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A member registered Apr 20, 2022

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Damn, could that be changed in the future? Since SURvival gives outdoor survival traits and WISdom gives medicine, maybe SCU can give urban survival skills? 

This would also mean that sneaky scouty people are better at finding stuff in cities?

Okay, but when they show up what will they be? 

Oh wow 0_0
I've never seen that happen and saving hostages is my main source of money

Nice, what are the new tilesets? Locations? characters? 

I'm trying a run where I spend early levels scrounging filth piles in the city (Can occasionally find a baby to sell to Elise!) 

What skill allows for better filth pile searching or more filth piles per block? 

I wouldn't call that cheating. 

Because there IS an in-game way to reset your skills while keeping all your points and inventory. 

its called the rebirth mechanic. 

Lona has a baby, drops it off at the church with the nun in the room on the right, then dies. You keep all your points and whatever you had in the bank

Anything big? New quests or stuff? 

Aww, shame. I was hoping for a moot baby

If Bobo impregnates Lona, what race is the child? 

I must accept your judgement, so I must ree. 


Pretty sure Gobbos in Lona setting are like chimps
Malformed, stupid, but proportionally very strong 

So, can we get a cheap dagger? Those are light

Can we get a low quality dagger? 
Because its not exactly a masterful weapons skill thing to just shank someone

I find it kind of annoying that Lona can't use daggers or bows if she likes dick.

Can we either make bows available to non-"tough" Lonas or make slutty Lonas capable of taking the 'high quality' weapons perk? 

My guy, gobbos are NOT that smart. 
They live in holes in the ground and shit where they eat and sleep.

They have the base-level intelligence to use ambush tactics. This is something that chimps and dogs are capable of. 

Thats not an exploit, thats just you gitting gud at the game XD

You can already recruit a fishman mercenary with 1 round of sex for 2 days of service. 

That being said I would like to see where this thread goes. 

But do they increase from mashing the proper key during sex encounters? 

Well, I guess that makes sense. 
Shame if you hit the "Give up" button you wind up starving to death on the streets drinking puddle water. 
Pretty grim.

These places are full of hostages but they don't follow you out. 

(2 edits)

How do I do this? It seems like they level randomly even though I am doing the same things every encouter

Would it ever be possible to give the rescued girls blue potions or something to get them walking again?

"If at first you don't succeed flush it out and try again" 
(Elise approves of this message) 

Its called barter and trade. 

No different from turning in broken glass bottles and dirty aluminum cans to a salvage yard. 

IF they can make use of it they will compensate you. 

In a land of starvation, protein is protein my guy

Keep track of your XP

Just walking around the map gives small amounts of XP

LonaRPG community · Created a new topic All aboooooaaaaard!

Out of curiosity just how many rescues have you ever gotten in one go? I think 4 is the most for me. 

Get more sleep, whats your REM cycle like? Do you dream often? 

yes, and they are really cool

Is it true that you can cook the horse cock and that it gives you more END? You should be able to masturbate with it.

Just wondering if we're looking at new weapons.
Maybe if there is a rapier option it can have armor piercing? 

LonaRPG community · Created a new topic More weapons?

Crossbows? Longswords? etc?
So, any possibilities  of new weapons in the future?

I would also like Lona to be extremely uncomfortable and jealous of her huge tits >:D

Possibly the grossest possible girl on girl situation imaginable.
Lets see the war sister go all dommy mommy on Lona to 'educate her in the faith'

If she disappears thats good, that means you 'rescued' her and she is now home safe.
So go to any guild rep at a bar and talk to them and they will give you money, XP and morality

Okay, this has to be a joke item that slows down your speed or something. 

Because thats just ridiculous, but accurate to how a tiny woman would look wearing a man's full helm

Cool! Do we have a 3rd person view yet? I really wanna see the character :)