“This month’s issue of the #WomenPeaceSecurity in the Military News Round Up includes articles on #USArmy advances in WPS through key events, The 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade at Fort Bliss celebrated Women’s Equality Day 2024 by highlighting progress toward gender equality and the Army’s commitment to inclusivity. CECOM recognized Hispanic Heritage Month by honoring six influential Hispanic women in Army history for their significant contributions and leadership, and at Camp Humphreys, the Tri-Command Women, Peace, and Security Symposium focused on integrating WPS principles into military operations. Note: The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only. The contents do not reflect the official views of, nor are they endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or PKSOI.”

Celebrating Women’s Equality Day 2024
Photo by Amber Kurka
Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies
Camp Lincoln Hosts Women’s Equality Day Panel Discussion
Photo by 2nd Lt. Trenton Fouche
Joint Force Headquarters – Illinois National Guard Public Affairs

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