A super short "game" about Winnie the Pooh obtaining an alternative to honey...

Made for the public domain (bitsy jam #69) 🌐 using BitsyPixsy, and Bitsymuse

Winnie the Pooh parody drawing originally made by Tri8Guro

NES Remix of Afroman's "Because I Got High" by Meme Music*

Afroman Because I Got High | NES Remix - YouTube

NOTE: Music currently doesn't work due to an issue with implementing it via bitsymuse ui so I will eventually update it in the future after the bitsy jam once I figure out how to actually get it to work -_-;

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Made withbitsy
TagsBitsy, joke, Parody, satire, silly


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That song cover is a great find, I hope you get it to work for you in the game!