activation of G protein-gated inwardly-rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels, the 3′-5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-system has been implicated in the effects of chronic morphine exposure. Presently, the impact of chronic morphine treatment on GIRK-dependent and GIRK-independent mechanisms underlying the opioid-induced inhibition of LC neurons is unclear. Here, opioid-induced postsynaptic inhibition was studied in LC neurons from wild-type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice at baseline and following chronic morphine treatment. The postsynaptic inhibition of LC neurons caused by the opioid agonist [Met]5 enkephalin (ME) was unaffected by chronic morphine treatment in mice of both genotypes. Furthermore, chronic morphine treatment had no effect on the forskolin augmentation of the ME-induced current in wild-type LC neurons, and only a minor effect on the ME-induced current in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. Chronic morphine treatment did, however, lead to an increased frequency of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) in the LC. Interestingly, while forskolin augmented the EPSC frequency similarly in untreated and morphine-treated wild-type mice, as well as untreated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice, it failed to increase the frequency of EPSCs in morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. Altogether, the findings suggest that chronic morphine treatment exerts little impact on ion channels and signaling pathways that mediate the postsynaptic inhibitory effects of opioids, but does enhance excitatory neurotransmission in the mouse LC.
Keywords: Kir3, opioid, tolerance, dependence, withdrawal
Studies of the locus coeruleus (LC) have highlighted mechanisms underlying acute and chronic effects of opiates (Nestler & Aghajanian, 1997; Nestler, 2001; Williams et al., 2001). Acutely, mu opioid receptor (MOR) agonists hyperpolarize LC neurons (Pepper & Henderson, 1980; Williams et al., 1982). The hyperpolarization of LC neurons involves multiple channel types, the most dominant of which appears to be the G protein-gated inwardly-rectifying K+ channel (GIRK/Kir3 channel) (Torrecilla et al., 2002).
MOR agonists also inhibit adenylyl cyclase in LC neurons (Duman et al., 1988). The activity of the cAMP system is enhanced during prolonged morphine exposure, an adaptation that parallels tolerance and may explain the recovery of LC neuron firing rates to pre-treatment levels (Duman et al., 1988; Nestler & Tallman, 1988; Rasmussen et al., 1990). In addition, application of MOR antagonists following chronic morphine exposure leads to hyper-stimulation of the cAMP system in LC neurons, a phenomenon implicated in the elevated firing rates of LC neurons seen in some studies during opiate withdrawal (Kogan et al., 1992; Lane-Ladd et al., 1997; Ivanov & Aston-Jones, 2001). Similar findings have been reported in other brain regions, supporting the contention that cAMP signaling contributes to the behavioral manifestations of opiate dependence, withdrawal, and reinforcement (Nestler, 2001; Williams et al., 2001).
Though consensus has emerged that adaptations in the cAMP pathway occur during chronic morphine exposure, the impact on neuronal excitability is uncertain. Some data argue that modifications intrinsic to LC neurons explain the enhanced activity noted during withdrawal, while other studies implicate enhanced afferent excitatory input. For example, antisense or dominant-negative suppression of the cAMP-response element binding (CREB) protein in LC neurons opposed the elevated firing rates and behavioral manifestations induced by opiate withdrawal (Lane-Ladd et al., 1997; Han et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the opiate withdrawal syndrome was observed following neurochemical lesion of the LC (Chieng & Christie, 1995; Caille et al., 1999), and glutamate release was elevated in the LC during opiate withdrawal (Akaoka & Aston-Jones, 1991; Aghajanian et al., 1994). Furthermore, glutamate receptor antagonism substantially blocked the withdrawal-induced enhancement of LC neuron firing rates (Akaoka & Aston-Jones, 1991). The latter observations are consistent with studies in other brain regions (Bonci & Williams, 1997; Chieng & Williams, 1998; Ingram et al., 1998; Jolas et al., 2000; Hack et al., 2003; Bie et al., 2005).
The relative contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic modifications to the LC resulting from chronic morphine administration remain unclear. Previously, we reported that the postsynaptic inhibitory effect of opioids (ME) was reduced in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Torrecilla et al., 2002). Here, we examined the impact of chronic morphine administration on ME-induced current in LC neurons from wild-type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. We reasoned that adaptations to other opioid-modulated currents would be better resolved in the absence of the GIRK conductance. Our findings indicate that chronic morphine treatment does not alter the opioid-induced postsynaptic inhibition of LC neurons, but rather leads to a significant increase in excitatory input to the LC.
Materials and Methods
Experimental subjects
All experiments were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Oregon Health & Science University and conducted according to guidelines established by the National Institutes of Health governing the use of animals in research. GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice were generated as described previously (Torrecilla et al., 2002). Wild type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- male and female mice (3-8 weeks) were implanted with morphine pellets (25 mg morphine base, obtained from NIDA) under isoflurane anesthesia on Days 1 (1 pellet) and 3 (1-2 pellets). This protocol has been used extensively to induce tolerance and dependence in rats and mice (Christie et al., 1986; Kolesnikov et al., 1993; Shoji et al., 1999; Georges et al., 2006; Mouledous et al., 2007). At the time of pellet implantation, each subject was given an intraperitoneal injection of lactated saline to prevent dehydration; we have observed that this approach leads to improved health of the animals during the study. All animals used in this study exhibited clear signs of opiate exposure following pellet implantation, including Straub tail and elevated motor activity. A second group of mice was implanted with placebo pellets (morphine-free pellets) following the same schedule. Data from the placebo group were indistinguishable from data from untreated mice. Data were pooled from these control groups, and are referred to throughout as deriving from untreated or control mice.
Electrophysiological studies were performed on days 5-6 after pellet implantation. Mice were anesthetized with halothane and their brains were removed rapidly. Coronal and horizontal sections (240 μm) were used for whole-cell voltage-clamp experiments. Voltage-clamp experiments were performed at 34°C using solutions and conditions described previously (Torrecilla et al., 2002). Intracellular recordings were performed as described (Williams et al., 1982). In brief, slices (280 μm) were cut in the horizontal plane, and electrodes (50-60 MΩ) were filled with KCl (2 M). [Met]5enkephalin (ME), UK-14304, forskolin, and 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoyl-benzo[f]quinoxaline-2,3-dione (NBQX) were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA) and were applied by superfusion. Forskolin was applied to slices at both 10 and 30 μM; no significant differences were seen with respect to electrophysiological outcomes with these two concentrations. Slices from both control and morphine-treated mice were incubated in morphine-free solution for at least 1 hr prior to recordings. Whole-cell currents, synaptic events, and membrane potentials were acquired with an Axopatch-1D amplifier (Axon Instruments, Inc.; Foster City, CA, USA). Data were low-pass filtered at 5 kHz, digitized with an ITC-16 Computer Interface (Instrutech Corporation; Long Island, NY, USA), and sampled at 10 kHz with Axograph 4.9 (Axon Instruments, Inc.). Whole-cell currents and spontaneous EPSCs were measured in voltage-clamp mode with the membrane potential (Vhold) held at -60 mV. Current-voltage relationships were obtained by stepping the membrane potential from −50 to −130 mV in −10 mV increments (100 ms/step). EPSC frequencies were determined from 30 s of continuous recordings made in presence of picrotoxin (100 μM) to isolate excitatory activity. Frequency information was extracted using a template function (Axograph X; Berkeley, CA, USA), with deflections < 7 pA excluded from analysis.
Data analysis
Data analysis was performed with PRISM software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). All results are presented as the mean ± SEM. EC50 values for agonist-induced hyperpolarization of LC neurons were determined by fitting concentration-response curves with a logistic function using KaleidaGraph (Synergy Software, Reading PA). Statistical significance was assessed using analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA) for multiple comparisons and Student's t test for pair-wise comparisons of the action of forskolin. Spontaneous EPSC frequency and amplitude under each condition were pooled and plotted as cumulative histograms, and analyzed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The level of significance was set at p<0.05.
Previously, we reported that the ME-induced current in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice was significantly smaller than that seen in wild-type controls (Torrecilla et al., 2002). The small residual current in slices from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice was partially blocked by barium leaving a residual current of ∼15 pA that was insensitive to membrane potential. This residual current may be the result of the inhibition of a cAMP-dependent inward current reported previously in rat LC neurons (Alreja & Aghajanian, 1993). This possibility was tested by measuring whole-cell currents induced by ME in LC neurons from wild-type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice prior to and 10 min after the application of forskolin, which stimulates adenylyl cyclase in a receptor-independent manner (Osborne & Williams, 1996).
ME induced an outward current in LC neurons from wild-type mice (61±7 pA at -60 mV, n=15; Fig. 1A,B). Subsequent application of forskolin produced a small inward current and an accompanying increase in excitatory synaptic input (analyzed in detail below). In the presence of forskolin, the current induced by ME in LC neurons from wild-type mice was significantly enhanced (74±8 pA, n=15, p<0.001). The ME-induced outward current was smaller in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (14±2 pA at -60 mV, n=21; p<0.001). Similar to experiments involving wild-type animals, forskolin increased the ME-induced current by 10-15 pA in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Fig. 1A,B). Thus, there was no evidence of a significant genotype-dependent difference in cAMP-dependent signaling in LC neurons.
We next asked whether chronic morphine treatment caused an adaptation in the opioid-induced current. Following treatment of wild-type mice, the amplitude of the ME-induced current (55±6 pA at −60 mV, n=11) and the augmentation of the ME-induced current by forskolin were indistinguishable from those recorded in slices from untreated wild-type mice (Fig. 1B). Similarly, in slices taken from morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice, the ME-induced current (18±2 pA at -60 mV, n=18) was not significantly different from that measured in LC neurons from untreated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. The ME-induced current, however, was not significantly enhanced by forskolin in slices from morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Fig. 1B).
The current/voltage relationships in the absence and presence of forskolin were measured to determine the effect of forskolin on the reversal potential of the ME-induced current and to determine the voltage dependence of the current induced by forskolin (Fig 2). In slices from untreated wild-type mice, forskolin produced an increase in the slope of the ME-induced current with no change in reversal potential (Fig. 2A). A similar result was obtained in slices taken from animals that were treated with morphine (Fig. 2B). The current induced by forskolin was inward at all potentials and was not different between slices from untreated and morphine-treated animals (Fig. 2A,B). In slices from untreated and morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice, the amplitude of the ME-induced current was not sensitive to membrane potential (Fig. 2C,D). Forskolin evoked a voltage-independent increase in the outward ME current in LC neurons from untreated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Fig. 2C), but had no effect on the ME-induced current in slices from morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Fig. 2D). The observation that forskolin had no apparent effect on the ME-induced current suggests that there was no dramatic up-regulation in the cAMP signaling pathway following chronic morphine treatment in GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice.
Though pharmacologic manipulations suggested that recording conditions were suitable for measuring the influence of cAMP-dependent signaling on the ME-induced current in mouse LC neurons, the dialysis of the intracellular milieu during whole-cell recording experiments may adversely impact cAMP-dependent processes. Indeed, spontaneous LC neuron firing has been observed to run down under standard whole-cell recording conditions (Alreja & Aghajanian, 1995). To address this concern, we next used an intracellular recording technique to measure the hyperpolarization induced by ME in LC neurons from untreated and morphine-treated mice.
To measure the ME-induced hyperpolarization of LC neurons, holding current (0-200 pA) was applied to inhibit spontaneous firing and to hold the membrane potential near -60 mV. Under these conditions, ME induced a dose-dependent hyperpolarization of LC neurons in slices from untreated wild-type mice, with a maximal response measured at 30 μM (29±1 mV) and an EC50 of 0.64±0.09 μM (n=14) (Fig. 3). Consistent with the voltage-clamp data, the ME-induced hyperpolarization was significantly blunted in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (13.3±1.2 mV at 30 μM ME, n=9; Fig. 3A,B). The EC50 for ME-induced hyperpolarization in slices from the GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (1.96±0.29 μM) was about 3-fold greater than that measured in slices from wild-type mice, arguing that the residual conductance mediating this hyperpolarization in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice is slightly less sensitive to opioid receptor stimulation than the GIRK channel. After chronic treatment of wild-type mice with morphine, there was no change in the maximal ME-induced hyperpolarization (26±1 mV, n=7) or the EC50 (0.59±0.13 μM; Fig. 3C). In GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice treated chronically with morphine, there was also no significant change in the maximal ME-induced hyperpolarization (14± 1 mV, n=9) or the EC50 (3.29±0.43 μM).
The α2-adrenoceptor agonist UK-14304 (3 μM) was applied at the end of each experiment to probe for opioid receptor-specific or effector-specific changes induced by chronic morphine exposure. The hyperpolarization induced by UK-14304 (3 μM) was significantly smaller in LC neurons from untreated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (12.3±1.4 mV, n=7; p<0.001) as compared to wild-type controls (25.4±1.0 mV, n=19; Fig. 3A,B). Furthermore, there was no change in the hyperpolarization induced by UK-14303 following chronic morphine treatment for either genotype (Fig. 3B).
Consistent with findings from the voltage-clamp study, forskolin increased the amplitude of the ME-induced hyperpolarization (data not shown). For these experiments, a sub-saturating concentration of ME (1 μM) was used in experiments involving slices from wild-type mice such that the amplitude of the hyperpolarization would not be limited by the approach of the membrane potential toward the potassium equilibrium potential. The ME test concentration was increased to (10 μM) in experiments involving LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice since the hyperpolarization was not dependent on the change in voltage and because the amplitude of the hyperpolarization induced by ME (1 μM) was very small. In slices from untreated wild-type mice, the hyperpolarization induced by ME increased from 19.1±2.0 mV in control to 21.7±2.2 mV after treatment with forskolin (n=17, p<0.01). In slices from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice, the hyperpolarization induced by ME was 10.0±1.4 mV in control, and this increased to 12.2±1.7 mV in the presence of forskolin (n=5, p<0.05). Following chronic morphine treatment, forskolin increased the ME-induced hyperpolarization in LC neurons from both wild-type (13.7±2.0 mV vs. 15.3±2.2 mV, n=6; p<0.01) and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- (9.7±1.4 mV vs. 12.1±1.8 mV, n=9; p<0.01) mice. The forskolin-induced augmentation of the ME-induced hyperpolarization seen in LC neurons from morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice was somewhat unexpected given the lack of forskolin effect on residual ME-induced current in LC neurons from these mice. Though there is no clear-cut explanation for the difference in results, there are several possibilities given the technical differences in the experiments. Alternatively, changes in membrane potential may constitute a more sensitive measure of opioid actions in LC neurons.
Though the subject of some debate, enhanced excitatory transmission has been implicated in the elevated excitability of rat LC neurons seen during opiate withdrawal (Akaoka & Aston-Jones, 1991; Aghajanian et al., 1994; Ivanov & Aston-Jones, 2001). To determine whether such modifications occur in the mouse, spontaneous EPSCs were measured in LC neurons from wild-type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice at baseline and following chronic morphine treatment. Mouse LC neurons exhibited spontaneous EPSCs that were abolished by the glutamate receptor antagonist NBQX (5 μM, data not shown). The frequency, but not amplitude, of spontaneous EPSCs was elevated in slices from morphine-treated wild-type mice (Fig. 4). There was a similar elevation in the frequency of spontaneous EPSCs measured in slices from morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Fig. 5). Thus, an increase in excitatory input to LC neurons was evident in slices from both wild-type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice during withdrawal from chronic morphine treatment.
The mean frequency and amplitude of spontaneous EPSCs measured in LC neurons were indistinguishable between untreated wild-type (10.6±1.8 Hz & 22.8±1.6 pA, n=12) and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- (12.3±1.5 Hz & 17.7±1.1 pA, n=20 unpaired t-test p>0.05) mice, suggesting that constitutive ablation of GIRK2 and GIRK3 did not elevate excitatory input to the LC (Fig. 6, Fig. S1). Forskolin (10 μM) increased the EPSC frequency in slices from both untreated wild-type (19.1±1.6 Hz, n=12; p<0.01) and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- (17.9±2.8 Hz, n=13; p<0.01) mice (Fig. 6B). Forskolin had no effect on the amplitude of spontaneous EPSCs in slices from morphine-treated animals of either genotype (Fig. S1). These observations support the contention that significant genotype-dependent differences in cAMP-dependent signaling contributing to excitatory neurotransmission were not evident at baseline. Following chronic morphine treatment, forskolin increased the frequency of spontaneous EPSCs in slices from wild-type animals, but had no significant effect in slices from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Fig 6B, Fig. S1).
While a consensus has emerged that adaptations in cAMP-signaling underlie the cellular and behavioral consequences of chronic morphine administration, many questions remain. This study began by asking whether chronic morphine treatment resulted in altered opioid-induced postsynaptic currents in the mouse LC. Among the ion channels involved in the inhibitory effect of opioids on LC neurons, GIRK channels appear to mediate most of the postsynaptic inhibition (Torrecilla et al., 2002). Nevertheless, opioids also inhibit voltage-gated calcium channels in LC neurons, and both barium-sensitive and insensitive components of the residual opioid-induced current are discernable in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Torrecilla et al., 2002). The present work shows that exogenous activation of adenylyl cyclase can also impact the postsynaptic opioid-induced current in LC neurons. One key finding in this study is that neither the postsynaptic inhibitory effect of ME, nor the forskolin-induced augmentation of the ME-induced inhibitory current, was significantly impacted by chronic morphine treatment. Thus, alterations occurring in the LC as a consequence of prolonged morphine exposure do not appear to significantly influence the signaling pathways and channels mediating the postsynaptic inhibitory effect of opioids.
Parallel studies with mice lacking functional GIRK channels permitted the direct evaluation of modifications to less-pronounced components of the opioid-induced current that resulted from chronic morphine treatment. Though there was a slight discrepancy in the forskolin-induced augmentation of opioid inhibition measured in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice using voltage-clamp and intracellular recording techniques, both approaches indicated that any postsynaptic modification involving the cAMP-system following chronic morphine treatment is either minimal or uncoupled from the opioid-induced postsynaptic inhibition. Recent microarray studies have identified many genes exhibiting altered regulation in the rodent LC following chronic morphine treatment, including several directly involved in synaptic transmission, such as the glutamate receptor subunit GluR1 (McClung et al., 2005). Given the apparent lack of effect of chronic morphine treatment on postsynaptic opioid-dependent signaling, altered regulation of these targets is more likely to explain any change in the intrinsic excitability of LC neurons linked to chronic morphine exposure and precipitated withdrawal.
As the GIRK knockout mice used in this study were both global and constitutive in nature, it is important to consider that findings made with these mice may reflect a combination of developmental alterations or mechanisms designed to compensate for the loss of the gene(s) in question. Indeed, mice lacking GIRK2 exhibit blunted postsynaptic inhibition throughout the central nervous system (Luscher et al., 1997; Slesinger et al., 1997; Cruz et al., 2004; Koyrakh et al., 2005; Marker et al., 2006; Labouebe et al., 2007), and display a wide variety of behavioral phenotypes (Blednov et al., 2001; Blednov et al., 2002; Blednov et al., 2003; Morgan et al., 2003; Marker et al., 2004; Costa et al., 2005; Marker et al., 2005). Nevertheless, the lesion in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice appears relatively selective for GIRK channels. For example, previous work showed that ME-induced suppression of voltage-gated calcium channels is preserved in LC neurons from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Torrecilla et al., 2002). The forskolin-dependent augmentation of the opioid-induced current is normal in LC neurons from untreated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. Furthermore, baseline excitatory input and the augmentation of this input by forskolin are normal in slices taken from GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. Thus, the most peculiar findings in this study were the lack of an action of forskolin on postsynaptic opioid-induced current in, and excitatory input to, LC neurons from morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. While the different actions of forskolin found in untreated and morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice suggest that an alteration occurred in the cAMP-system, one might have reasonably predicted that forskolin would have larger actions after chronic morphine treatment. It is possible, however, that the tone of the cAMP-system is elevated in LC neurons from morphine-treated GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. In this case, the stimulatory effect of forskolin endpoints would be muted.
There has been some debate as to whether the elevated firing rate of LC neurons noted during opiate withdrawal reflects intrinsic modifications or alterations in afferent input. Support for intrinsic modifications has come from multiple approaches, including the failure of various inhibitors of synaptic transmission to normalize the elevated LC neuron firing rates during withdrawal (Ivanov & Aston-Jones, 2001), and manipulation of CREB levels and activity in individual LC neurons. Indeed, LC neurons expressing a constitutively-active version of CREB show elevated firing rates, while LC neurons injected with antisense oligonucleotides targeting CREB or expressing dominant-negative forms of CREB show decreased firing rates (Lane-Ladd et al., 1997; Han et al., 2006). On the other side of the debate, elevated glutamate levels have been measured in the rat LC during withdrawal (Aghajanian et al., 1994), and glutamate receptor antagonists have been shown to reduce LC firing rates to pre-treatment levels (Akaoka & Aston-Jones, 1991).
The present work supports the idea that elevated excitatory transmission facilitates the activity of LC neurons during withdrawal. Indeed, the most notable modification resulting from chronic morphine treatment seen in this study was the increase in excitatory afferent input to the LC. The frequency of spontaneous EPSCs measured in LC neurons was elevated significantly following chronic morphine treatment in both wild-type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice. The enhanced excitatory input seen during withdrawal is predicted to contribute to elevated LC neuron firing rates in both wild-type and GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice, particularly in vivo where all afferent connections are intact. Nevertheless, a recent study reported that following chronic morphine treatment, LC neuron firing rates were elevated in slices from wild-type but not GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice (Cruz et al., 2008). While this discrepancy could be explained by a compensatory enhancement in inhibitory input to the LC of GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice, we have found the number of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents observed in mouse LC neurons to be quite low in slice studies, irrespective of genotype. Resolution of this issue will require examination of LC neuron firing rates in vivo, both at baseline and during withdrawal. Such studies will also provide new insight into the relevance of the LC to withdrawal behavior, as GIRK2/GIRK3-/- mice exhibit a severely-attenuated naloxone-precipitated withdrawal syndrome, a phenotype that can be rescued by chemical ablation of the LC (Cruz et al., 2008).
In summary, chronic morphine treatment did not significantly influence the composite postsynaptic conductance or net inhibitory effect of opioids on LC neurons. Instead, enhanced excitatory transmission was the primary consequence of chronic morphine exposure. As such, these data support the contention that extrinsic adaptations induced by chronic morphine treatment play a significant role in the elevated excitability of LC neurons observed during opiate withdrawal.
Supplementary Material
The authors would like to thank Dr. Christian Lüscher, as well as members of the Wickman and Williams laboratories, for reading and providing helpful feedback on this manuscript. The work was supported by National Institute of Health grants DA08163 (MT, JTW), MH61933 (KW), DA011806 (KW), and DA023793 (NQ).
- cAMP
cyclic adenosine-5′-monophosphate
cAMP-response element binding protein
excitatory postsynaptic current
G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ channel
- LC
locus coeruleus
- ME
mu opioid receptor
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