FAQ: Q: Who made this icon?
A: :iconescanive: did.Q: Where can I find the actual deviation?
A: Here .Q: (insert apropriate comment here)
A: :iconorlyowlplz:---Tagged by :iconDageon22:- Post these rules.
- Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
- At the end you have to choose 8 people to tag, and post their icons on the same journal.
- Go to their page and send a message saying you tagged them.
- NO tag-backs!1. I live in a treetop, deep in the forest by a fjord in Norway.
2. I have a wife (:iconyareally:) and several children (:iconquiterlyowlplz: and :icono-oplz: are the only ones I care to list here)*.