Terms and Conditions of Service

This document is designed to establish and regulate the rules of use for the website www.parclick.com (hereinafter, website), with website understood to comprise all pages and their contents, property of Parclick S.L., which can be accessed via the web page and its subdomains.

The use, access, navigation and viewing of contents on the website confer the condition of User of the website and implies acceptance of all conditions included in this legal disclaimer. These conditions apply regardless of any General Conditions of Service which may be enforceable. When the User contracts one of PARCLICK's services, thereby accepting the General Conditions of Service, he or she becomes a Client. The User or Client agrees to read this Legal Disclaimer carefully whenever he or she decides to use the web page, given that the web page and its conditions of use, outlined in this Legal Disclaimer, may be subject to modifications.


This website is owned by Parclick S.L., address 11 Calle Fray Luis de León, first floor, PO 28012 - Madrid. Company tax code: B86329984. Registered with the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 29408, Book 0, Folio 121, Section 8, Page M529337.

Email: info@parclick.com


PARCLICK owns, per se or as lessor, the rights to all intellectual and industrial property on its web page, as well as all contents of that web page (including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, software and text; brands and logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials, computer programmes necessary for access and use, etc.), owned by PARCLICK or its licensors.

Under the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, it is expressly prohibited to reproduce, distribute or publicly share, including any means of making available, fully or partially, the contents of this web page for commercial purposes, on any storage medium or by any technical means, without PARCLICK's permission. The User agrees to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by PARCLICK. The contents of the website can be viewed, printed, copied and stored on the User's hard drive or on any other storage medium, provided that this is solely and exclusively for personal and private use. The User may not delete, alter or manipulate any protective device or security system installed on PARCLICK's web pages.


The contents, programmes, information and/or advice outlined on this website are only guidelines. PARCLICK is in no way answerable for the effectiveness or accuracy of the above, and remains exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual responsibility towards those who make use thereof, given that Users choose to take advantage of that information at their own discretion.

Content provided by third persons or companies may be published on this web page. PARCLICK is in no way answerable to the accuracy of that content, and remains exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual responsibility towards Users who make use thereof.

PARCLICK reserves the right to make any changes it considers appropriate to the website without prior notice, and may change, delete, and add to both the contents and services offered there, and how these are presented and placed on the website.

PARCLICK declares that all necessary measures, within its means and according to the state of technology, have been taken to ensure the functioning of the website and avoid transmitting viruses and other damaging components to Users.

However, PARCLICK takes no responsibility for:

  1. The contents of the website;

  2. Any errors in the contents or services;

  3. Any viruses and/or other damaging components on the website or the server;

  4. Website security and/or the level of protection afforded by any security measures we have taken on the website;

  5. The use or performance of the contents and services on the website.

  6. The damage caused by any person, to themselves or to a third party, breaching the conditions, regulations and instructions set out by PARCLICK on the web page, or by a breach in the website security systems.

Should the User be aware of any illegal content or content that may constitute an infringement of intellectual and/or property rights, or any other third party rights, PARCLICK should be notified immediately so that the appropriate measures can be taken.

  • PARCLICK does not exercise any control over any links to other websites or their contents that may appear on the web page. In no case does PARCLICK take responsibility for the contents of any links to any other websites, nor guarantee the availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, scope, authenticity, validity or constitutionality of any material or information on any such links or other Internet websites. Equally, the inclusion of these external links does not imply any kind of association, merger or involvement in the entities linked.

  • However, some links have been negotiated and agreed upon with the author of the linked content, so that returns may be generated by actions performed freely by the User. This does not affect, in any case, the exclusion of liability for the linked content or the independence of our media.

  • PARCLICK gives the right to partial reproduction of the contents of the web page to third parties, providing that the following conditions are met:

    • It is compatible with the purposes of the Platform.

    • Images are not used separately from the accompanying texts.


Access to this page is free excepting the cost of the connection via the telecommunication network supplied by the access provider contracted by the User.

Use of the page for the purposes of damaging the property or interests of PARCLICK or third parties, or of overloading, harming or misusing in any other way PARCLICK's or any third parties' networks, servers and other hardware, or products and software, is strictly prohibited.

Use of this platform is restricted to persons aged 18 and above. When the Client makes a request using this Platform, he/she declares him/herself to be aged 18 or over and legally able to enter into contracts.

The User is responsible for use of the website. The User agrees to make appropriate use of the contents and services (for evaluation and rating of a service, for example) offered by PARCLICK via the website, and not to use them to - including, but not limited to -

  1. engage in activities which are illegal or go against good faith or public order;

  2. distribute racist, xenophobic, pornographic, terrorist or anti-human rights contents or propaganda.

  3. harm PARCLICK's, its providers' or third parties' hardware and software systems, introduce into the network or propagate viruses or any other hardware or software systems that might cause such harm;

  4. try to access or use other users' email accounts, and alter or manipulate their messages. PARCLICK reserves the right to remove any comments that violate respect for a person's dignity, be they discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, constitute a violation of the rights of minors, threaten public order and safety, or that, in the opinion of PARCLICK, are not suitable for publication.

In any case, PARCLICK takes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by users on forums, ratings of services, or any other means of participation. PARCLICK reserves the right to modify, reject or delete comments that do not comply with the aforementioned conditions. Equally, the right is reserved to deny or withdraw access to the website and/or the services offered, without forewarning, as it or a third party sees fit, to any users who fail to comply with these General Conditions of Use.

Comments from clients (including the evaluation submitted at the time of the service) may be shown on the car park service provider's web page, which can be found on our website, to share opinions on the standard of service with other clients, as well as being used for the purpose of improving the service provided via our web page.

PARCLICK will pursue any non-compliance of these conditions, as well as any inappropriate use of its website, by means of any civil or criminal proceedings to which it may have recourse by law.


The contract drawn up between the Client and PARCLICK comes into effect as soon as PARCLICK sends the Client written confirmation of the reservation via email, or when the Client asks for a service, for example, by registering as a user, requesting information, making an inquiry via the online chat, a phone call, or a complaint, by filling out a survey or registering on a waiting list.

The Client should save or print a copy of these General Terms and Conditions for future consultation when making a reservation.

  • 6.1 Definitions:

    The following definitions have the same meaning whether they appear in the plural or singular form.

    • Platform” is understood as: mobile applications and the web site (and the mobile version) where the Service is made available, belongs to, is controlled by, managed, maintained and/or hosted by PARCLICK.

    • User” is understood as: a person who browses the Platform.

    • Client” is understood as: a User who purchases one or more of the Services available on the Platform.

    • PARCLICK”, “we”, “us” and “our” are understood as: PARCLICK, S.L., registered address in Madrid (Spain), 11 Fray Luis de León, first floor, PO 28012.

    • Terms and General Conditions” are understood as: these terms and general conditions for use and bookings, along with any modifications which which may be added at any time.

    • Service” is understood as: online reservation (including payment) of parking spaces, as well as other actions such as user registration, requests for information, inquiries via our online chat, phone calls, complaints, surveys and being added to waiting lists.

    • Provider” is understood as: a provider of Services, like a car park.

  • 6.2 Purchasing Process

    When a reservation is made through any of PARCLICK's digital portals, the Platform guides the User through the various stages of the purchasing process and how to make the payment. By clicking on the “PAY NOW” button in the purchasing process, the Client will be re-directed to a secure page and receive confirmation of the payment. When a reservation is made over the phone, a PARCLICK employee will take the Client through the entire purchasing process, also providing confirmation of payment.

    Clients will receive reservation confirmations, detailing basic information such as the Services purchased and the price, by email. If the Client does not receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of making the reservation, they must contact the Customer Service Department at the following email address: info@parclick.com

    As soon as the Client makes their reservation, PARCLICK acts only as an intermediary between the Client and the Provider, transmitting the reservation data to the Provider and sending the Client a confirmation email on behalf of the Provider.

    When the Client purchases a monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or annual – or of any other duration – ticket, they understand and accept that in order to access the service purchased, they must enter into a contract with the Operator that provides that service, and that there is a minimum duration of that contract to access the conditions offered. If the Client does not agree with the contract, the stay can be cancelled or modified by notifying PARCLICK before 23:59h on the day following the date of arrival chosen during the purchasing process.

    When a Service is being provided, the information displayed by PARCLICK is based on information from Providers. Although PARCLICK tries to tailor its Services as much as as possible to the Client's needs, PARCLICK cannot verify or guarantee that all information is accurate, complete or correct.

    The documents we then provide upon purchase of a Service requested through the Platform will be sent to the email address given by the Client at the time of booking. These documents include a receipt and invoice with details of payment. All booking information and instructions for accessing the car park are on the receipt.

  • 6.3 Technical measures to correct errors

    Should the Client become aware of any errors in the personal information provided upon registration as a User on this Platform, they will be able to correct them.

    In any case, they will be able to correct any errors relating to the personal data provided during the purchasing process by emailing Customer Service at: info@parclick.com

    This Platform shows confirmation windows at various stages of the purchasing process that prevent the order from proceeding if the required data for that section has not been provided. This Platform also displays the information for all reservations throughout the purchasing process, so that the Client can modify reservation details before making the payment.

    Should the Client become aware of an error in the order after payment has been completed, they should contact Customer Service immediately, at the aforementioned email address, to correct the error.

  • 6.4 Responsibility

    PARCLICK, through its Platform, provides Users with data, information and services attached to the management of parking facilities. To make the most of these services, the User provides personal information, especially when booking or purchasing a Service, as well as when signing in to access the private page of their User account.

    PARCLICK has agreements with parking operators who are responsible for the service corresponding to the type of parking offered by PARCLICK. However, PARCLICK is responsible for online payment security, as well as well as for giving only restricted access to reservation information to the Provider.

    When making the purchase, the Client fully accepts the conditions of access and use in the car park(s) they have booked for, and understands that these rules are dictated exclusively by the Provider.

    When the Client purchases a monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or annual – or of any other duration – ticket, they understand and accept that in order to access the service purchased, they must enter into a contract with the Operator that provides that service, and that there is a minimum duration of that contract to access the conditions offered. If the Client does not agree with the contract, the stay can be cancelled or modified by notifying PARCLICK before 23:59h on the day following the date of arrival chosen during the purchasing process.

    The User agrees that all information provided is truthful and accurate. PARCLICK reserves the right to withdraw any information or comment that violates the respect and dignity of the person, public safety, or that, in their opinion, is not appropriate to its publication. In any case, PARCLICK is not responsible for such information or comments.

    In no case, including all cases of negligence, shall PARCLICK be liable for damage of any kind to vehicles, persons or property, including all direct, indirect and expressly forewarned cases of damage arising from, or in connection with, the access, use or exit of the car park(s).

    PARCLICK makes every effort to provide photographs and illustrations that offer the User a visual representation of the Services offered. The purpose of these photographs and illustrations is to show the User the car park, size of spaces and entrances, but should not be considered a statement or proof beyond that purpose.

  • 6.5 Price and payment

    Prices are established by the Provider. The prices include the relevant taxes according to the country, as shown on invoice.

    • 6.5.1 Prices

      Prices of Services are those stated on the Platform at any given time, except in clear cases of error. Prices can change at any time, but changes will not affect bookings that have already been confirmed.

      Sometimes, there are cheaper rates for specific services on our Platform. However, rates given by the Providers may have restrictions and special conditions, relating, for example, to cancellations and refunds. The User must read through the information and conditions of the reservation or service very carefully before making the reservation.

      The final amount includes: the price of the reservation, any administration fees, the applicable taxes, the PayPal fees if this is the payment option chosen, and any discounts that may have been applied. The Client is shown this breakdown upon receiving confirmation of the reservation and payment, which must have been accepted by the Client.

      Unless otherwise specified, the prices of the Services listed on the Platform are given in the currency of the country in which the Service is provided.

    • 6.5.2 Payment options

      The User can pay for the reservation using:

      • Accepted credit cards: American Express, Carta SI, CB, Maestro, MasterCard, Postepay, VISA, Visa Electron, ApplePay, Google Pay.

      • PayPal.

      When a User wishes to confirm the purchase of their reservation through their PayPal account, PARCLICK will charge an additional fee, variable according to the total amount of the purchase made by the Client on the Platform.

    • 6.5.3 Refunds

      When a Client is refunded, PARCLICK transfers the amount in question to the account used to make the original reservation. Administration fees cannot be refunded. Any discounts will be applied until the discount code digits provided run out. When this occurs, promotional codes will no longer be accepted.

      It usually takes between 5 and 10 days for refunds to come through, and will depend on agreements between banks, as well as the Client's country of residence.

      In no case shall the Client be entitled to a refund for time not used should they decide to end their stay before the time shown on their reservation.

    • 6.5.4 Online discount codes

      The discounts made available to the User by PARCLICK vary according to type of product and quantity. The Client understands and accepts that they are only applicable to products, product ranges, car parks and Operators at PARCLICK's discretion.

      The conditions for cancellation and modification of discounted products are exactly the same as those for products without a discount.

      However, for certain promotions there are specific restrictions on cancellations and modifications. We therefore remind the Client to consult the conditions of the promotion, as well as PARCLICK’s legal terms, before purchase, and that purchasing implies understanding and acceptance of said conditions on the Client’s part.

      Should the Client wish to modify (lengthen or shorten their stay) or cancel a reservation made using a discount code, the discount code cannot be re-used or applied to any new purchase or modification.

      Discount codes are only applicable to new purchases, and are in no case applicable to reservations which have been previously modified (lengthened or shortened) by the Client.

      Discount codes can only be applied if the total value of the products purchased (VAT included), not including administration fees, exceeds the value of the discount offered by PARCLICK.

      Furthermore, discount codes cannot be accumulated. Should the User fail to use or activate the code when finalising the purchasing process, they would lose the discount, which could not then be recovered or re-used for other products, future or past stays, or any other PARCLICK promotions.

    • Clients using the PayPal payment platform should consult the “Bookings confirmed with PayPal” section.

    • PARCLICK provides the Client with two options (set out below) to cancel or modify a reservation and how to get a refund.

    • Cancellations and refunds vary according to the car park and type of reservation, as the User will have seen in the terms and conditions for that car park and type of reservation when making the reservation for that parking space.

    • The cancellation and modification policy applicable to each reservation is detailed in the legal conditions, in the confirmation email that the Client receives following the completion of the purchasing process, and on the reservation receipt, which the Client should validate on arrival at the car park.

    Products with a policy of cancellation and modification before 23:59h (local time at the car park) on the day before the date of arrival confirmed on the reservation or receipt:

    Clients may cancel or modify their stay before 23:59h on the day before their arrival. Should the Client fail to show up at the car park, wish to cancel or modify the reservation after 23:59h on the day before their arrival, or after the arrival time confirmed on the reservation, they would not, in any such cases, be able to modify, cancel or claim a partial or total refund for the purchase made.

    Products with a flexible cancellation and modification policy, up to 1 hour before the arrival time confirmed on the reservation or receipt:

    The Client may cancel or modify their reservation up to 1 hour before the time given at the time of purchase and shown on the reservation receipt. Should the Client fail to show up at the car park, wish to cancel or modify their reservation after the period permitted by the flexible cancellation policy, which is only applicable to certain products, or after the arrival time shown on the receipt, they would not be able to modify, cancel or claim a full or partial refund for the purchase made.

    Products classified as monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual tickets:

    The Client may modify their monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual ticket reservation for free up until 23:59h the day before their arrival at the car park.

    The Client may cancel their monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual ticket reservation up until 23:59h the day following their arrival at the car park.

    By purchasing a monthly ticket with PARCLICK – with the car park determined by the length of stay – the Client enjoys a discount on the usual price. Should the Client decide to cancel their monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual ticket within the indicated time period, the Client understands and accepts that they must pay the difference between the discounted price and the usual price for each month of using the car park.

    Exceptions in which the cancellation and/or modification policies mentioned above are not applicable:

    • Guadeloupe and Martinique Airports (France): for reservations made at the car parks at the Guadeloupe and Martinique airports, cancellations or modifications may be requested up until 18:00h (Guadeloupe and Martinique local time) on the day before the date shown on the reservation and the receipt.

    • Nice Airport (France): for reservations made at the official car park of the Nice-Côte d'Azur Airport, the reservation will be refunded providing the cancellation is requested at least 48 hours before the arrival time shown on the reservation and the receipt.

    • Garage d'Abbeville (Paris, France): Garage d'Abbéville does not accept cancellations or refunds under any conditions.

    • La Rambla - Boquería (Barcelona, Spain): La Rambla - Boquería does not accept cancellations or refunds under any conditions.
      Autorimessa Comunale Venezia AVM - Porto di Venezia (Venice, Italy): Autorimessa Comunale Venezia AVM - Porto di Venezia does not accept cancellations or refunds under any conditions.

    How to cancel and/or modify a reservation:

    • Cancellations:
      • Cancellations are free if the Client does it within the permitted time period for cancellation and from their User Account (“LOG IN”).

        • Cancellations do not include refunds of administration fees that accompanied the purchase.

    • Cancelling monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual tickets:
      • Providing it is within the permitted time period for cancellations, this type of booking can only be cancelled by emailing our Customer Service Department at info@parclick.com with your booking reference.

      • Cancellation by the Customer Service Department will be free of charge, although the Client should bear in mind that:

        • By purchasing a monthly ticket with PARCLICK – with the car park determined by the length of stay – the Client enjoys a discount on the usual price. Should the Client decide to cancel their monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual ticket within the indicated time period, the Client understands and accepts that they must pay the difference between the discounted price and the usual price for each month of using the car park.

    • Modifications:
      • Modifications are free if the Client does it from their User Account (“LOG IN”).

      • This can also be done free of charge by emailing us your booking reference at info@parclick.com, and our Customer Service Department will take care of it.

        • This does not exempt the User from the additional costs of lengthening their stay. These costs will automatically be charged to the card whose details the User provided upon registration with PARCLICK.

    • Modifying monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual tickets:
      • Providing that it is within the permitted time period for modifications, this type of booking can only be modified by emailing our Customer Service Department at info@parclick.com with your booking reference. Once the time period indicated on your ticket has begun (be it monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual), the booking can no longer be modified, only cancelled.

      • Modifications processed by our Customer Service Department are free of charge.

    Cancellation and modifications of reservations confirmed with PayPal:

    • Cancellations:
      • Cancellations are free if the Client does it from their User Account (“LOG IN”).

        • Cancellations do not include refunds of administration fees that accompanied the purchase.

      • If the Client would like our Customer Service Team to manage their cancellation, the following information must be provided:

        • Name and surname of the PayPal account holder

        • Email account used for PayPal

        • PayPal transaction number or “Transaction ID” (17 digit code)

    • Cancelling monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual tickets:
      • Providing it is within the permitted time period for cancellations, this type of booking can only be cancelled by emailing our Customer Service Department at info@parclick.com with your booking reference.

      • Cancellation by the Customer Service Department will be free of charge, although the Client should bear in mind that:

        • Cancellations do not include refunds for fees charged by PayPal.

        • By purchasing a monthly ticket with PARCLICK – with the car park determined by the length of stay – the Client enjoys a discount on the usual price. Should the Client decide to cancel their monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual ticket within the indicated time period, the Client understands and accepts that they must pay the difference between the discounted price and the usual price for each month of using the car park.

      • If the Client would like our Customer Service Team to manage their cancellation, the following information must be provided:

        • Name and surname of the PayPal account holder

        • Email account used for PayPal

        • PayPal transaction number or “Transaction ID” (17 digit code)

    • Modifications:
      • The available refunds are referred to in the section on “Cancellations”, although there will be no charge for processing by our Customer Service Team.

    • Modifying monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual tickets:
      • Providing that it is within the permitted time period for modifications, this type of booking can only be modified by emailing our Customer Service Department at info@parclick.com with your booking reference. Once the time period indicated on your ticket has begun (be it monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual), the booking can no longer be modified, only cancelled.

      • Modifications processed by our Customer Service Department are free of charge, although the Client should bear in mind that:

        • Modifications do not include refunds for fees charged by PayPal.

      • If the Client would like our Customer Service Team to manage their cancellation, the following information must be provided:

        • Name and surname of the PayPal account holder

        • Email account used for PayPal

        • PayPal transaction number or “Transaction ID” (17 digit code)

  • 6.7 Notifications

    The applicable regulations require that part of the information and communications that PARCLICK sends to its Clients and Users be in writing. By using this Platform, the User and Client accept that the majority of communications with PARCLICK will be digital.

    PARCLICK will contact the User and Client by e-mail or provide them with information by posting notifications on this Platform. For contractual purposes, the User and Client agree to use this digital means of communication and understand that any contract, notification, information or other communications sent digitally by PARCLICK comply with the legal requirements of being in writing. This condition will not affect your legal rights.

    The notifications from the User and Client to PARCLICK must be emailed to info@parclick.com or using the online contact form. In accordance with the provisions of the previous clause and unless otherwise stipulated, PARCLICK may send communications to the email address provided by the Client at the time of purchase. The User will get an automatic notification when their request has been received by our customer service and support platform. Requests will be dealt with on a first-come-first-served basis, although those that are considered urgent due to force majeure will be prioritized.

  • 6.8 Transfer of rights and obligations

    The contract is binding both for the Client and for PARCLICK, as well as for our respective successors and assignees. The Client may not pass on, assign, levy or transfer in any other way a contract or any of the rights or obligations therein established, without having obtained the prior written consent of PARCLICK. PARCLICK may pass on, assign, levy, subcontract or otherwise transfer a contract or any of the rights or obligations therein established, at any time during its term. To avoid any doubt, such transmissions, assignments, levies and other transfers will not affect the rights that, in this case, the Client, as consumer, is accorded by law, nor will they cancel, reduce or restrict in any other way the guarantees, both express and implied, that we may have given.

  • 6.9 Events outside of our control

    PARCLICK takes no responsibility for any breach or delay in the fulfilment of any of its obligations when this is due to events that are beyond our reasonable control ("force majeure").

    These include any act, event, case of negligence, omission or accident outside of our reasonable control, and, among others, the following:

    • Strikes, lockouts or other industrial action.

    • Civil unrest, revolt, invasion, terrorist threat or attack, war (declared or not) or threats of or preparations for war.

    • Fires, explosions, storms, floods, earthquakes, subsidence, epidemics or any other natural disaster.

    • Issues with trains, boats, aeroplanes, cars or any other means of transport, public or private.

    • Issues with public or private telecommunication systems.

    • Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government or public authority.

    It is understood that obligations will be suspended for the duration of a force majeure event, and terms will be extended by the same time period in order to meet those obligations. We will use all reasonable means to end the cause of the force majeure or to find a solution that allows us to fulfil our obligations in spite of it.

  • 6.10 Complete agreement

    These Conditions and any document expressly referred to therein constitute the entire agreement between the Client and PARCLICK in relation to the purpose of the same agreement, and replace any other deal, agreement or prior promise agreed between the Client or User both verbally and in writing. The Client and PARCLICK understand we have agreed to enter into a contract not based on any statement or promise made by the other party or that could be inferred from any statement or document pertaining to the negotiations conducted between us beforehand, except that which is expressly stated in these Conditions.

    Neither party shall be able to take any action against any uncertain statement made by the other party, verbal or written, prior to the date of a contract (unless such a statement was made fraudulently). The only action to be taken against the other party shall be for breach of contract in accordance with the provisions of these Conditions.

    Parclick reserves the right to cancel the service contracted through our platform at the request of the car park and/or for reasons of force majeure such as: availability errors, works in the car park, closure of public roads, overbooking, unforeseen events beyond the control of the car park.

  • 6.11 Comments, suggestions, complaints and claims

    Comments and suggestions are always welcome. We ask that comments and suggestions, as well as any queries, complaints or claims, be made via the contact channels given in clauses 2 and 13 of these Conditions. Furthermore, we have official complaint forms available to consumers and users. These may be requested at info@parclick.com.

    Any complaints or claims must be made by the Client to our Customer Service Team within the 30 day time limit following confirmation of the reservation. These cases will be attended to as soon as possible and, in all cases, in the legal time period stated. Likewise, they will be registered with an identification key, of which PARCLICK will inform the Client, thereby allowing the Client to follow it up.

    In any case, PARCLICK is not responsible for any incident that may occur in relation to the provision of parking services or claims of theft, loss or damage to vehicles, luggage, personal belongings, etc. occuring within the car. These must be made directly to the car park as the Service Provider.


The User can find out more about how we process personal data on this website, via the link to the Privacy Policy.


In any case, PARCLICK is not responsible for any incident that may occur in relation to the provision of parking service or claims of theft, loss or damage to the vehicle and luggage, personal effects, etc. occurred within the parking space, which must be claimed directly from the car park as the Service Provider.

PARCLICK may use cookies to personalise and improve user experience on the website. For more information, the User should consult the Cookies Policy published on this website.


PARCLICK will pursue any non-compliance of these conditions, as well as any inappropriate use of its website, by any means of any civil or criminal proceedings to which it may have recourse by law.

If any part of this Legal Disclaimer were to be rendered void or unenforceable by the government or the Courts, this would not affect the rest of the contents of this Legal Disclaimer.

Failure by PARCLICK to exercise or enforce any right or provision in this Legal Disclaimer shall not constitute a waiver of the same, unless otherwise acknowledged and expressed in writing by PARCLICK.


The original version of these Terms and Conditions has been translated into other languages. The translated version is a courtesy and is a non-official translation. No rights can therefore be claimed from a translation. In case of dispute over the content or interpretation of the terms and conditions, as well as in the case of conflicts, contradictions or discrepancies between the Spanish version and the other versions in other languages, the Spanish version of these terms overrides these and is conclusive to the extent permitted by law. The Client or User may consult the Spanish version on our Platform (by selecting the language) or request in writing for PARCLICK to send it to them.


PARCLICK reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions and will inform Users of substantial changes made to them. Modifications will not be applied retroactively and, apart from in certain concrete cases, will be applicable 30 days after the date publication of the corresponding notification. If the User does not agree with the new modifications, we recommend that they do not use our Platform.


The use of our Platform and the contracts made via said Platform abide by Spanish law.

Any disagreement arising from or relating to the use of this Platform will be referred to the jurisdiction of the Spanish Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.

Settlement of Disputes Online: The European Commission provides an online platform for settling disputes, available at the following web address: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/, through which you can make a complaint about goods or services purchased online.


If you have any questions about the conditions set out in this Legal Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions of Service, or if you wish to make any suggestion or recommendation, please contact us at the following address: Parclick S.L., 11 Calle Fray Luis de León, first floor, PO 28012 - Madrid.

This Legal Disclaimer was revised and published on 21 August 2018.