
Principal's Message

Welcome to Pine Hills Elementary!

Dear Panther Families-LaTonya Smothers

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year at Pine Hills Elementary School, where we are continuing to "Set the Example, by Being the Example!"

My vision for Pine Hills Elementary is to provide students with an educational experience that inspires and motivates them to be lifelong learners and caring contributors to the world around them. Our goal is to provide a nurturing environment that meets each student's individual needs, both academically and socially.

Families, teachers, support staff, community members, and administration all play a part in helping our students develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Together, we can make a positive difference. A strong partnership between home and school fosters greater success for our children. There are many ways you can get involved in our school. You may choose to join our PTA or SAC, read to primary students, or attend field trips, to name a few. If you have not already, I invite you to sign up as an ADDitions volunteer by clicking here. We encourage parents to communicate with teachers and staff to foster a successful partnership.

I am honored to be the principal of Pine Hills Elementary and look forward to working with our dedicated educators, supportive parents, and amazing students. Thank you in advance for making Pine Hills Elementary an excellent place for children to learn.

We are on our way to being an "A" rated school!

Your Dedicated Principal,

LaTonya Smothers
Ms. Latonya Smothers


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