CSS Tools
Open source
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
We develop tools to enable you to use the newest features of CSS without having to worry about the browsers you're supporting.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
GitHub Sponsors
$1,587.54 USD since Apr 2023
$761.97 USD since Aug 2023
Thanyanit Jongjitragan
$31 USD since Feb 2023
CSS Tools is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting CSS Tools.
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to CSS Tools •
Added funds #818659
Credit from THANKS.DEV to CSS Tools •
Contribution #815062
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to CSS Tools •
Added funds #809842
Today’s balance$2,086.21 USD
Total raised
$2,136.21 USD
Total disbursed
$50.00 USD
Estimated annual budget
$1,555.85 USD
We're building CSS Tools to enable you to use the newest features of CSS without having to worry about the browsers you're supporting.
We're doing that with PostCSS which allows us to create plugins that you can use to transform your CSS code so it's compatible with all browsers ✨.
We've created PostCSS Preset Env which packs all of these plugins together and lets you just configure and forget.
You can find the CSS features on cssdb.org which we keep up to date with the state they're in, the support they have, and some examples and links to get you used to that feature 🤓.
We're available through these channels:
And if you're curious to know what we're working on or how could you contribute, the projects are always a good first stop!